
Here are details of some of the many gods the ancient Romans worshipped...

  1. Jupiter - god of the sky, lightning and thunder; ruler of all the other gods.
  2. Apollo - son of Jupiter and god of music, healing, light and truth.
  3. Juno - wife and sister of Jupiter, queen of the gods. She was considered guardian of the Roman Empire’s finances.
  4. Mars - son of Jupiter and the god of war as well as farming, the spring, anger, revenge, courage and fertility.
  5. Mercury - God of trade and profit, his festival the Mercuralia was celebrated on the 15th of May.
  6. Minerva - Daughter of Jupiter and goddess of Wisdom, science and medicine.
  7. Neptune - Jupiter’s brother, god of the sea as well as horses, he is most often pictured with a trident.
  8. Venus - originally goddess of gardens and vineyards, Venus evolved into the goddess of love and beauty with influence from the Greeks.
  9. Vulcan - God of fire, craftsmanship and blacksmiths, Vulcan’s forge is said to be beneath Mount Etna where he makes weapons for gods and heroes.
  10. Diana - goddess of the moon, of the hunt and of fertility. Usually portrayed as a huntress with a bow and Arrow, Diana was mother of creatures and protector of the wildwood.