
Desktop Print Manager

Dictionary commands


This command sends DPM a run Apple event to open it (this is not usually necessary since a tell statement targeting DPM will implicitly launch the application if it’s not already open).


This quits the DPM app. The DPM quits automatically after it is finished processing your script, unless its quit delay property is set to never. See the quit delay section elsewhere in this chapter.


You can make a new desktop printer with this command and give it some properties:


This command returns an integer representing the number of desktop printers:

count desktop printers or count each desktop printer.

delete reference to desktop printer

You can delete a desktop printer with code such as:

tell app "Desktop Printer Manager" to delete desktop printer "Laser"

You can also identify the desktop printer to delete by its index:

delete desktop printer 1

If there is only one DTP then:

desktop printer 1

refers to it. If there is more than one DTP, your script has to be more specific in identifying them:

every desktop printer whose protocol is "AppleTalk"

Dictionary classes


The application class represents the Desktop Printer Manager program itself. This class has one or more desktop printer elements and four properties. The following is an application element:

The following are application properties:

desktop printer

This class represents a desktop printer object. These objects are returned by the application’s default printer property, as well as by the command desktop printers or every desktop printer, which will return a list of printers or an empty list if you do not have or cannot support desktop printers.

properties (record)

This desktop printer property returns a record type containing name/value pairs for various desktop-printer properties. The return value looks something like this:

{name:"Graphics printer", container:alias "Macintosh HD:Desktop
Folder:", is default:true, PPD file:generic, queue size:0, queue status:idle,
queue stopped:false, shows manual feed alert:true, address:{class:address 
specification, AppleTalk machine:" LaserWriter 16/600 PS", AppleTalk
zone:"Graphics_1", theme 
desktop pattern:"LaserWriter", protocol:AppleTalk}, driver name:"LaserWriter 8"}

name (string)

This is the name of the desktop printer as it appears on the desktop.

container (alias)

This property lets the script set the folder that contains the desktop printer:

set container of desktop printer 1 to alias "macintosh hd:desktop folder:today"

is default (boolean)

You can use is default to find out if a desktop printer object is the default printer:

if desktop printer 2 is default then set default printer to desktop printer 1

PPD file (generic constant or alias file path)

The PostScript Printer Description file property can be either the constant generic or an alias file path such as:

"macintosh hd:System Folder:Extensions:Printer Descriptions: LaserWriter 8500 
PPD v1.2" as alias

queue size (integer; read-only)

The queue size is the number of print jobs that the desktop printer has at the moment.

queue stopped (boolean)

This is a true/false value reflecting whether the print queue is stopped or not starting any print jobs.

queue status (constants idle/stopped/printing/alert; read-only)

The queue status value is one of these four constants. For example, if

tell app "Desktop Printer Manager" to get queue status of default printer

returns printing, then the default printer is printing at the moment.

shows manual feed alert (boolean)

A true/false value that turns this printer property on or off with the desktop printer object:

set default printer's shows manual feed alert to false

address (address specification object; read-only)

This represents the address or protocol/port configuration that the desktop printer is using. See the address specification class.

driver name (string; read-only)

This is the driver name as a string for this printer, as in "LaserWriter 8."

protocol (constants serial/AppleTalk/IP/SCSI/USB/custom/spool file/translator/unknown; read-only)

This is a constant representing the protocol used by the printer’s address property.

address specification

This class, an instance of which is returned by the desktop printer object’s address property, represents a device specification such as a Universal Serial Bus (USB) printer. The conduit property involves how the printer is connected to the computer, and the protocol determines how the machine communicates with its printer, such as over a TCP/IP network (an IP protocol).

properties (record)

This is a settable record of the address spec’s properties (see the Examples section at the end of this chapter).

conduit (constants printer port, modem port, SCSI, USB, infrared)

This property is set to one of five constants. The conduit is the port by which printing data is sent.

protocol (constants serial, AppleTalk, IP, SCSI, USB, custom, spool file, translator unknown)

The protocol is the communication method between the desktop computer and the printing device or software. It can be set to one of nine constants, including custom.

AppleTalk address

This class designates the connection properties of a device that uses the AppleTalk networking protocol. See the Examples section at the end of this chapter. It inherits some properties from the address specification class, such as protocol.

IP address

This class designates the connection properties of a device that uses the TCP/IP networking protocol.

This class inherits some properties from the address specification class, such as protocol.

SCSI address

SCSI address designates the connection properties of a SCSI device.

This class inherits some properties from the address specification class, such as protocol.

USB address

This class designates the connection properties of a USB device such as a USB printer.

USB address inherits some properties from the address specification class, such as protocol.

translator address

Your desktop printer might actually be software that translates PostScript code (a PostScript file is usually identified with a .ps suffix). The desktop printer object’s protocol would be translator. This class represents a PostScript translator output folder.

translator address inherits some properties from the address specification class, such as protocol.

custom Printer address

This class represents the configuration of a custom printer, which is not described by the other address specification types.

custom Printer addressinherits some properties from the address specification class, such as protocol.