•Preheat oven to 350° F
•Baking is my favorite form of cooking. It’s super tricky, however; one extra ounce of flour can throw the entire recipe off. I prefer my baking recipes to be in grams, but since you are doing this at home, I’m giving you the U.S. measurements, but just make sure to be precise with them.
•Also, be sure to follow each step of the recipe in order.
•Make a “flax egg” by whisking the water and the flax meal together in a bowl just big enough to hold the flax egg, and set aside.
•In another small bowl, combine the milk and the lemon juice. Any time you add a vinegar or a citrus to a nut milk it curdles the milk, so this is what we are doing here. Set it aside.
•In another medium bowl, mix all dry ingredients, and add the lemon zest.
•In a medium bowl, add the liquid coconut oil, room temperature apple sauce (since if the apple sauce is cold it will freeze the oil), and maple syrup. Then add the flax egg and whisk a few times.
•Then add the milk, and finally add the dry ingredients to the liquid ingredients bowl.
•With an electric mixer, mix the batter for 3 to 4 minutes at high speed.
•Then divide the batter into six medium size muffin molds. Grease the muffin pan and pour in the batter.
•Bake for 20 minutes.
•Let the muffins cool before removing them from the molds.