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Abiderya village 294

Achaemenian empire 113

Adylov, Akhmadzhan 215

Afghan people 278, 355

Afghanistan 266, 297

and Russia 354-5

Afrasiab, king of Turan 155

Ahmad Yassawi, Sheikh 317

Ak Metchet village 122-4

Alai mountains 266

Alatau mountains 341, 352, 355

Alexander the Great 28, 51, 59, 155

Ali, Mahomet’s cousin 243,244-5, 247

Almaty (Alma-Ata), capital of Kazakhstan 320, 322-36

theatre 324-6

war monument 326-7

origins as Verny 327-8

circus in 332-3

Alp Arslan, sultan 38

Amanullah, king of Afghanistan 293

Amu Dariya, river (Oxus) 23, 53-4, 109, 113, 121, 122, 125, 128, 266, 297.

see also Oxus

Andijan people 235

town 259

Angren town 225-8

Ankara, battle 1402 161

Anti-Semitism 100-1

Arabs, conquerors of Samarkand 155

Aral Sea 52, 109, 113, 138

Armenia 121

Ashkhabad, capital of Turkmenistan 4-7

author’s meeting with mother of two girls 5-6

Askiya (badinage) 233, 234

Astronomy, in Samarkand 180

Attila, death 159

Auezov, Mukhtar 328-9

Avars 159

Avicenna 72


Babur, emperor 179, 236, 259

Bachtiar, Uzbek boxer and dealer 212-1 6

Bairam (son of Korvus) 15-16, 21, 25

Balasagun city 356-7 Balbali (stone effigies) 356-7

Balikchi town 358 Basmachi movement 230, 244, 293

see also Enver Pasha

Bazaars Bukhara 64

Samarkand 149

Bekovich, prince 113, 115

Beyazid, sultan 161

al-Biruni, polymath 72

Bishkek, capital of Kirghizstan 342-55

history museum 346-7

Korean Christians 347-50

Black market 144, 213-15

Brezhnev, Leonid 58, 145, 215

Bukhara 56-107

journey to 51-6

history 63, 71-2, 81-5, 96-8

Samanid tomb in 71

the Ark 81-4

gold mine 82-3

Sufi sanctuary 92-6

summer palace 96

synagogue 98-9

necropolis 103-4

Abdul Aziz Khan medreseh 62

Kalan mosque 60, 77-80

Mir-i-Arab medreseh 77

Bukhariot Sufis 62

Bukhariots 39, 63


Caspian Sea 4, 52, 239

Chak village 268 Chalas se a 103

Chardzhou town 53 Chilik (essence) 10

China and Fergana valley 260

peoples in 239

and Tamerlane 163

trade in Tashkent 202

Chirchik river 228

Christians see Korean Christians;

Orthodox Church

Chu river 1, 357, 358, 360

Cimmerian hordes 2

Clavijo, Ruy Gonzalez de 162

Cleitus, death 155

Commonwealth of Independent States, and Turkmenistan 27

Communism camp in Ak Metchet 124

and Islam 91, 98

and Turcomans 11, 13

see also Russia

Conolly, Captain 83-4

Cotton 144-5

Crassus, defeat of 37


Daniel, prophet, tomb 156

Darvat Kurgan village 267-8

Denau town 295

Dervishes 91, 92, 232

Dev Kesken fortress-city 130, 133, 134-5

Dilia, girl in Almaty 333-6

Dungan people 78, 313, 361

Dushanbe, capital of Tajikistan 274-92

mosque 283

Dutah (lute) 48-50, 102, 139

Dzerzhinsky, Felix 301, 343


Earthquake 1966 199, 261, 279

Enver Pasha 293-7

Erk (political party) 118


Fandariya river 304, 306

Fedchenko, explorer 267-8

Fergana town 237-9

valley 236, 238

Firdausi, poet 166

Frunze, General Mikhail 97,350-1

Fundamentalism, Islamic Bukhara 70-1, 75, 106

Namangan 251-2

Turcoman 10, 41-2


Genghiz Khan 38, 159–60, 165

sacks Bukhara 60, 77

sacks Urgench 127

sacks Maracanda (Samarkand) 155

Geok-Tepe town 20-1, 22-3, 26, 29-32

German colony in Angren 226-8

Gerasimov, Soviet scientist 166

Gorbachev, Mikhail 67, 215, 365 “The Great Game’ 83, 84

Gypsies, in Bukhara 92


Hakim (in Namangan) 249-57

cousin Fatima 249, 250

Haroun er Rashid 247

Hindu Kush 51, 161

Horses Argamak 33

Fergana 260

Huns 3, 159


libare, sultan of Khorezm 135

India, and Tamerlane 161

Inflation 298

Iranians 239, 252, 284

and Tajikistan 270

Islam see Moslems Ismail Samani 72

Issyk-kul lake 52, 355, 357-60, 362

meeting with old lady 364-5

Istanbul 118


Jassur, apparatchik in Tashkent 202-5

Jaxartes river 1 see also Syr Dariya

Jehangir, mausoleum of 188

Jenkinson, Anthony 127-8, 135

Jews 87, 98-103

synagogue in Bukhara 98-9

anti-Semitism 100-1

Jura, actor 233-6, 248


Kadyr, writer in Bishkek 345–6

Kagan (Bukhara station) 55

Kakajan 130-41

family 136-41

Kalinin, Mikhail I. 11

Karaganda city 336-7, 338-40

Karakalpak people 140, 239

Karakhanid rulers 263-4, 356

Karakol town 360-2

Karakum canal 4, 33

Karakum desert 2, 51, 109

Kaufmann, General 51, 113, 199

Kazakh people 4, 239, 312, 313-14, 315-16, 318-19, 327, 329-32

and Bukhara 82

music 328

woman guide 318-20

dancer 324-6

concierge 331-2

Kazakhstan 3, 311-14

journey to 311

ethnic groups 312

Kazyade, astronomer 179

Kelims, Turcoman 15

KGB and successors 26, 86, 250

Khamza Niyazi, poet 239-40, 242-3, 246-7

Khiva city 82, 113, 114-17

Khodja Nasreddin, statue 57-8

Khomeini, Ayatollah 284

Khorezm, kingdom 113, 127

Khorezmian oasis 109, 112, 238

Khrushchev, Nikita 317, 337

Khudayar Khan 231

Kirghiz people 342, 343, 346-7

riots with Uzbeks 260-1

student 77-80

builder 352-3

Kirghizstan 3, 78, 79, 238, 239, 341-55

Kizilkum (Red Sands) 109, 229

Kizylsu (Red River) 266

Kokand town 82, 229-31

mausoleum 232-3

royal palace 231-2

Kopet Dagh (Dry Mountains) 3-4, 7, 23, 27, 33, 51

Koran, ancient 210-12

Korean Christians 347-50

Korvus, poet and administrator 13-17

Koysary village 363

Krist, Gustav 294, 295

Kulyab people 296

town 275

Kunaev, Kazakh administrator 324

Kunia Urgench 113, 129, 135

mullah in 129-30 Kurgan (burial place) 33, 366-7

Kurgan Tube 294

Kussam ibn-Abbas 177


Lenin, V.l.

books by 277

and Enver Pasha 293

and Kokand 229

monuments to Almaty 323

Ashkhabad 11-12

Bishkek 342, 344

Bukhara 101

Namangan 257

Samarkand 146

Tashkent 201

Ludmilla (in Tashkent) 206-9


Mafia see Black market

Magyars 159

Mahomet Alim, emir 96-8

Makataeb, playwright 329

Malik (young man on a train) 320-2

‘Manet’, driver 125-7, 129, 131-5

Manzikert battle 1071 38

Maracanda 155, 175

see mainly Samarkand

Margilan 55, 248

people 235

Mari town 34-5, 45

picnic near 45-50

Maruya, metal-worker 315

Marx, Karl, bust 200

Mavarannahr 160, 263

Mennonite community near Khiva 121- 2


Merv city 34, 37-44

sack of 38-9

mausoleum of Sanjar 44

sacred site 39–43

Merv desert 33-50

Mervi people 36

Meskhetian Turks 238

Moghuls 160, 179

Momack, artist 17-20

Mongolia 119-20

Mongols 3, 159-61

sack of Merv 38-9

sack of Bukhara 82

and Khorezm 128

tombs in Samarkand 175-9

overrun Uzgen 263

and Khazakhstan 311

Moore, Thomas, Lalla Rookh 190

Moslems author’s discussions with 73-80, 110

and Communists 91

Khazakhstan 311-12

Khiva 116

in Kirghizia 354, 362

reverence for old tombs 156

and 19th century Russia 85

Samarkand 175-9

Shia and Sunni 10, 244, 284

and Turkmenistan 18

the Umma 279-80

Mosques and medresehs, Bukhara 59-60

Mozaffir, emir 82

Muqanna, the Veiled Prophet 37, 190-1

search for his castle 192-5

Murad, lorry-driver 44-9

Murat, Kurban 21, 23, 30

Muraviev, Russian envoy 115

Museum of atheism, former mausoleum 92


Najibullah, Muhammad, deposed 34

Namangan town 249

people 235, 251

holy man’s tomb 257

Naqshbandi Sufis 23, 24, 92, 94, 105-6, 246

Nasrullah, emir 82, 83, 84

Navoi, Alisher, poet 167, 200

Navoi town 132, 143

Nebit Dagh, oil wells 52

Nisa town 28-9

Nostradamus 218

Novi Urgench 112, 122, 124, 140

Nukus town 140

Nurkhon (Uzbek heroine), statue 248


Oman (of Tashkent), friend of the author 216-309

wife Gulchera 216, 218, 222

wife Sochibar 242, 306, 308

experience 278-82

irritation with the author 297-9

arrest and release 300-2

Omar Khayyam 132

Ommayad caliphs 244

Oraz, Turcoman writer 8-12, 17

Orthodox Church Samarkand 169-70

Tajikistan, visit to 290-2

Osh town 238, 259-63

Throne of Solomon mountain 261- 2

Othman, caliph, Koran of 210-12

Oxus river (Amu Dariya) 1, 23, 51, 113, 134

see also Amu Dariya

Pamirs (mountains) 2, 55, 237, 239, 265-309

Parthians 28

Pasha, Christian taxi-driver 349-50, 355-6, 358-67

Pechenegs 159

Penzhikent town 302-3 Perestroika 8, 9, 18, 100

Persian language 55, 304

Persians peoples in Iran 239, 252, 284

slaves 87, 113

and Tamerlane 166-7

see also Samanids

Petya (in Samarkand) 182-7

Polo, Marco 2, 266

Przhevalsky, explorer 360-1


The Qazi, Dushanbe 283

Rachmon (student in bus) 109-12

Racoul (in Khorezm) 117-21

Radioactivity in Kazakhstan 312, 337

Rashidov, Sharaf 58, 145, 158, 199, 215, 300

Rich Men Also Weep, soap opera 316, 326

Roman legionaries, enslaved 37

Rudaki, poet 72

Rukh, Shah 165, 179

Russia and Afghanistan 354-5

and Almaty 323

against the basmachi 293-4

and Bukhara 64, 84

and Khazakhstan 311-12, 314, 316

and Khiva 113, 126

and Kokand 229

restoration of historic buildings 148

and Samarkand 151, 168

and Soviet Central Asia 3

and Sufis 261

and Tajikistan 273, 274-5

and Tashkent 199, 229-30

and Turkestan 3, 20-1, 24, 29-31

and Uzbekistan 58

and World War II 181

Russians archaeologists and Tamerlane’s grave 165

in Ashkhabad 5, 6

Bukhara deaths 97

leaving Bukhara 87

and the Dungan Chinese 78

in Samarkand 172-5, 184

slaves 113, 115

and Turcomans 10-11, 16, 20-1, 24, 29-31, 35

leaving Turkmenistan 27

lorry-driver 344


Sadik (an Uzbek) 270-3

Safar, driver 26-32

Salt, in Kunia Urgench soil 138

Samanid dynasty 71-2

Samarkand 55, 145

journey to 143-5

mosque of Bibi Khanum 146, 151-2

medresehs in 146-7, 154, 178

Registan market square 146-8

history 155-6, 159, 179-80

capital for Tamerlane 160, 161-3

and mausoleum of Tamerlane 163-8

ancient Maracanda 155

Shir Dar medreseh 147

Orthodox cathedral 169-70

Shakhi-Zinda 175-9

trade 179-80

culture 180

Sanjar, sultan, mausoleum 44


The Satanic Verses 75

Saxaul (plant) 45, 109, 131, 314

Sayora (girl in Dushanbe) 286-7

Sayyid Mahomet, khan 115

Scythians 2-3, 159

Seljuk Turks, and Merv 34, 38

Semipalatinsk 337

Shachimadan (Khamzabad) 239, 246

Shakhrisabz 187-90, 299

girl at 189-90

Shamanism, Uzbek 62

Shavgat, driver, and family 157-8

Sheibanid dynasty 60

Sherali (a Tajik) 270-3

Shukrat (in Khorezm) 117-21

Siberia 120

Silk Road 55, 56

Bukhara 72

Khazakstan 320

Kirghizstan 356

near Merv 34, 37

Samarkand 179-80

Siyon 192-3

Skobelev, General 20, 51

Sogdians 155-6, 302-6 Sohrab and Rustam 54

Solomon, alleged founder of Osh 260

tomb 261, 262

South Africa 203

Stalin, Josef V. 67, 70, 78, 88, 91, 174, 226, 248

state frontiers under 238

Steppes 311–40

Stoddart, Colonel 83-4

Storks 65, 236

Sufism 62, 91-6, 245-6, 261, 262

Kazakhstan 317, 319-20

see also Naqshbandi

Synagogue, Bukhara 98-9

Syr Dariya (Jaxartes) river 217, 229, 236, 360


Tajik people 56, 87, 88, 167, 238, 239, 274, 277, 302

Tajikistan 3, 218, 269-70

student in 283-5

Talib, lecturer, and family 286-9

Tamerlane (Timur Kurgan), emperor 54, 82, 99-100, 128, 146, 151, 160-3, 179-80, 253

death, and mausoleum 163-8

birthplace 188

White Palace, Shakhrisabz 188-90, 300

and Othman’s Koran 211

water stoup in Turkestan 318

Tania (in Samarkand) 152-5, 170-5, 182-7

Tartar people 221

Tashkent, capital of Uzbekistan 198-202, 225

journey to 197-8

Russian waif in 197-8

capital of Russian Turkestan 199

Lenin Square 201, 215

playhouse 205-6

Moslem quarter 209-12

Imam Bukhari medreseh 209-10

residence of Grand Mufti 210-12

government 239

Tekesh, sultan of Khorezm 128

Tekke tribe (Turcoman) 20-1, 30

Tienshan mountains 55, 226, 320, 341, 342, 358, 360

Timur Kurgan see Tamerlane Timurid dynasty 179

Toloi, son of Genghiz Khan, and Merv 38

Transalai mountains 266, 267

Transoxiana 55

Turania (Greater Turkey) 119-20, 293

Turanian peoples 159

Turcoman art 15

Turcoman people 4, 6, 8, 17, 20, 239

and the Russians 10-11, 16

and Bukhara 82

Turkestan 88, 199

shrine of Sheikh Ahmad Yassawi 317-18

Turkestan town 315-16

Turkey feeling for, 117-21, 132, 167

and Armenia 121

Turkic people and Bukhara 72

and Kazakhstan 311

and Kirghizstan 356

and Tamerlane l6l, 167

Turkmenstan 1-32

independence 3

resources 4


Uighur people 119, 361

Ulug Beg 62, 148, 162, 165, 166, 179, 180

Medresehs 60-1, 73-6, 147

Umma (Moslem community) 279-80

Unemployment, Samarkand 149

Urgench, capital of Khorezm 127-8

mausolea 127-9

Uzbek people 4, 54, 55, 62, 85, 87-8, 167-8, 238, 239, 318

and Bukhara 82

riots with Kirghiz 260-1

and Tajikistan 272

Uzbekistan 3, 55

Communists in 117-18

and Russia 58, 91

Uzgen town 263-4


Vambéry, Arminius 115

Veiled Prophet see Muqanna Vezir city 135

Victory Day, Samarkand celebrations 180-7

Vyatkin, Vladimir 180


War memorial, Ashkhabad 11

Water, holy springs in Bukhara 62

Wolff, Revd Joseph 84

Women and Islam 75-6, 284

in Bukhara 97

in old Bukhara 63-4

fire-worshippers 106

at Merv 39-40

Turcoman 17, 34

Wu Ti, emperor of China 260


Xinjiang mountains 239, 355, 360

Xinjiang province 119


Yagnob people 305-6

Yakut people 120

Yeltsin, Boris 365

Yurchi village 295-6


Zelim Khan, Bukhara artist 65, 67, 68, 70, 86, 89, 90-1, 103-4, 107

pictures 89-90

wife Gelia 65-71, 86-91

mother 66-70, 86, 88-9, 103-5, 107, 173

Zerafshan river 1, 62-3, 144, 302

Zoroaster, worship 62, 113, 304