General Bibliography


BRANDON, S. G. F., A Dictionary of Comparative Religion, London, Weidenfeld/New York, Scribner, 1970

BROWN, A. (ed.), Festivals in World Religions, ed. on behalf of the Shap Working Party on World Religions in Education, London/New York, Longman, 1986

ELIADE, M., The Encyclopedia of Religions, 16 vols, London, Collier Macmillan/New York, Macmillan, 1987

ELIADE, M., From Primitives to Zen: A Thematic Sourcebook of the History of Religions, London, Collins/New York, Harper & Row, 1967; new edn London, Fount Books, 1978

ELIADE, M., Patterns in Comparative Religion (tr. Rosemary Sheed), London/New York, Sheed & Ward, 1958; new edn 1979

ELIADE, M., The Sacred and the Profane: The Nature of Religion (tr. W. R. Trask), New York, Harcourt Brace, 1959, repr. 1968; New York, Harper, 1961

EVANS-PRITCHARD, SIR EDWARDE E., Theories of Primitive Religion, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1965; London, Oxford University Press, 1967

FOY, W. (ed.), Man’s Religious Quest, London, Croom Helm/New York, St Martin’s, 1978

GENNEP, A. VAN, The Rites of Passage (tr. M. B. Vizedom and G. L. Caffee), London, Routledge, 1960, new edn 1977; Chicago, Chicago University Press, 1960, 1961

HASTINGS, J., Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, 13 vols, Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, 1908–26; repr. 12 vols, New York, Scribner, 1961

HINNELLS, J. R. (ed.), A New Dictionary of Religions, Oxford/London, Blackwell/Penguin, 1995

HINNELLS, J. R. (ed.), Who’s Who of World Religions, London, Macmillan, 1991; Penguin, 1996

LEEUW, G. VAN DER, Religion in Essence and Manifestation: A Study in Phenomenology (tr. J. E. Turner), London, Allen & Unwin, 1938; first publ. in German as Phänomenologie der Religion, 1933

LING, T., A History of Religion East and West, London, Macmillan/New York, St Martin’s, 1968; New York, Harper Colophon, 1970

MOORE, A. C., Iconography of Religions: An Introduction, London, SCM/Philadelphia, Fortress, 1977

NOSS, J. B., Man’s Religions, 6th edn, New York, Macmillan, 1980

PARRINDER, E. G., A Dictionary of Non-Christian Religions, Amersham, Hulton Educational, 1971; Philadelphia, Westminster, 1973

PARRINDER, E. G., Man and His Gods, Feltham, Hamlyn, 1971; repr. 1973

PYE, E. M., (ed.), Macmillan Dictionary of Religions, London, Macmillan, 1993

ROBERTSON, R., Sociology of Religion: Selected Readings, Harmondsworth/Baltimore, Penguin, 1969

SHARPE, E. J., Comparative Religion: A History, London, Duckworth, 1975, new edn 1976; New York, Scribner, 1976

SKORUPSKI, J., Symbol and Theory: A Philosophical Study of Theories of Religion in Social Anthropology, Cambridge/New York, Cambridge University Press, 1976

SMART, N., The Phenomenon of Religion, London, Macmillan/New York, Herder, 1973; 2nd rev. edn Oxford, Mowbray, 1978

SMART, N., The Religious Experience of Mankind, New York, Scribner, 1969; London, Fontana, 1971; repr. Fount, 1977

SMART, N. (ed.), The World’s Religions, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1989, 1992

SMITH, HUSTAN, The Religions of Man, New York, Harper & Row, 1965 (© 1958)

SMITH, W. CANTWELL, Belief and History, Charlottesville, University Press of Virginia, 1977

SMITH, W. CANTWELL, The Faith of Other Men, New York, Harper & Row, 1972

SMITH, W. CANTWELL, The Meaning and End of Religion: A New Approach to the Religious Traditions of Mankind, New York, Macmillan, 1963; New York, New American Library (Mentor), 1964; London/New York, SPCK, 1978; New York, Harper & Row, 1978

STRENG, F. et al., Ways of Being Religious: Readings for a New Approach to Religion, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, 1973

SUTHERLAND, S. (ed.), The World’s Religions, London, Routledge, 1988

WAARDENBURG, J. J., Classical Approaches to the Study of Religion: Aims, Methods and Theories of Research, 2 vols, The Hague/Paris/Hawthorne, NY, Mouton, 1973–4

WERBLOWSKY, R. J. Z., Beyond Tradition and Modernity: Changing Religions in a Changing World, London, Athlone, 1976; distr. in US and Canada: Atlantic Highlands, NJ, Humanities Press

WHALING, F. (ed.), Religion in Today’s World, Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, 1987

ZAEHNER, R. C. (ed.), A Concise Encyclopedia of Living Faiths, New York, Hawthorn Books, 1959; 3rd edn London, Hutchinson/Boston, Beacon Press, 1977; 4th rev. edn publ. as Encyclopedia of Living Faiths, London, Hutchinson, 1988

The following three series of books have been published on religion around the world with wide-ranging coverage. The first two are designed to provide reliable and authoritative introductions to the various religions; the third consists of compendia of new translations of important texts from the different religions.

HINNELLS, J. R., and SMART, N. (eds), The Library of Religious Beliefs and Practices, London/Boston, Routledge

STRENG, F. (ed.), The Religious Life of Man, Encino, CA, Dickenson

HINNELLS, J. R., and DONIGER, W., (eds), Textual Sources for the Study of Religion, Chicago, Chicago University Press