Works by the Inklings are indexed under title.
Abbreviations: CSL (C. S. Lewis), CT (Christopher Tolkien), CW (Charles Williams), JRRT (J. R. R. Tolkien), LOTR (The Lord of the Rings, by JRRT), OB (Owen Barfield), WHL (Warren Lewis)
“Abecedarium Philosophicum” (OB and CSL), 108
acknowledgments in books, 99–100. See also dedications of books
allegory: CSL writes and JRRT dislikes, 63, 65–67
Allegory of Love, The (CSL), 21, 47, 73
Allen & Unwin (publisher), 36–37
All Hallows’ Eve (CW), 29, 58–59, 100
Anthroposophy: OB’s philosophy, 15, 129
appreciation, lack of. See criticism and conflict
Arthurian Torso (CW and CSL), 113–14
Baker, Leo, 105–6
bandersnatch, x; Team, xiii; JRRT as, 38, 74, 151–52. See also this book’s illustrations (look carefully!)
Barfield, Maud (wife of OB), 94
Barfield, Owen: acknowledgments by and to Inklings, 99; at Addison’s Walk, Magdalen College, illustrated, 52; anthroposophist, 15, 129; attends Inklings, 54; brings guest to Inklings, 20; dislikes LOTR, 68; in Essays Presented to Charles Williams, 95–96, 113; JRRT clerihew on, 129; reads to Inklings, 24; Tolkien children read OB’s Silver Trumpet, 46; WHL criticizes, 61
— and C. S. Lewis. See under Lewis, C. S. (Jack)
Becker, Howard S., 145
Bennett, J. A. W., 99, 103; at the Inklings (as “B”), 20
Beowulf: JRRT imitates, 27; JRRT translates, 73–74
Bible: Inklings discuss, 54–55
Bird and Baby (pub). See Eagle and Child (pub)
borrowing, 66, 105, 153–54. See also influence
Boxen stories (CSL and WHL), 104–5, 131–32
Bratman, David, 69
Bratt, Edith. See Tolkien, Edith (wife of JRRT)
Burke, Kenneth, 153–54
Carpenter, Humphrey: coeditor with CT, 118; on CSL and JRRT, 38, 66; on CT, 116; on CW, 21, 136; on the Inklings, 26, 120; on JRRT, 27, 134; on OB, 129
Cater, William, 116–17
Chambers, E. K., 120
characters, fictional: identification with and writing as, 131–40
Christian Behaviour (CSL), 63
Christianity: CSL’s conversion, 14–17; Inklings as Christians, 15, 22
Christian Reflections (CSL), 62
Christopher, Joe R., 65–66, 69, 105
Chronicles of Narnia (CSL): allegory in, 65–67; JRRT and, 64–67, 165; The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, 65–66, 94, 132–33; The Magician’s Nephew, 90–91; Prince Caspian, 19; R. E. Havard encourages, 19; The Silver Chair, 93; writing of, 90
chronological snobbery, 110
clubs, literary, at Oxford, 12, 18, 25, 167. See also Inklings
Coalbiters (club), 12
coercion. See pressure and coercion
Coghill, Nevill: acknowledgments by and to Inklings, 99; collaborates with CT on Chaucer editions, 103; at Inklings, 24, 26; on JRRT, 143–44; personality, 15; shares CW’s Place of the Lion with CSL, 46; shares work with CSL, 34; writes Chaucerian pastiche on CSL, 126, 181–82
collective action, 119–23, 162
collaboration, literary: failed Inklings collaborations, 111–12; by the Inklings, 103–23; other examples of, 27, 156; other examples in music and film, 155–56
collaborative circles: bibliography, 168; fictional examples, 163–64; formation, 161–62, 167–68; frequency of meeting, 163; nature of, 159; need for, 145; non-Inklings examples, 148–49; purpose, 162; in varied settings, 123, 166–67; widening of, 152–54, 166–68. See also creativity in community; dyads; friendship; Inklings; writing groups
conflict. See criticism and conflict
conversation, 153–54, 163–64; “hobbit talk,” 5–7, 76–79; at Inklings meetings, 25–26, 53–54
creative breakthrough, 5–8, 9, 108, 148–49, 152–54, 156–59
creativity in community, 147–48; advice from others, 152–54; the company we keep, xv, 151; continuity of, 152–54; individual talent enhanced by, 149–51; unity through diversity, 163–64. See also collaborative circles; writing groups
Cretaceous Perambulator, A (OB, CSL, Harwood), 108–10
Cretaceous Perambulators (walking group), 105–7
criticism and conflict: in fiction, 164; among Inklings, 33, 61–64, 163–64; at Inklings meetings, 24–25, 53–56, 69–71, 165; lack of appreciation, 64–68; literary criticism as praise, 31–38
Day-Lewis, Cecil, 120
dedications of books, 19, 57, 63, 98, 113, 129. See also acknowledgments in books
dons. See Oxford, University of
Dorsett, Lyle W., 63
Dundas-Grant, James, 26, 142; encourages CSL to write Letters to Malcolm, 41
dyads, 27, 161–62, 169; CSL and JRRT, 12–14; CSL and OB, 56–57
Dyson, Hugo (H. V. D.): acknowledgments by Inklings, 99; CSL reads proofs, 73; and CSL’s conversion, 16–17, 129; on CW, 55; disrupts Inklings over LOTR, 69–70, 165; at Eagle and Child, 26; illustrated, 10; as Lowdham in JRRT’s Notion Club Papers, 138; personality, 69
Eagle and Child (pub): 25–26, 163; Dyson at, illustrated, 10
Edison, Thomas, 148–49
editing: concept, 73–74; Inklings editorial feedback, 73–98, 99–101; need for feedback, 166; soliciting suggestions, 40–41, 83, 86–89, 112
Edmonds, E. L., 12
encouragement, 24–25, 30–43, 166; butter bath (indiscriminate praise), 55; Inklings praise each other’s work, 21, 31–36; spinning off projects, 164–65. See also resonators
English Literature in the Sixteenth Century, Excluding Drama (CSL), 30, 35
Essays Presented to Charles Williams (ed. CSL), 113; CSL’s preface, 95–96
examinations, mock, 108–10
“Fall of Númenor, The” (JRRT), 39 feedback. See editing
Fellowship of the Ring, The (JRRT). See Lord of the Rings, The (JRRT)
Field, W. O., 105–6
“Figure of Arthur, The” (CW), 82–83, 114
Four Loves, The (CSL), 121–22
Fox, Adam, 24, 142; election as Professor of Poetry, 119–20
friendship: basis for Inklings, 25, 108; for collaborative work, 121–22, 163–64; CSL and JRRT, 11–12, 38; CSL and CW, 22, 114; CW as a friend, 21; rational opposition as, 53–57
Gardner, Helen, 45
Gere, Anne Ruggles, 74
Gibb, Jocelyn, 91–92
Glyer, Diana Pavlac, 3–5, 8–9, 154, 159; The Company They Keep, viii, 8–9, 168
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 152–53
Graham, David, 65
Great Divorce, The (CSL), 63
Green, June, 107
Green, Roger Lancelyn: collaborates with CSL on poem in Greece, 107; and Narnia, 65, 90–91, 93
Greeves, Arthur, 91
Gresham, Douglas, 93
Hadfield, Alice Mary, 35–36
Hardie, Colin: acknowledgments by Inklings, 99; reads paper on Virgil to Inklings, 24, 61
Harwood, Cecil (A. C.): anthroposophist, 15; collaborator with OB and CSL, 108–10; on CSL, 92; reads CW’s Place of the Lion, 46; walking tours with CSL, 105–6
Havard, Robert E. “Humphrey”: as character in CSL’s Perelandra, 137; on CSL, 92, 143; on CW, 55; describes Inklings, 24, 26; as Dolbear in JRRT’s Notion Club Papers, 138; joins and attends Inklings, 19, 53, 54; JRRT clerihew on, 129; writes appendix to CSL’s Problem of Pain, 112
He Came Down from Heaven (CW), 32, 54
History of Middle-earth, The (JRRT, ed. CT), 118
Hobbit, The (JRRT): as children’s book, 77; CSL reviews, 47–48; CT reads and collaborates on, 49–50, 115; published, 4; writing process, 36–37
House of the Octopus, The (CW), 140, 182
imitation: examples of pastiche, 27, 47, 126
influence: demonstrating, 3–9; more than similarity, 151–52, 164; nature of its web, 147–48; vital to creativity, 156. See also borrowing; encouragement
Inklings: appreciated by members, 26–27; as Christians, 15, 22; collective action by, 119–22; combative conversational language, 53–56; CSL dedicates book to, 113; CSL’s Out of the Silent Planet approved by, 35; Dyson disrupts meetings, 69; history, background to, 11–18, 83–84; history, end of group, 69–70; history of group, 18–26; history, origin, 18; invitations and guests, 19–20, 22; JRRT’s Notion Club Papers idealizes, 138–40; JRRT writes verse on, 27, 128–29; list of members, 19; list of works read at, 24; meet in Liverpool, 163; meeting illustrated, 146; meetings recounted, 19–20, 54–55, 68–69; mutual influence, 4, 151–52; name, 18; other group activities by members, 25, 167; as Oxford literary club, 25; pub meetings at Eagle and Child, 25–26, 163; pub meetings at the Eastgate, 18; readings at, 24, 38, 53, 61, 69, 112, 115–16; ritual of meetings, 23–24, 162; as writers’ group, 18–19, 74
Jones, Gwyn, 20
Kay, Guy Gavriel, 117
Kilby, Clyde S., 79
Kilns, the (home of CSL and WHL): life at, 45; WHL at, illustrated, 102
Kirkpatrick, William T., 17, 54
Knight, Gareth, 44
Kolbítar (club), 12
Komisar, Randy, 150
Lay of Leithian, The (JRRT): CSL reads and comments, 13, 83–87; JRRT revises, 85–87
“Leaf by Niggle” (JRRT): JRRT as Niggle in, 133–34
Lee, Michael, 156
LeFevre, Karen Burke, 151, 156
Letters to an American Lady (CSL), 35
Letters to Malcolm (CSL), 41, 63
Lewis, C. S. (Jack): acknowledgments by and to Inklings, 99–100; allegory, writer of, 65–67; bad speller, 48, 66, 176; contributes to Bennett collection, 103; at Cambridge, 121; as a character in his own work, 132–33, 135–36; as Christian apologist, 63–64, 112–13; apologetics criticized, 120; in Coghill’s Chaucerian pastiche, 126, 181–82; collaborator, 104–12, 131–32; debating style, 53–54; dedications, 19, 63, 98, 113; difficulty of his early style, 44; discouragement and despair, 29–30; Dundas-Grant encourages CSL to write Letters to Malcolm, 41; edits Essays Presented to Charles Williams, 113; in Greece, 107; his influences and response to criticism, 38–39, 43, 94–98; on influence, 154; at Inklings, 23–24, 53; Inklings fictionalized in Ransom trilogy, 135–37; Inklings as his friends, 27; at Inklings pub meetings, 120–21; invites Havard to Inklings, 19; literary style, 61–64, 96–97; at Magdalen College, illustrated, 2; mythology, love and use of, 12, 65–66; as Oxford don, 11–12, 45–46, 120–22; personality, 142–43; as poet, 13–14; poetic meters, writes to illustrate, 125–26; on praise, 31; proofreader, 73; religious views and conversion, 14–17; shares work with Coghill, 34, 46; on unity through diversity, 163–64; walking tours, 105–7; writing process, 89–98
—and Owen Barfield: collaborations and exchanges, 105–8; conversation and criticism, 53, 56–57; CSL inspires OB’s Orpheus, 40–41; CSL in OB’s poetry, 126–27; CSL reads and comments on OB’s work, 34, 57, 62; and CSL’s conversion, 15–16; dedications, 57, 126; Great War, 56–57; OB as characters in CSL’s work, 136–37; OB on CSL’s poetry, 14; OB reads and comments on CSL’s work, 61–62, 73, 92, 94, 141–42; OB thinks of CSL’s response to his work, 43; OB writes on CSL, 141–42; work composed for walking tours, 108–10
—and Warren Lewis: childhood collaborations, 104–5, 131–32; closeness as brothers and at Inklings, 17–18; CSL dedicates Out of the Silent Planet to WHL, 98; WHL corrects CSL’s texts, 73; WHL finds CSL’s nonfiction difficult, 62–63
—and J. R. R. Tolkien: collaboration, 111; CSL borrows names from JRRT’s work, 66; CSL as characters in JRRT’s fiction, 133, 138, 140; CSL dedicates Screwtape Letters to JRRT, 63; CSL encourages LOTR, 30–31, 36–38; CSL dislikes “hobbit talk” and redirects LOTR, 5, 7–8, 76–79; CSL on JRRT as uninfluenced bandersnatch, 38, 74, 151–52; CSL lends JRRT OB’s Silver Trumpet, 46; CSL reads and comments on JRRT’s work, 13, 73–74, 83–89; CSL reviews and recommends JRRT’s work, 47–49; and CSL’s academic career, 121; and CSL’s conversion, 16–17, 129–30; friendship, 3, 11–14, 38; JRRT addresses poetry to CSL, 128, 129–30; JRRT in a CSL poem, 125–26; JRRT on CSL’s work, 63–67, 165; JRRT observes CSL and OB dispute, 56; JRRT praises CSL’s work, 35; JRRT as Ransom, 97, 135; JRRT reads and comments on CSL’s Out of the Silent Planet, 96–98; meet and share work, 13–14, 18, 162; wager to write space and time fiction, 39–40, 98; writing processes compared, 89–90
—and Charles Williams: collaborations, 111–12; CSL criticizes and mock-attacks CW, 54–55; CSL on CW’s personality, 22–23; CSL invites CW to Inklings, 21; CSL memorializes CW, 95–96, 141; CSL praises and promotes CW, 21–22, 32–33, 47; CSL reads and comments on CW’s work, 82–83; CSL reviews CW’s Taliessin through Logres, 49; CW as CSL’s editor and publisher, 20–21, 73; CW influences CSL’s work, 39, 46; CW as Ransom, 136; CW reviews CSL’s work, 47; CW works in CSL’s rooms, 45; posthumous collaboration on Arthurian Torso, 113–14
Lewis, Warren (Warnie): acknowledgments to Inklings, 99; compiles family papers, 17–18, 41–42; contributes to Essays Presented to Charles Williams, 95–96, 113; finds OB difficult to read, 61; historian, 42–43, 46; historical work praised by JRRT, 35, 42; on Inklings invitations and guests, 19–20; at Inklings pub meetings, 18, 25–26; on the Kilns, 45; at the Kilns, illustrated, 102; personality and background, 17–18; praises LOTR, 31–32; on readings at Inklings, 24, 53, 116; reads at Inklings, 24, 42; reports Inklings meetings, 61, 163; on talk at Inklings, 26; writes to CW, 33
—and C. S. Lewis. See under Lewis, C. S. (Jack)
Lewis Papers, The (ed. WHL), 41–42
Lindsay, David, 39
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The (CSL): CSL as Prof. Kirke in, 132–33; editing of wardrobe passage, 94; JRRT dislikes, 65–66
Long, Josh B., 66–67
Lord of the Rings, The (JRRT): Coghill discusses, 143–44; collaboration and community depicted and illustrated in, 158–60, 163–64; compared with The Silmarillion, 44; CSL criticizes and edits, 5, 7–8, 76–79, 87–89; CSL reads and encourages, 30–31, 37–38; CSL reviews, 48–49; CSL as Treebeard in, 133; CT criticizes and reads aloud, 81–82, 115–16; CW reads and comments, 80–81; Epilogue, abandoned, 59–61; greater scope than The Hobbit, 76–80; Saruman passage, 87–89; and wager with CSL to write space and time fiction, 39–40; WHL praises, 31–32; writing and revision, 59–61, 75–82 (see also subentry for CSL criticizes and edits, above)
“Lost Road, The” (JRRT), 39
Magdalen College (Oxford): CSL at, illustrated, 2; CSL’s conversion conversation at Addison’s Walk, 16–17; CSL’s rooms described, 23, 45–46; CW works at, 45; Inklings read works at, 14, 82; OB at Addison’s Walk, illustrated, 52; WHL works at, 18, 41–42, 45
Magician’s Nephew, The (CSL), 90–91
Mathew, Gervase, 95–96, 99, 113, 114, 142; JRRT (or CSL) clerihew on, 128–29
memoirs and obituaries, 141–44
Mere Christianity (CSL): broadcast talks, 64, 95; Christian Behavior, 63; revised for publication, 91
Michelangelo, 148
Morris, Clifford, 92–93
mythology, JRRT’s created. See Silmarillion, The (JRRT, ed. CT)
“Mythopoeia” (JRRT), 129–30
Noises That Weren’t There, The (CW), 57–58
Notion Club Papers, The (JRRT), 18–19, 137–40
obituaries. See memoirs and obituaries
opposition, rational. See creativity in community; criticism and conflict; friendship
Orpheus (OB), 40–41
Out of the Silent Planet (CSL): CSL and JRRT as Ransom in, 97–98, 135–36; JRRT reads and comments on, 35, 96–98; and wager with JRRT to write space and time fiction, 39. See also Ransom trilogy (CSL)
Oxford, University of: dons criticize CSL, 64, 120–21; English curriculum debate, 11–12; illustrated, 28; literary clubs, 18, 25; Professorship of Poetry, 119–21. See also Magdalen College (Oxford)
Oxford University Press: CW as editor, 20–21, 22, 73
Pasley, R. M. S., 105
Penelope, Sister, 90–91
Perelandra (CSL): literary style in, 61–62; writing process, 29–30, 91. See also Ransom trilogy (CSL)
philosophy: OB and CSL discuss, 56–57, 127; they satirize, 108–10
Pilgrim’s Regress, The (CSL), 44, 90–91; CSL as John in, 132
Pitter, Ruth, 92
Place of the Lion, The (CW), 21, 46
Plimmer, Charlotte and Denis, 88–89
Poetic Diction (OB), 57
praise. See encouragement
pressure and coercion, 36–38, 166
Prince Caspian (CSL), 19
Problem of Pain, The (CSL), 47, 62; Havard’s contributions, 19, 112–13
Ransom trilogy (CSL): borrows names from JRRT’s work, 66; Inklings as characters in, 135–37; JRRT on, 35, 97; and wager with JRRT to write space and time fiction, 39. See also individual books
readers. See resonators
resonators, 30–31, 51; Dyson as anti-resonator, 69–70, 165; examples, 31–50. See also encouragement
Return of the King, The (JRRT). See Lord of the Rings, The (JRRT)
revision: concept, 74; examples, 37–39, 74–98, 139
Rogers, Mary, 63–64
Saving the Appearances (OB), 34
Sayers, Dorothy L., 113, 141, 153
Screwtape Letters, The (CSL): attention to detail in writing (“Drat that Omnibus!”), 91–92; CW reviews, 47; dedicated to JRRT, 63; JRRT and Oxford criticize, 64; read to Inklings, 24, 53
Shakespeare, William, 144, 148
Shenk, Joshua Wolf, 148, 154, 169
Silmarillion, The (JRRT, ed. CT): CT as editor, 116–17; JRRT and Edith Tolkien as Beren and Lúthien, 133; literary style, 44
Silver Chair, The (CSL), 93
Silver Trumpet, The (OB), 46
similarity: not the same as influence, 151–52, 164
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl, and Sir Orfeo (trans. JRRT), 118
Splendid Century, The (WHL), 24
Starr, Nathan, 26
Studies in Words (CSL), 63
Sunset of the Splendid Century, The (WHL), 42
Taliessin through Logres (CW), 49, 55, 164
That Hideous Strength (CSL): CSL as Mr. Bultitude in, 133; unity through diversity in, 164. See also Ransom trilogy (CSL)
Till We Have Faces (CSL), 90, 142
titling of books: The Allegory of Love (CSL), 73; LOTR, 79, 158; The Notion Club Papers (JRRT), 137–38; The Silver Chair (CSL), 93
Tolkien, Christopher: alluded to and as character in JRRT’s Notion Club Papers, 138; childhood puff for JRRT’s Hobbit, 49–50; collaborates with Coghill on Chaucer editions, 103; on Dyson’s disruption of the Inklings, 69; editor of JRRT’s posthumous work, 116–19; at home, illustrated, 124; as Inkling, 114; on JRRT’s Lay of Leithian, 84–85, 86; on JRRT’s wager with CSL to write space and time fiction, 39; on LOTR’s writing process, 59, 75, 77; on The Notion Club Papers, 137; a primary source for this book, 8; reader and collaborator for JRRT, 5, 81–82, 114–15; reads LOTR to the Inklings, 115–16
Tolkien, Edith (wife of JRRT), 133
Tolkien, J. R. R.: acknowledgments by Inklings, 99–100; borrows OB’s Silver Trumpet for his children, 46; brings guest to Inklings, 20; and CT (see Tolkien, Christopher); in Essays Presented to Charles Williams, 95–96, 113; on influence, expressed in metaphors, 154–55; at Inklings, 54; Inklings celebratory Beowulf pastiche, 27; Inklings clerihews, 128–29; on Inklings collective action, 120; Inklings fictionalized in The Notion Club Papers, 137–40; at Inklings pub meetings, 18, 26; listens to and comments on CW’s readings, 58–59, 82; literary style and accessibility, 44, 77–79; praises WHL’s work, 35, 42; LOTR (see Lord of the Rings, The (JRRT)); personal references and personae in his fiction, 133–34, 137–40; personality, 143–44; posthumous work, 116–19; reads Chaucer aloud, 143; reads to Inklings, 24–25, 68–69; relationship with CW, expressed in poem, 130–31; separates self from Inklings, 89; at tea, illustrated, 72; variety of work, 128; writing process, 4–5, 36–38, 59–61; writing process, examples, 76–89; writing process, revisions, 5–8, 74–76, 80–82, 83–89
—and C. S. Lewis. See under Lewis, C. S. (Jack)
Tolkien, John (son of JRRT), 115
Tolkien, Priscilla (daughter of JRRT), 115, 135
Two Towers, The (JRRT). See Lord of the Rings, The (JRRT)
Unfinished Tales (JRRT, ed. CT), 118
Unwin, Rayner, 119
Wain, John: criticizes Hardie’s work, 61; criticizes LOTR, 68; on CSL, 142–43; on CW, 20–21; on the Inklings, 26–27; Inklings subscribe to his first book, 46; reads to Inklings, 24
walking tours: adapted into fiction, 135–36; soak and “soaking-machine” on, 109; talk during and work composed for, 105–7
Wallace, William E., 148
West, Richard C., 17
Wheeler, Helen Tyrrell, 45–46
Williams, Charles: on community and exchange, 150, 157, 164; death and memorials, 95–96, 113, 141; difficulty and obscurity, 55–56, 128, 140, 182; discouragement and encouragement, 29; at Inklings, 20–23; Inklings criticize his work, 54–56; JRRT poetry on, 128, 130–31; in JRRT’s Notion Club Papers, 140; letter from WHL, 33; at Oxford, illustrated, 28; Oxford lecturer, 32–33; personality, 20–23, 35–36, 95; reads and comments on LOTR, 80–81; reads to Inklings, 24, 58–59, 82–83, 100; relationship with JRRT, 80–81, 130–31; unity through diversity depicted in his Arthurian poetry, 164; writing process, 40, 45, 57–59
—and C. S. Lewis. See under Lewis, C. S. (Jack)
Wilson, A. N., 69
writing groups: growth, 27, 161–62; CSL creates fictional scholars to comment on JRRT’s Lay of Leithian, 84; Inklings as exemplar (see resonators); JRRT’s Notion Club as fictional, 18–19, 137–40; need for feedback in, 101, 166; starting your own, 161–69. See also collaborative circles; creativity in community