Two-dimensional output

Till now, we have focused on one-dimensional Proc Tabulate output. We will use a new dataset to look at the two-dimensional output:

Data Sales;
Input Country $7. Segment $11. Type $ Product $ Amt;
US Retail Software A 23
US Retail Software B 11
US Retail Hardware A 8
US Retail Hardware B 10
US Commercial Software A 45
US Commercial Software B 46
US Commercial Hardware A 4
US Commercial Hardware B 11
Germany Retail Software A 12
Germany Retail Software B 15
Germany Commercial Software A 55
Germany Commercial Software B 67
Germany Commercial Hardware A 23
Germany Commercial Hardware B 25

The code generates the following table, which is the Sales dataset:

We want the output that calculates the mean of hardware and software sales amount for each country, segment, and product. Let's use the following code to do so:

Proc Tabulate Data=Sales;
Class Country Segment Type Product;
Var Amt;
Table Country*Segment*Product,Amt*Type*Mean;

This gives the following table as the output:

This is a two-dimensional Proc Tabulate output.