While certain fairies have been well-documented, there are others more recently discovered, and yet others that are currently only rumored to exist. Rest assured, researchers are always hard at work searching for these more elusive sorts, gathering evidence through stories and whispers, as well as doing fieldwork—heading out into the wild in the hope of stumbling upon fairies in their natural habitats or at least discovering fossils or artwork they’ve left behind so fairy scholars can begin building a picture of how these unique magical beings live.
We’ve organized this guide by habitat, as each fairy within these pages can be found in their preferred environments throughout the world if you know how to look. You’ll find information on each fairy’s diet, personality, appearance, and how they might interact with you should you meet them.
We hope this guide will help make any encounters you do have with these mysterious beings easier and more enjoyable. We also hope you’ll be inspired to search for fairies yourself—especially those lesser-seen types—and take notes on any evidence you find in your explorations. Don’t forget to appreciate the hidden magic that lives alongside us!