
Kissing Lily


Matt traced his fingertips over Lily’s palm gently, her head on his shoulder. She’d fallen asleep almost as soon as the bus had left Hamerock House.

It’d been too hot to concentrate on anything, let alone an educational outdoor play with no shade and not a cloud in sight. Lily had fallen asleep against him soon after it started. He’d tried to stay awake, but he kept drifting too. They weren’t the only ones, most of the pupils drifted off. It was the teacher’s enthusiastic clapping that woke everyone to join in as if they hadn’t spent the last two hours dozing.

The indoor lectures were shorter, and he’d managed to stay awake for them. Lily was only fully awake at lunchtime. The heat hadn’t helped, but he suspected most of it was emotional exhaustion. She’d been through the ringer discovering all the lies she’d been told growing up. Finding out Lynda was her aunt and not her mother, and that her diagnosis of epilepsy was Lynda repressing her magic had ripped the foundation from under her.

The bus went over a bump, and she woke. Sitting up she smiled at him, her dimples making an appearance. God, how he loved those dimples. He kissed her cheek gently, tracing his fingers over the shell of her ear.

“We’re still on college time, Mr Crowder.” Mr Molesworth chuckled as he made his regular trip down the aisle, checking for illicit smoking, gambling, and make out sessions.

Matt laughed as colour flooded her cheeks. “Didn’t you sleep well last night?” he asked.

Her smile dropped, and she turned to look out the window. “Kept thinking, I guess.”

“A lot has happened. You should have rung me,” he said, watching Mr Molesworth make his return trip up the aisle before sitting back down.

“At two in the morning?” She shook her head. “I don’t think so.”

“At any time.”

“I can’t wake you up just because I can’t sleep.”

“The others ring whenever they want, why would you be any different?”

“I doubt they’ve rung you at two in the morning.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

“You’d be wrong. The twins rang me at three once, they were arguing and wanted an arbitrator.”

“What on earth were they arguing about?”

“Some film we’d seen years ago. Josh was convinced we were at Nate’s and Jake swore blind we were at mine. They were both wrong; we went to the cinema to see it.”

“Why were they arguing about that at three in the morning?”

“When they were younger, they couldn’t always sleep so they’d talk. Uncle Steve thought they were keeping each other awake, so he suggested they split up. One of them in the bedroom, the other in the conservatory.” He snorted a laugh. “You’d have thought they’d been threatened with separate boarding schools with the fuss they kicked up.”

Her dimples appeared again, and the urge to kiss her senseless crashed over him. It was hard for him to keep his hands to himself when he was around her. He wanted to touch her, hold her hand, kiss her. He needed some sort of contact, and it scared him that she affected him so easily.

“Do they sleep okay now?” she asked.

“Yeah. They’ll still ring if they’re hurt.”

“They make you heal them?”

“They don’t make me do anything. They’re family, you’re my family. I want you to ring me if you need help.”

She smiled at him, and he knew that she wouldn’t call him. She was too self-reliant and stubborn for her own good. He understood why Nate got so frustrated with her sometimes.

“Do you ring them?”

“Sometimes.” He laced his fingers with hers, making a split decision to trust her. His gut tightened, he didn’t talk about it much. “My parents aren’t what you’d call happily married. When I was younger, I couldn’t hack it so much, so I’d ring one of them.”

“I’m sorry.” Her fingers tightened on his.

“He’s cheated on Mum so many times I’ve lost count. It’s a well-kept secret though, not even Jonas knows.”

“Oh God, Matt, that’s awful. I’m so sorry.” She pulled her hand free and cupped his cheek. “But they don’t know about, well, y’know?”

“No, they’ve never found out.” He moved closer, seeing the sadness in her big brown eyes, the down turn of her lips.

“How did you manage to keep it from them?” She slid her hand down to lie over his heart.

He put his lips close to her ear and whispered, “We’re careful.” She smelt of fresh air, something floral, intoxicating. She’d liked it when he’d kissed her ear in the caves, and he wanted to feel her react against him again.


She tapped his shoulder, and he backed away. She was right, they couldn’t make out here.

He was crushed when he saw there wasn’t even a hint of arousal in her eyes. He hadn’t affected her at all. Maybe he hadn’t affected her in the caves and it was just the darkness. An image of Connie flashed into his mind, yelling three words that had slayed him. Three words he’d not even repeated to his cousins.

Lily patted his thigh. “We’re back already, that was quick.”

“That’s because you slept through most of it,” he teased her, refusing to think of Connie.

“Travelling always puts me to sleep.” She grinned ruefully.

The noise level rose as students got up and began dragging their bags down from the overhead storage.

“Sit down!” Mr Molesworth bellowed. “Just wait till we stop before you climb over each other like rabid monkeys!”

“Did the others catch the bus?” Lily asked.

“Uncle Adam picked them up. No way would Nate soil his royal behind on the bus seats.” He wasn’t joking either, Nate would rather walk home than catch the bus.

She took her hair band out and fiddled with her hair. When she stretched up, her shirt rose, revealing a band of soft, pale skin. He didn’t even try to look away as her skin appeared and disappeared in the sexiest game of peek-a-boo he’d ever played.

“Will we see them tonight?” Her words were muffled around the hairband she’d stuck in her mouth.

“Yeah, I expect so.” He itched to touch her skin. Did she know he was staring at her stomach? He looked up, but she was focused on the car park, oblivious to the show she was giving him.

“Lily.” His voice cracked over her name. She didn’t even have to try to bring him to his knees, but if it was one-sided, he’d die.

“Yeah?” Her dimples made a re-appearance. “Are you okay? Do you get travel sick?” Concern smoothed them out.

“I’m fine.” He needed to kiss her, so he did. Her lips went pliant under his as she kissed him back. He placed his hand on her covered stomach, wishing he could slide his hand underneath the material.

“Knock it off!”

Matt jerked back, looking towards the front and straight into Drew’s eyes.

“Do I really need to tell you to not push at your age?” Drew didn’t look away from Matt as he reprimanded the other pupils. “One at a time and wait your turn.”

Drew couldn’t have seen him touch her, but he knew those first words were aimed at him. Drew looked away, and Matt stood up, letting Lily leave first.

“Monday morning. Two-hour test based on the lectures and play,” Drew called out.

“What? You’re joking,” someone shouted.

“You’ll be able to ace it,” he said confidently. “You were so mesmerised by it.”

The noise rose as students grumbled. Lily pulled a face at him.

“Your problem. Results count to 65% of your finals.”

The grumbles turned to panic, and Mr Molesworth slapped Drew on the back. “Got ‘em good, Drew, got ’em good.” He walked away to his car, cackling like an old woman.

Relief was evident as the students dispersed, some getting picked up, some walking into town.

“That wasn’t nice.” Lily was smiling at Drew.

“I’m a teacher, who told you nice was on my CV?”

Lily laughed, and Matt felt vaguely sick when Drew winked at her before heading to his car. Matt caught her hand, and they crossed to his Land Rover.

“I am so glad he’s joking,” Lily said, putting her belt on.

“Yeah, so am I. I don’t know how the actors kept going. They must have seen nine tenths of the audience was fast asleep. Even Moley was snoring at one point.”

“I just couldn’t keep my eyes open, it was so hot.”

“You ready for tomorrow?” He saw her confusion. “The Bootlegger. You’re eighteen now, aren’t you?”

“I forgot!” She rubbed a hand down her face. “How could I forget that?”

“With everything you’ve dealt with, I’m not surprised. Don’t be so hard on yourself. How does it feel?”


“You’re eighteen! You can drink, get married without parental consent, buy fireworks, get a tattoo, serve on a jury, stand as a Member of Parliament against my father, donate your body and organs to medical science. The sky’s the limit; how does it feel?” He couldn’t help taking sideways glances at her as he drove them home.

“I don’t feel any different to how I felt on Wednesday when I couldn’t do all those things.”

A horn blasted, and he managed to pull them back over to the left. The car whizzed past, the driver giving him the finger.

“Fucking hell, sorry,” he mumbled. “Need to keep my eyes on the road.”

“We’re okay, we didn’t crash. But eyes on the road is a good idea.” She pulled the passenger visor down and began fiddling with her hair in the mirror, but he didn’t dare look over at her.

“I can get a tattoo now,” she said, snapping the visor up.

“You want a tattoo?” He looked at her quickly.

“Maybe?” She sounded doubtful. “I don’t know. Something small tucked out of sight.”

“If it’s out of sight, why have it?”

“For me. Tattoos aren’t for other people to look at, they’re personal.”

“What would you have?”

“I don’t know,” she admitted. “I’ve never even thought of it before. I knew a girl in my last school who had her belly button pierced.”

Out of the corner of his eye he saw her pull her shirt up, exposing her stomach.

“Shit, Lil, not here!” He gripped the wheel tightly, keeping his gaze on the road.


She had no idea what she did to him. “I nearly crashed us looking at your face. Show me your stomach and it won’t be a nearly.” He stopped in the first lay-by he came to and turned to look at her, taking off his belt. “You distract me.”

“I’m sorry.” Red crept across her cheeks.

“It’s a good distraction. I love being distracted by you, just not when I’m driving.”

“I didn’t think,” she whispered. “I won’t—”

He crashed his lips against hers. He didn’t want to talk, he wanted to kiss her. She stiffened, not expecting it, and then melted into him. It was better than anything he’d ever experienced. It was even better than spell casting. He slid his tongue across her lips, begging for entrance. She granted it, and he groaned when her tongue gently met his. He fumbled with her seat belt and pulled her closer. The steering wheel was in the way, and the handbrake dug into his thigh, but it was heaven.

Kissing Lily would be heaven wherever they were.

He pushed her back against the seat, his mouth still fused to hers, his hands on her waist. She tangled her fingers in his hair, tugging on it as he deepened the kiss. Tiny noises escaped her, little moans that made his blood sing with pleasure.

His phone rang, and he lifted his head. Her lips were swollen, and her eyes half closed. This time he’d definitely affected her, and it made him feel ten feet tall. He ignored the phone as he stroked her cheek gently with his fingers. He’d never get enough of her.

“Who is it?”

Her husky voice sent a bolt of lust through him. “Doesn’t matter. I’d better stop kissing you though.”

“Why?” She licked her lips.

He groaned, touching her plump lower lip. She wasn’t making it easier, but he knew she wasn’t doing it deliberately. “Because I want to touch the skin you flashed.”

Colour flooded her cheeks as she frowned. Damn, he was out of line. He backed away from her. “I’m sorry. I said I wouldn’t push you.”

“You haven’t pushed me.” Her brown eyes made his heart miss a beat. “I don’t mind if you touch me.”

His stomach flipped, and his blood rushed south. He was desperate to slide his fingers over her skin, to kiss her stomach, to let his tongue explore every inch. He wanted to hear her moaning, to feel her tugging his hair.

“I want to touch you, to explore every inch of you.” He dragged his gaze to her face. Her eyes were darkened with arousal, but there was nerves there as well. He wouldn’t rush it. “I hope that I will soon. I want every part of you.” He kissed her lips gently and rested his forehead against hers. “You deserve better than the front seat of this crappy old thing. I want to create good memories with you. I want it to be right.”

He held her gaze, pupils so wide her eyes looked black. It took everything he had to back away, but when he saw the trust in her eyes, he knew he’d done the right thing. He wanted her to be comfortable with him, and he never wanted to destroy that.

She pressed her palms to his cheeks, kissed him gently, and then pressed her forehead to his. “I want the same with you, I want it to be perfect for us both.”

His earlier fears were swept away, and it put a big stupid grin on his face, but he really didn’t care.

His phone rang again, and he handed it to her. “Can you get it, please?”

She took it, and he pulled the car back out onto the road.

“Hey, Nate. Matt’s driving. I’ve put you on speaker phone.”

“Where are you?” Nate asked.

“Just boarding the ferry at Plymouth. We should get to Brittany early tomorrow morning. Why?” Matt sent her a quick wink.

“Fuck you, Matt.” Nate laughed.

“You can’t just sweep her off to France without letting us come,” Josh whined.

“I’ve always wanted to go to France,” Lily called out.

“You can’t come to a weekend in Paris with us, you perverts.” Matt pulled the car to a stop outside her cottage.

“We get to take her to Venice next weekend then,” Jake replied.

“Venice sounds like fun. Nate, fancy taking me to Switzerland the weekend after?” Her face was lit with happiness.

“I would if I could. But if France is a pipe-dream and Venice isn’t till next week, where are you now?”

“The exotic location of my cottage gate.” Lily put the phone on the dashboard and picked up her bag.

“Did you have a boring day?” Jake called out.

“If you mean did Lily sleep through the entire day, then yeah.” Matt winked at her, again.

“It was hot.” Lily defended herself. “And you slept too.”

“Yeah, I did. Old Moley went out like a light in his deck chair. Wendy stayed with it long enough to clap us all awake.”

She mouthed, ‘who?’ at him and he couldn’t help but waggle his eyebrows at her. “Moley is Molesworth, Wendy is Wenlock.”

She rolled her eyes. “I felt bad for the actors. And his name is Drew.”

“Don’t worry about the actors, it’s an occupational hazard for them. Boring students to sleep since 1987,” Nate said.

Lily laughed. A strand of hair fell into her eyes, and he tucked it behind her ear. A car honked behind them. He could see Drew in his side mirror, with another car behind him.

“We’re in the way, I have to go.” Lily opened her door.

“Still good to meet up after tea, Lily?” Jake called out.

“Yeah, just come over when you’re ready. Thanks, Matt.” She got out, closed the door, and darted around the front.

Matt lowered his window. “Oi! You didn’t give me a kiss goodbye.”

She turned from opening the door and blew him a kiss before going in.

He pulled forward slowly, watching Drew in the mirror. A little bit of him had wanted her to come back and kiss him so Drew would see. But mostly he just wanted her to kiss him again.

“She gone in?” Nate asked, and Matt moved the phone from the dash to the seat.

“Yeah. Wendy’s behind us, I’d like to make him wait.”

“Git.” Nate snorted. “What was he like today?”

“An asshole, but he kept his distance. Where are you all?”

“We’re at my place. Are you coming here, or do you want to go to yours?” Nate asked.

“Dad’s in London,” Matt said. “Up to you.”

“Yours will be quieter. I can see you. We’ll meet you outside.” Nate ended the call as Matt reversed into the road, ready to drive back out.

Without Lily, it would be a rush to see who could get the front seat. The three of them had been like six-year olds ever since he passed his test.

The front door flung open, and the twins came tumbling out. It was one of the few times he saw them compete against each other. The bastards would conspire with each other for one of them to win over him or Nate, but not when it came to the front seat. They weren’t one person then.

Josh stumbled and yelled he’d twisted his ankle, but Jake cackled with laughter and threw himself into the coveted seat.

“Shame on you, Jacob!” Josh got into the back with Nate behind him. “I could have broken my leg. You didn’t even stop to help me.”

“It was a diversionary tactic that won’t ever work.” Jake turned to gloat. “We feel each other’s pain, idiot.”

“I hid it from you to spare you the agony.” Josh whined and grunted when Nate smacked his shoulder.

“You two can’t be parted. I think I should sit in the front and leave you to hold hands in the back.”

Josh smacked his knee. “I’ll hold your hand instead.”

“I’m not holding your hand.” Nate snorted. “I have no idea where it’s been.”

“Just picking my nose.” Josh rubbed his hand over Nate’s face, starting an all-out scrap between them that had Jake reaching back to defend Josh.

“Pack it in!” Matt hollered.

They passed Lily’s cottage, and he glanced over, but there was no sign of her or Lynda. “We haven’t told Lily when we’re picking her up tomorrow,” he mused.

“We’ll sort it later tonight with her,” Nate said.

“We can’t do anything till after lunch,” Josh said. “Dad needs us at the garage.”

“Do we give her our presents tomorrow or individually?” Matt turned left towards the Manor.

“Individually. I suppose Wendy’s going to give her a present,” Nate grumbled.

“We need to give him a chance,” Jake said.

Nate snorted rudely. “No, we don’t.”

“Yes, we do.” Josh backed his twin up. “We can’t stop her from getting to know him, she’d end up hating us if we tried.”

Matt stopped outside the newly installed black iron gates and pressed a remote on his keyring. “What I don’t get is—”

“Bloody hell, Uncle Harold guarding the crown jewels or something?” Jake exclaimed, gaping at the imposing gates.

“What don’t you get, Matt?” Nate prompted.

“She won’t trust Jonas, but she’ll trust Drew. Jonas didn’t know he’d hurt her, but Drew scared the shit out of her deliberately. Why’s she happy to sit in his house and drink tea but thinks Jonas is the devil incarnate?”

“She’s made excuses for Drew. Well, he made them, and she believed them,” Jake said.

“He’s given her a reason for everything he’s done,” Nate added. “He shifted the blame for scaring her onto us, making it look like she needed protection from us. He’s a clever son of a bitch, and he’s up to something. But she’s as stubborn as a mule, and the more we insist he’s a bastard, the more she’ll dig her heels in.”

“But why won’t she just trust us when we say to watch him?” Matt switched off the engine and leant his chin on the steering wheel, staring ahead.

“She’s been alone all her life, never had anyone to tell her when she’s wrong or give her a different outlook. She has no idea how to work as a team with anyone. Look how long it took her to accept her magic,” Nate said.

“Well, yeah, but that’s not something you’re going to accept overnight,” Jake said. “It would be like me telling you aliens are real.”

“They are real.” He’d spent enough time looking at the satellite images of the area to see all the weird markings and stuff.

“No, they aren’t.” Nate snorted. “But, if you brought me concrete proof of their existence, then I’d believe you. I wouldn’t be burying my head like Lily did.”

“How about if we said you’re the alien, and we could prove it?” Josh asked him. “Because that’s pretty much what we did with Lily.”

“Well, it doesn’t matter now. She’s accepted what she is, and she agreed to talk to Jonas tonight,” Nate replied.

“Which brings us back to what we’re saying,” Josh said. “We’ve got to be careful how we talk about Drew in front of her. We need to try with him as well.”

“She’s so damn excited to have a father that it’s clouding her common sense. She’s been drawn to him from the start, even built a bit of a rapport with him. We can’t be the wedge between her and him. She might choose him over us,” Jake finished.

“We don’t know what he really wants. We need to protect her,” Matt insisted.

“And we will. But we’re never going to find out what he’s up to if we’re on the other side of the fence, chucking rocks at him,” Josh said.

“Bugger.” Nate slumped in his seat.

Matt took the keys from the ignition. “You’re right. We don’t need to brown nose him, but we need to be civil to him. We need him to think that we’re okay with him now that we know he’s her father and not a lecherous old bastard.”

“We can’t forget he’s a powerful witch either,” Josh said. “We don’t want to get his back up before we can figure him out.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” Matt agreed. He’d do what it took to keep her with him and safe.