Grateful acknowledgement is due to the editors and publishers of the following, in which some of these poems were published first: 100 Island Poems (Iron Press), Coastline Narratives: Donald Teskey (Art First, London), The Clifden Anthology, The Dublin Review, Forgotten Light (A & A Farmar), The Irish Reader: Essays for John Devitt (Otior Press); Irish Stories of Loss and Hope (Irish Hospice Foundation), The Irish Times, Journal of Irish Studies (Tokyo), The Meath Chronicle, Metre, Poetry International, Poetry Ireland Review, An Sionnach, Sunday Miscellany (RTE Radio) and TriQuarterly.

‘A Will’ was published as a broadside by The Deerfield Press, Massachusetts; ‘Depending on Water’ by the Robert W Woodruff Library of Emory University. ‘A Flowering’ was published by The Warwick Press, Easthampton, Massachusetts. Other selections have appeared in limited editions from The Warwick Press (Morning Glory, 2006), Press on Scroll Road, Carrollton, Ohio (Airs and Angels, with a Foreword by Wendell Berry, 2007) and Ballynahinch Castle, Connemara, in association with Occasional Press, (Ballynahinch Postcards, 2007). Special thanks are due to Carol J Blinn, Bob Baris and Des Lally, and — for the door he keeps open at Ballynahinch — Ed Downe.