

Résumé, cover letter, and shopping bag of makeup in hand, I took the handwritten note from Nancy and walked across the park and down the twenty blocks I had walked up an hour earlier, past my apartment building, past David’s Tea, and to the eighth-floor corporate offices of Nancy Stone Cosmetics. When the fast pounding in my chest slowed to a normal heartbeat, I proceeded to the reception area.

A tall, statuesque girl who looked about my age and was dressed for the runway came down the hallway and greeted me formally. There was definitely a different tone to “corporate” from what I’d experienced at the studio. Austere and devoid of color, the lobby held a seriousness I hadn’t expected—probably due to my lack of office experience.

“I’ll take your résumé and pass it on to Keira Brendan, our VP of sales,” the tall girl said, clearly already aware of why I was there.

“Thank you so much,” I told her, “but I would really like to introduce myself to her if at all possible.” Was I really being so aggressive? “I can wait, if necessary.”

“Let me see if she’s available,” said the beanstalk, as she turned away from me with a smile on her face masking some sort of feeling that I assumed would be discussed with Keira in about three minutes.

The five-minute wait in the office lobby felt like a good twenty, measured by the loud ticking of the clock by the elevators. But I wasn’t shaky or cold, as I would have been in an audition. I had unearthed confidence I had never felt before. Play this new role, Alison, I thought. You can be this girl.

When Keira Brendan came out to meet me, I figured there must be a height requirement for the corporate office. At five foot two, I felt dwarfed next to Keira, who was pushing six feet. Her hair was styled after Kris Kardashian’s pixie, and her heels were just as tall as mine. She was both gorgeous and professionally presented—I wanted to look like her in five years.

“Hi, I’m Keira Brendan. I guess we’re having an impromptu interview. Follow me back to our office and we can talk.”

I had never seen an office like this in my life. The actual room was a box with no windows on a floor rented with many other companies. Once inside the box, however, I saw what I hoped would be my future: three desks, four file cabinets, and a full makeup counter. I wanted nothing more at that moment than to sit next to a console of makeup. I had to make it happen.

We talked for about fifteen minutes at Keira’s desk (one of the three in the box) before she said, “Look, I’m impressed by you. And I think you would do extremely well in this industry and at our company.”

Before I could get out a thank-you, she continued. “I don’t have any open positions right now that aren’t senior-level management. But I would like us to stay in touch and I will certainly keep you in mind if a position that you’re right for opens up.”

“Thank you so much, Keira. I would love that.”


“Madison, I know that something is going to come of this, I just know it!” I squealed into the phone once I was outside the building. “All the women seemed so great. I wish you could have seen their studio and the office with the makeup counter in it.”

My heart raced as I spoke, my mouth trying hard to keep pace with my racing brain.

“I’ve wanted a real job for a while, but today was the first time I really wanted to be at a specific company. I wasn’t talking with these people and thinking about my past. It didn’t feel like I would be settling for something random just because it would be a steady job. And you know how badly I need a job. This one felt different. I have to go home and write my thank-you notes.”

“Slow down, crazy lady,” Madison, ever the realist, interrupted. “It sounds super positive, but they told you there were no positions available. I just don’t want you to get your hopes up if nothing comes out of this.”

But I could hear something else in her tone as she cautioned me. It was excitement. We both knew.

Exactly one week and one day later, I woke up at 10 a.m.—one of the benefits of working the odd-jobs life—to a voice mail: “Hi Alison, it’s Keira Brendan from Nancy Stone Cosmetics. How are you? Listen, I got your lovely and thoughtful thank-you note—great stationery, by the way—and funnily enough, a position opened up yesterday that we thought you would be interested in. Before we make this position public, we would like to know if you could come over to our corporate office today to meet with Nancy and our team. Give me a ring. Thanks.”

I called her back and we set the meeting for 2 p.m. Perfect. Enough time for me to get showered, dressed, made up, and over to Sephora to play with some of the Nancy Stone products. I figured I’d better learn a bit about them before my meeting.

At two, I was ushered into a small conference room, where Nancy was waiting for me. With no makeup counter in sight and only a conference table and chairs separating me from a potential job, Nancy dove right in.

“Who knew that your timing would be so on point, Alison?” She paused. “My executive assistant gave her notice yesterday and we all immediately thought of you as a replacement.”

I nodded, acknowledging my presence in the conversation. “It often comes down to timing, doesn’t it?”

“Well, yes,” she said. “And while I’ve never hired anyone without prior cosmetics experience before, there’s just something about you that intrigues me. If you want to learn, work hard, and invest yourself, there could be significant growth for you here.”

I was so excited that I barely heard the actual description of what the job entailed: something about QVC, scheduling, television appearances, phones, and travel. At that moment my pursuits seemed limitless.

“Well, we’d love to have you as our new ‘it’ girl, because that’s what my assistant was—an ‘it’ girl. So if you’ll have us, I’ll have you sign some papers and we can make this happen.”

She must have seen the smile on my face and the sparkle in my eyes, because before I could utter the words “I do!” Nancy was standing up and reaching to shake my hand.


One Greek salad, one feta cheese egg-white omelet, and one hamburger later (not all eaten by me!), Jill, Bradley (the third of our Northwestern-to-NYC trifecta), and I excitedly discussed my soon-to-be new life at our local twenty-four-hour diner—so local, in fact, that it was located across the street from the apartment that Jill and I shared.

Midtown Restaurant was the scene for celebrations, first dates that we knew weren’t going anywhere, teary breakup dissections, and that oh-so-nice basket of french fries after a long night out. It only felt right to be planning the future from “our” booth.

“I know this is probably jumping the gun,” Jill said, her mouth full of omelet, “but I’m calling dibs on the makeup that you bring home. I know you’ll want to give some of it to your mom, but your roommate has to get some love, too.”

“Oh man,” Bradley interrupted before I could reply. “The makeup talk I’m going to have to endure is already killing me. I have enough of it with Andrea.” He rolled his eyes. “Is this like if I were to get a job with the Rangers and you guys were fighting for free hockey tickets?”

“Yes, just like that, Brad.”

“So you’re really going to make the switch and just go for it?” Bradley asked.

“Yes, I’m ready. I’m going to dive in one hundred percent. I’ve always had the cosmetics bug, and it’s time to see it through. And health insurance is part of the deal, which is a nice first for me.” I will not bungle this opportunity.

These two were my buddies, my support staff, and my family. With them by my side and Madison supporting me from afar, I was ready to start a new adventure.