Provides the capability to conduct operations and support thorough decontamination operations.
The Joint Service Transportable Small Scale Decontaminating Apparatus (JSTSS DA) M26 will enable warfighters to conduct operations and support through decontamination of non-sensitive military materiel and limited facility decontamination at logistics bases, airfields (and critical airfield assets), naval ships, ports, key command and control centers, as well as fixed facilities that have been exposed to chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) warfare agents/contamination and toxic industrial materials. The system may also support other hazard abatement missions as necessary. The M26 is supported with one accessory kit and one water blivet per-system.
The M26 is transportable by a non-dedicated platform [e.g., High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV)/Trailer, Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV)/Trailer] off-road over any terrain.
The M26 will decontaminate Chemical Warfare Agents (Nerve–G, Nerve–V_Blister H) on tactical vehicles and crew served weapons below detection levels of M8 detector paper within five minutes contact time after an attack. The M26 will have a reliability of greater than or equal to 0.89.
In this Publication
Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV), High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV) Family of Vehicles
Other Major Interdependencies
All individual protective equipment, decontaminants, and detectors
Technology Development
Engineering & Manufacturing Development
Production & Deployment
Operations & Support
DRS Technologies (Florence, KY)