The lady in green stands before me. “Who are you?”
This is getting old.
“I agree. It is rather tiresome. Nevertheless, I need to know. Who are you?”
“I'm no one.” Though I feel stronger than I did before.
“That's something. Still, I need you to admit who you are.”
“Why does it matter?”
“It's a vital step in becoming who you were meant to be.”
I shake myself. This sounds like nonsense. I know who I am, and I don't like it.
“Then admit it to me. Stop hiding it. I promise I'm here to help.” Her voice is soft. Kind and caring.
Doesn't mean I need to divulge everything, though, even in my dreams. “Are you real?”
“As real as the Mortum Tura.”
Which only serves to make me wonder how real the drink is. Should I really drink it a lot, like she said?
“It's up to you. I won't force you to, but it will make you stronger. The more you drink, the more power you have and the longer you live.”
“It's creepy that you keep answering my thoughts.”
She smiles. “I'm afraid I can't help being in your head.”
“If the death drink makes one more powerful, why did the last queen die after only five years?”
“Ah, poor Deedra… She was a dear thing. I don't fully understand her death. I know she was murdered. It was a sad ending, for one so young.”
“She didn’t seem young.”
“Well, young to me. She was in her late twenties, so older than you are. I think. I have a hard time telling your age.”
I do too. It's not like I have a birthday. Seventeen years of age is more of a guess. “I still don't follow. Why do queens die early if they have the power of the Mortum Tura behind them?”
“Because people still have choices. Queens aren't always as strong as they should be. But you—you're different. Something about you makes me think you might be The One.”
“What one?”
“The one to rule for a lifetime.”
No. I'm having a hard enough time with it as it is. I don't want to think about doing it for longer.
I roll over and give a heavy blink.
It was only a dream. Nothing more.