Welcome to the Herbarium, your guide to the many trees, flowers, and herbs that have some significance to fairies—whether it’s to draw them near or drive them away. The information presented here is particularly helpful when you’re out in the woods and hoping to have a magical encounter (or avoid one) or considering building a fairy garden to invite them into your life. (See suggestions at the back of the book for more on fairy gardens.)
To Attract
COWSLIPS: Called fairy cups, they curl up inside
DAYLILIES: Fairy kings carry these as magic wands
FOXGLOVES: Used as fairy hats and dresses
GROUNDSEL: Also grows in the fairy realm
HAWTHORN TREES: Also grow in the fairy realm
OAK TREES: Full of things for garden fairies to eat
ROSEMARY: Strengthens fairy magic
SUNFLOWERS: A favorite snack of many fairies
THYME: Fairies love the scent
WILLOW TREES: Whisper to the fairies and give them shelter
To Repel
DILL WEED: Upsets fairy stomachs, inedible
FRESH NETTLES: Sting fairies’ hands, preventing theft
MILKWORT AND MUGWORT: Drives away those with bad attitudes
MISTLETOE: Gives fairies hives
NIGHTSHADE: Poisonous to fairies
PRIMROSES: Over windowsills and doorways denies them entry
ROWAN SPRIGS: Protect against bad intentions
SAINT-JOHN’S-WORT: Guards people and livestock
VERVAIN: Stops fairies in their tracks
YARROW: Prevents any fairy entering a yard