Provides automated Command and Control (C2) to integrate Air and Missile Defense (AMD) planning and operations for Air Defense Airspace Management (ADAM) systems in Brigade Combat Teams (BCTs) and at every Air Defense Artillery (ADA) echelon, Battery through Theater.
The Air/Missile Defense Planning and Control System (AMDPCS) is an Army Objective Force system that provides integration of AMD operations at all echelons. AMDPCS systems are deployed with ADAM systems, ADA brigades, and Army Air and Missile Defense Commands (AAMDCs).
ADAM provides the commanders at BCTs, fires brigades, combat aviation brigades, and division and corps tactical operations systems with situational awareness (SA) of the airspace. ADAM provides collaboration and staff planning capabilities through the Army Mission Command System and operational links for airspace coordination with Joint, interagency, multinational, and coalition forces.
The AMDPCS in ADA brigades and AAMDCs provides expanded staff planning and coordination capabilities for integrating defense of the air battlespace. The AMDPCS includes shelters, automated data processing equipment, tactical communications, standard vehicles, tactical power, and the following two software systems for force operations/engagement operations: Air and Missile Defense Workstation (AMDWS) and Air Defense System Integrator (ADSI).
AMDWS is a staff planning and battlespace SA tool that provides commanders with a common tactical and operational air picture. It is the ADA component of Army Mission Command. ADSI is a Joint multi-communications processor that provides external Joint messaging for operations by subordinate or attached units.
Technology Development
Engineering & Manufacturing Development
Production & Deployment
Operations & Support
Netherlands (AM DWS)
Germany (AMDPCS)
Northrop Grumman (Huntsville, AL)
Ultra, Inc. (Austin, TX)