
Our look is the result of reader comments, our own experimentation, and feedback from distribution channels. Distinctive covers complement our distinctive approach to technical topics, breathing personality and life into potentially dry subjects.

The dog on the cover of AppleScript in a Nutshell is a Boston terrier. The youngest breed in the American Kennel Club (AKC), the Boston is a cross between various types of bulldogs and bull terriers. Originally bred in England, the breed stabilized in the United States, where it was initially favored as a fighter in the underworld rat pits of the seedier areas of late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century Boston. By the late nineteenth century, however, people started to admire the beauty of the breed’s compact, elegant build—the “American Gentleman,” as the Boston terrier is now known, had been discovered.

In 1889, the AKC rejected the Stud Book applications put forth by the “American bull terrier” owners only to accept the breed in 1893 under its new name, Boston terrier. Today, its gentle yet playful and protective nature combined with its willingness to be trained make it a popular family pet—especially, of course, in Boston, the metropolitan area in which O’Reilly maintains a large editorial and production staff. Though the Boston terrier’s fighting days are in its past, the sportsmen and women at Boston University evoke the breed’s heritage each time they take the field or ice.

Catherine Morris was the production editor and copyeditor, and Matt Hutchinson was the proofreader for AppleScript in a Nutshell . Linley Dolby, Colleen Gorman, and Claire Cloutier provided quality control. Interior composition was done by Catherine Morris, Edith Shapiro, and Sada Preisch. Nancy Crumpton wrote the index.

Ellie Volckhausen designed the cover of this book, based on a series design by Edie Freedman. The cover image is an original illustration created by Susan Hart. Emma Colby produced the cover layout with Quark™XPress 4.1 using Adobe’s ITC Garamond font.

Melanie Wang designed the interior layout based on a series design by Nancy Priest. Anne-Marie Vaduva converted the files from Microsoft Word to FrameMaker 5.5.6 using tools created by Mike Sierra. The text and heading fonts are ITC Garamond Light and Garamond Book. The illustrations that appear in the book were produced by Robert Romano and Jessamyn Read using Macromedia FreeHand 9 and Adobe Photoshop 6. This colophon was written by Sarah Jane Shangraw.

The online edition of this book was created by the Safari production group (John Chodacki, Becki Maisch, and Madeleine Newell) using a set of Frame-to-XML conversion and cleanup tools written and maintained by Erik Ray, Benn Salter, John Chodacki, and Jeff Liggett.