The next morning I returned to the same spot. I didn’t tell myself I was going to do it. I just walked there. It was still cloudy; the sun had risen, but I couldn’t really see it. It was like the day had no hours. I only knew it was morning because I was so tired.

I hadn’t really slept. I never really sleep anymore.

I didn’t expect there to be anything to find, so I was surprised when I saw the second envelope.

It wasn’t in the same spot as the first one. This time it was in the exact center of the four bare trees. Like someone had drawn an X between them, and the envelope marked the crossing point. The crosshairs.

The ground was still wet, and as I walked over it, my boots sank a little. Even though it was so close to school, nobody was around. It was too early for them. Everyone else was asleep. I was the morning watchman.

Only what could be safe with me? What could I protect? I hadn’t been able to stop harm. I’d harmed.

I picked up the envelope and looked at it. Still no address, no clue. Sealed blankness.

I wanted more of your handwriting. After you were gone, I realized how little of it I had.

I ripped open the envelope and shook the photo out into my hand.

This time, it was a much bigger surprise.

It was a picture of me.

I was the photo.