Selected Bibliography


Alford, Lori Arviso, and Elizabeth Cohen Van Pelt. The Scalpel and the Silver Bear: The First Navajo Woman Surgeon Combines Western Medicine and Traditional Healing. New York: Bantam, 1999.

Chevallier, Andrew. The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants: A Practical Reference Guide. London: Dorling Kindersley Ltd., 1996.

Corlett, William Thomas. The Medicine-Man of the American Indian and His Cultural Background. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, 1935.

Kavasch, E. Barrie, and Karen Baar. American Indian Healing Arts: Herbs, Rituals, and Remedies for Every Season of Life. New York: Bantam, 1999.

Lyon, William S. Encyclopedia of Native American Healing. New York: W W. Norton & Co., 1996.

Mehl-Madrona, Lewis. Coyote Medicine. New York: Scribner, 1997.

Newcomb, Franc Johnson. Hosteen Klah: Navaho Medicine Man and Sand Painter. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1964, 1980.

Thomas, Richard, with Peter Albright. The Complete Book of Natural Pain Relief: Safe and Effective Self Help for Everyday Aches and Pains. Buffalo, NY: Firefly Books, 1998.

Van Straten, Michael. The Family Book of Home Remedies: A Practical Guide. London: The Ivy Press, Ltd., 1998.


Dunmire, William W., and Gail D. Tierney Wild Plants of the Pueblo Province. Santa Fe: Museum of New Mexico Press, 1995.

Elliott, Doug. Wild Roots: A Forager's Guide to the Edible and Medicinal Roots, Tubers, Corms, and Rhizomes of North America. Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press, 1995.

Gilmore, Melvin R. Uses of Plants by the Indians of the Missouri River Region. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1991.

Green, James. The Male Herbal: Health Care for Men and Boys. Freedom, CA: The Crossing Press, 1991, 1997.

Hobbs, Christopher. Handmade Medicines: Simple Recipes for Herbal Health. Loveland, CO: Interweave Press, 1998.

Kavasch, E. Barrie. Native Harvests: American Indian Wild Foods and Recipes. Revised ed. Washington, CT Institute for American Indian Studies/Birdstone Books, 1998.

American Indian Earthsense: Herbaria of Ethnobotany and Eth-nomycology. Washington, CT: Institute for American Indian Studies/Birdstone Books, 1996.

Earthwise: American Indian Traditional Uses of Trees. Washington, CT: Institute for American Indian Studies/Birdstone Books, 2000.

Kindscher, Kelly. Medicinal Plants of the Prairie: An Ethnobotanical Guide. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Press, 1992.

Moore, Michael. Medicinal Plants of the Mountain West. Santa Fe: Museum of New Mexico Press, 1979.

Medicinal Plants of the Desert and Canyon West. Santa Fe: Museum of New Mexico Press, 1989.

Soule, Deb. The Roots of Healing: A Woman's Book of Herbs. New York: A Citadel Press Book/Carol Publishing Co., 1995.

Tilgner, Sharol. Herbal Medicine: From the Heart of the Earth. Creswell, OR: Wise Acres Publishing, 1999.


Art, Henry W The Wildflower Gardener's Guide. Pownal, VT: Garden Way/Storey Communications, 1987.

Druse, Ken. The Shade Garden. New York: Clarkson Potter, 1992.

Ellis, Barbara W., and Fern M. Bradley. The Organic Gardener's Handbook of Natural Insect and Disease Control. Emmaus, PA: Rodale Press, 1996.

Glattstein, Judy. Waterscaping: Plants and Ideas for Natural and Created Water Gardens. Pownal, VT: Storey Communications, 1994.

Jay, Roni. Gardens of the Spirit: Create Your Own Sacred Spaces. New York: Sterling Publishing Company, Inc./A Godsfield Book, 1999.

Mollison, Bill, and Remy Mia Slay. Introduction to Permaculture. Rev. ed. CA: Ten Speed Press, 1997.

Ondra, Nancy J., and Barbara Ellis, eds. Soil Composting: The Complete Guide to Building Healthy, Fertile Soil. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1998.

Smith, J. Robert, with Beatrice S. Smith. The Prairie Garden: 70 Native Plants You Can Grow in Town or Country. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1980.

Stevens, David, and Ursula Buchan. The Conran Octopus Garden Book. London: Colour Library Direct/Conran Octopus Limited, 1999.

Streep, Peg. Spiritual Gardening: Creating Sacred Space Outdoors. Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books, 1999.

Winger, David, ed. Xeriscape Color Guide: 100 Water-Wise Plants for Gardens and Landscapes. Golden, CO: Denver Water/Fulcrum Publishing, 1998.


Awiakta, Marilou. Selu: Seeking the Corn-Mother's Wisdom. Golden, CO: Fulcrum Publishing, 1993.

Bahti, Mark. Spirit in the Stone: A Handbook of Southwest Indian Animal Carvings. Tucson, AZ: Treasure Chest Books, 1999.

Black Elk, as told to John G. Neihardt. Black Elk Speaks: Being the Life Story of a Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1932, 1979.

Blackman, Margaret B. During My Time: Florence Edenshaw Davidson: A Haida Woman. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1982, 1990.

Connor, Sheila. New England Natives: A Celebration of People and Trees. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1994.

Devereux, Paul. Shamanism and the Mystery Lines: Ley Lines, Spirit Paths, Shape-shifting and Out-of-Body Travel. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1993.

Duncan, Barbara R., coll. and ed. Living Stories of the Cherokee. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1998.

Fawcett, Melissa Jayne. Medicine Trail: The Life and Lessons of Gladys Tantaquidgeon. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2000.

Grey Wolf, Amy Baggott, and Morningstar. Earth Signs: How to Connect with the Natural Spirits of the Earth. London: The Ivy Press, Ltd., 1998.

Mander, Jerry. In the Absence of the Sacred: The Failure of Technology and the Survival of the Indian Nations. San Francisco, CA: Sierra Club Books, 1992.

Meadows, Kenneth. Earth Medicine: Revealing Hidden Teachings of the Native American Medicine Wheel. Rockport, MA: Element, 1996.

Shamanic Experience: A Practical Guide to Contemporary Shamanism. Rockport, MA: Element, 1991.

The Medicine Way: A Shamanic Path to Self-Mastery. Rockport, MA: Element, 1990.

Miller, Jay. Mourning Dove: A Salishan Autobiography. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1990.

Milne, Courtney. Sacred Places: A Journey into the Medicine Wheel. New York: Stewart, Tabori & Chang, 1994.

Perkins, John. Shape Shifting: Shamanic Techniques for Global and Personal Transformation. Rochester, VT: Destiny Books, 1997.

Red Shirt, Delphine. Bead on an Anthill: A Lakota Childhood. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1998.

Rockefeller, Steven C, and John C. Elder, eds. Spirit and Nature: Why the Environment Is a Religious Issue. Boston: Beacon Press, 1992.

Spatz, Ronald, exec. ed. Alaska Native Writers, Storytellers and Orators: The Expanded Edition. Anchorage: University of Alaska, 1999.

Storm, Hyemeyohsts. Seven Arrows: The Story of the Shield and the Medicine Wheel. Cherokee, NC: Cherokee Publications, 1974.

Streep, Peg. Altars Made Easy: A Complete Guide to Creating Your Own Sacred Space. San Francisco: Harper San Francisco, 1997.

Summer Rain, Mary. Dreamwalker: The Path of Sacred Power. West Chester, PA: The Donning Co., 1988.

Sun Bear, Wabun Wind, and Crysalis Mulligan. Dancing with the Wheel: The Medicine Wheel Workbook. New York: A Fireside Book, 1991.

Villoldo, Alberto. Dancing the Four Winds: Secrets of the Inca Medicine Wheel. Rochester, VT: Destiny Books, 1990, 1995.

Wallis, Velma. Two Old Women: An Alaska Legend of Betrayal, Courage and Survival. Fairbanks, AK: Epicenter Press, 1993.

Wa'Na'Nee'Che (Dennis Renault) and Timothy Freke. Principles of Native American Spirituality. San Francisco, CA HarperCollins/Thorsons, 1996.

Wilson, Gilbert L. Buffalo Bird Woman's Garden. St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 1917, 1987.


Artress, Lauren. Walking a Sacred Path: Rediscovering the Labyrinth as a Spiritual Tool. New York: Riverhead Books, 1995.

Bataille, Gretchen, and Kathleen M. Sands. American Indian Women: Telling Their Lives. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1984.

Brown, Simon. Practical Feng Shui. London: Ward Lock, 1997.

Brumley John H. Medicine Wheels on the Northern Plains: A Summary and Appraisal. Medicine Hat, Alberta: Alberta Culture and Multicultur-alism, Historical Resources Division, 1988.

Cajete, Gregory, ed. A Peoples Ecology: Explorations in Sustainable Living. Santa Fe: Clear Light Publishers, 1999.

Campbell, Maria. Halfbreed. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1973.

Clottes, Jean, and David Lewis-Williams. The Shamans of Prehistory: Trance and Magic in the Painted Caves. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1998.

Coe, Ralph T. Sacred Circles: Two Thousand Years of North American Indian Art. London: Arts Council of Great Britain, 1976.

Crosby, Harry W The Cave Paintings of Baja California: Discovering the Great Murals of an Unknown People. San Diego, CA: Sunbelt Publications, 1997.

Eddy, John A. "Astronomical Alignment of the Big Horn Medicine Wheel," Science 184, 4141 (1974): 1035–43.

"Medicine Wheels and Plains Indian Astronomy." In A. F. Aveni, ed., Native American Astronomy, pp. 147—69. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1977.

Fagan, Brian. The Science of Sacred Sites: From Black Land to Fifth Sun. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley/Helix Books, 1998.

Feest, Christian F. Native Arts of North America. New York: Oxford University Press, 1980.

Giddings, Allie Hungerford. A History of Sherman: Records and Recollections. Sherman, CT: The Sherman Historical Society, 1973–77.

Grinnell, George B. "The Medicine Wheel," American Anthropologist 24, 3 (1922): 299–310.

Highwater, Jamake. Arts of the Indian Americas: North, Central, South: Leaves from the Sacred Tree. New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1983.

Martineau, LaVan. The Rocks Begin to Speak. Las Vegas, NV: KC Publications, 1972.

Mohen, Jean-Pierre. Megaliths: Stones of Memory. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc./Discoveries, 1999.

Perrone, Bobette, H. H. Stockel, and V. Krueger. Medicine Women, Cu-randeras, and Women Doctors. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1989.

Rossbach, Sarah, and Lin Yun. Living Color: Master Lin Yun's Guide to Feng Shui and the Art of Color. New York: Kodansha America, Inc., 1994.

Thomas, David Hurst. Exploring Ancient Native America: An Archaeological Guide. New York: Routledge, 1999.

Wright, R. Gerald. National Parks amd Protected Areas: Their Role in Environmental Protection. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Science, 1996.