


House and garden fairies always feel especially welcome when they find a little home meant just for them already waiting in your room, out in your yard, or on your windowsill or balcony. Making a fairy house is a great way to invite a friendly, curious fairy into your life, and just like the house you design will be unique, eventually the right visitor will come along who feels your fairy house is the special place of their dreams.

Materials Needed

Base: A mason jar, flowerpot, birdhouse, or candleholder will do the trick.

Paints: If your fairy house will be outdoors, choose paints that will stand up to the elements.

Decorations: Choose what speaks to you! Some ideas include small artificial flowers, twigs, moss, pebbles, little artificial plants, crystals, sparkly beads, tiny furniture from a craft store, little pine cones, small seashells.

Glue and paintbrushes


Decide on a base for your fairy house. Just remember to keep it small, as fairies aren’t drawn to large, drafty spaces.

Decorate your way! You can’t go wrong—some fairy is bound to love your style. Paint your roof and walls if you like (fairies love a roof that reminds them of a mushroom) or color the floor. Glue bits of moss to the sides of your fairy house, or perhaps make a soft carpet of moss next to a fairy’s bed. You might want to build a place where magical visitors only stop in for the day; if so, add a tiny bench or chair, some beautiful crystals or seashells, and a plant or two, and you’ve got a comfortable spot for a fairy to rest on their way to their next destination. Pop some flowers onto your fairy house, and maybe add a pebbled path around the outside. Just don’t forget to paint on a door somewhere, or they won’t know they’re supposed to enter!

Once all the glue and paint have dried and your fairy house is ready, reread the sections on house fairies and garden fairies to see just who you’d like to attract, then plan where to display your fairy house accordingly. A windowsill is a great place to catch their eye from indoors, while in the grass or on a patio works nicely outside.




There are many ways to make your yard or other green space, however big or small, a welcoming place for fairies! From planting specific flowers to including decorations sure to catch a fairy’s attention, below are some suggestions for how to make your outdoor space fairy-friendly. If you live in an apartment, you can ask for help getting a window box so you can still plant some of the fairies’ favorite things to draw them near.

Herbs and Flowers to Consider Planting

BEE BALM, BASIL, HYSSOP, LILACS: bee-attracting plants that also appeal to fairies

BLUEBELLS: encourage fairies to dance

CONEFLOWERS, BUTTERFLY BUSHES, ASTERS, AND OREGANO: proven to attract butterflies and fairies alike

FOXGLOVES AND VIOLETS: sacred to the fairies

FRUIT TREES: a favorite of many fairies, providing them with shelter and nourishment

LAVENDER: a sweet-scented plant fairies can smell from far away

ROSEMARY: symbolizes kindness and welcome to the fairies

SUNFLOWERS: another of their favorite snacks

Yard Decorations to Consider Adding

BIRDHOUSES: adorable to most fairies, and many can fit inside of one and use it as a sort of house. Better yet, make your own fairy house and stick it outside, following the steps in our earlier activity.

DECORATIVE TOADSTOOLS: provide shelter from the rain

FOUNTAINS OR BIRDBATHS: make a great addition for fairies who love to splash, bathe, and play in water

HUMMINGBIRD FEEDERS: attract most fairies who will dart up to sample the hummingbirds’ food

SHINY THINGS: appeal to fairies because they love a little sparkle, so include items in your outdoor space that would catch their eye. These could include pieces of mirror, pretty crystals like amethyst or quartz, or even something like a glass watering sphere sold in a garden store.

WIND CHIMES: add some sweet music to your outdoor space so the fairies can dance




Some fairies use wands to help channel their magic into granting wishes, changing their appearance, helping creatures in need, or finding their way home. Each wand is as unique as the fairy it belongs to, as they craft them from special items found in nature—and you can do the same!

Materials Needed

A branch, about ten to sixteen inches long, selected from your favorite tree (If you want to use a fairy favorite, we recommend an oak, ash, willow, or hawthorn branch.)

A crystal (You can select this based on your favorite color or gemstone or from well-known fairy favorites such as clear quartz, amethyst, or peridot.)


Wood oil (optional)

Copper wire (jeweler’s wire) or leather cord

Glue (optional)

Any other special items you wish to include: feathers, beads, etc.


Select your branch by taking a walk out in nature and seeing which one calls to you most. It’s always better to grab a stick off the ground than break a healthy limb off a tree if you can.

Choose your crystal. You can either search for one outdoors, or if you’re on the hunt for something specific, have a trusted adult take you to a store that sells them. When you’re there, hold the crystal that catches your eye and see how it feels: Does it comfort you? Is it warm in your hand? These are signs that it’s the right choice and will enhance your personal magic.

Have a trusted adult help you sand the stick until it’s nice and smooth to hold on all sides. Optionally, you can coat your sanded branch with a light amount of oil to help protect the wood.

Take your copper jeweler’s wire—or silver as both are great conductors of magic—or leather cord and attach your crystal to one end of your branch. You may want to add a dab of glue—hot glue or otherwise, with supervision—for extra security before beginning to wrap the crystal. Once the crystal has been wrapped with your wire, make sure there are no sharp edges sticking out. If you’re using leather cord, trim the end and add a dab of glue to make sure it won’t come loose.

It’s now time to add any other special items you found on your nature walk, or embellishments of personal significance that you wish to include in your wand. These might be feathers, beautiful beads, other small gems, or ribbons. Secure each with a dab of glue or more of your copper or silver wire as needed.

Congratulations! You now have a wand as unique as you, specifically designed to add joy, laughter, and strength to your life—a dash of your own magic.



Fill your bath with the sweet scents of Fairyland. While some bath soaks use salt, this one avoids it because there’s no quicker way to repel most fairies than with a dash of salt! Instead, we focus on flowers found in the fairy realm as well as our own to re-create a magical meadow at home.


2 tablespoons dried lavender

2 tablespoons dried calendula flowers

2 tablespoons dried chamomile

2 tablespoons dried rose petals

2 tablespoons rolled oats

A sprinkle of rosemary (optional)

A muslin drawstring bag or sock (optional)


1. Mix all ingredients together, then store in a clean glass jar, container, or resealable plastic bag.

2. Put half the mixture into a small muslin drawstring bag or sock (optional, but it helps avoid a clogged drain) and drop the closed bag into your bath. You can also add half the mixture directly to your tub, as long as you’re willing to do the cleanup afterward!

3. Close your eyes in the bath and let the relaxing scents carry you away to Fairyland.

*Each mixture should yield enough for two baths depending on the size of your tub.



This tea is full of sweet flowers and berries that will make tea fairies want to stop in for a visit. Brew some for yourself and find out if you have the palate of a fairy!


1 cup dried blueberries

¼ cup dried apple pieces

½ cup raisins

½ cup dried strawberries

¼ cup hibiscus flowers

2 tablespoons cornflower petals


1. With an adult’s supervision, put some water on to boil.

2. Gently combine all ingredients above in a mixing bowl. If you have more tea mix than you want to use right away, store the extra in a clean jar or container with a tightly sealed lid.

3. Get out your tea strainer and add 1 heaping teaspoon of the mixture for every 8 ounces of boiling water you plan to put in your cup.

4. Put the filled tea strainer in the cup, fill with the boiling water, and let this sit for three to five minutes.

5. Remove strainer and have a taste of Fairyland’s finest.



Ever wonder what kind of fairy you would be in another life? Perhaps you would roam the mountains in search of gems and gold, occasionally helping miners, or maybe you would guard the shores of a lake and all its creatures, sometimes dunking the occasional unsuspecting human. Find out which group of fairies you’d belong to by answering the questions below. Choose the answers to the questions below that best fit for you and follow the prompts until you reach your first result. The result number tells you what type of fairy you are.

1. Are you the kind of person who would rather stay at home on the weekend or go out and try something new?

a. Stay home.

b. Go out.

If you chose b, skip to question 4!

2. In your friend group, are you most known for being:

a. The foodie. YOU GOT RESULT #1!

b. The artistic one.

c. The animal lover. YOU GOT RESULT #7!

d. None of the above.

3. If fairy magic could grant you one wish, would you rather have:

a. All the fancy jewelry you could ever imagine. YOU GOT RESULT #6!

b. A yard that was full of vegetables and flowers year-round. YOU GOT RESULT #2!

4. When you travel, are you a fan of airplanes?

a. Yes, I love them! YOU GOT RESULT #8!

b. No way, they make me nervous.

5. How do you feel about meeting new people usually?

a. I love it! Making new friends is easy for me. YOU GOT RESULT #3!

b. I’m not a fan.

6. Are you more of a day person or a night owl?

a. I’m at my best during the day and head to bed early. YOU GOT RESULT #5!

b. I get the most done after everyone else goes to sleep. YOU GOT RESULT #4!



About Your Fairy Type

#1 HOUSE FAIRY: You most enjoy all the comforts found in human homes, doing kind favors in exchange for yummy treats and a place to watch your favorite shows.

#2 GARDEN FAIRY: You spend a lot of time tending plants outdoors, but never stray too far from home unless a dog or house cat chases you.

#3 WANDERING FAIRY: You love to travel, never feeling tied down to one place for long with so many treasures to find and people to meet.

#4 FRESHWATER FAIRY: As a fairy, you would spend a lot of time near water, working on your shell collection and just trying to find the least-crowded places to go for a peaceful swim.

#5 OCEAN FAIRY: As a fairy, you would stay as far from humans as possible, exploring the mysterious watery depths and probably befriending a few whales and crustaceans.

#6 MOUNTAIN/HILL FAIRY: Your only interest in humans is their treasures, precious gems, and metals, which you could turn into jewelry and crafts with a snap of your fingers.

#7 FOREST FAIRY: As a fairy, your main concern would be the trees—what they’re saying, what they need, and which humans are being kind to them (or not).

#8 SKY FAIRY: You spend a great deal of time with airplanes, either cursing them for ruining your cloud castle or chasing them for fun.




Answer the questions below to discover which familiar you’d have if you lived in Fairyland! Choose the answers to the questions below that best fit for you and follow the prompts until you reach your first result. The result number tells you what your fairy familiar would be.

1. Do you prefer a pet who’s extra cuddly or a more independent sort?

a. I like when my pet follows me everywhere, all the time.

b. I like cuddles sometimes but also need my space.

If you chose a, skip to question 5!

2. Would you rather spend the day swimming with your pet or hanging out in a beautiful meadow?

a. Swimming. I’m most at home in the water.

b. Meadow. Getting all wet isn’t always fun.

c. Both sound boring. I’d rather go on a hike in the forest! YOU GOT RESULT #3!

If you chose b, skip to question 4!

3. How do you feel about the ocean in particular?

a. I love the unknown, and swimming where I can’t see the bottom doesn’t bother me at all. YOU GOT RESULT #8!

b. I’m not a fan and would rather spend time at a pool or lake. YOU GOT RESULT #9!

4. Do you prefer a pet who’s adventurous or lazy?

a. Adventurous, as I’m always on the go. YOU GOT RESULT #4!

b. Lazy. I want a pet to take it easy with me most of the time. YOU GOT RESULT #7!

5. How would you feel about leaving Fairyland with your pet to explore the human world?

a. No way—humans don’t interest me.

b. That sounds like fun!

If you chose b, skip to question 7!

6. Would you rather share your sweaters or your allowance with your pet (if they promised to be very responsible with it)?

a. Sweaters—keep those paws and claws off my allowance! YOU GOT RESULT #6!

b. Allowance—my pet deserves some spending money, too. YOU GOT RESULT #5!

7. How playful would your ideal pet be?

a. Always silly and making me laugh. YOU GOT RESULT #10!

b. Sometimes silly, but sometimes helpful. YOU GOT RESULT #2!

c. Forget silly, I’d rather they were seriously majestic. YOU GOT RESULT #1!



Meet Your Magical Match