First, I need to thank my fabulous agent, Brittany Booker. You loved this book just as much as I did and worked so hard to find it a home. And not just any home, my dream home. Thank you for believing in it, and me.
A huge thank you to my editor, Abby Zidle. As soon as my agent told me you requested a full, I looked you up, and I just knew. I knew you’d love my crazy book. Thank you for giving this story a home. And thanks to Marla Daniels, too. You’ve been so great, especially when answering my stupid questions.
Next I need to thank the ladies of WNYRW, the Buffalo chapter of RWA. Your support the last three years has helped me get to where I am, and I will forever be thankful. I can only hope I do as good a job supporting all of you.
To Heather Thurmeier and Mindy Ostrander, my beta readers on this project: Thank you for reading my wacky story and giving much-needed feedback. It was so hard to send this one out into the world and I appreciate that you didn’t think I was nuts.
And lastly, to my dedicated fans, aka the best girlfriends I could ever ask for: You’ve been there to celebrate every step with me. Thank you for being as excited about this book coming out as I am.