Marcy slowed her minivan to a steady roll as she made her way through the E-ZPass toll for the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. On a normal day, she would take a moment to appreciate the white light shimmering up from the sun’s reflection on the bright blue water, but instead, she revved the engine as soon as she saw the all-clear that her toll had been processed.
According to the GPS, she still had ninety-two miles and an hour and fifty-two minutes to go before her destination. She had raced into the car as soon as she could after getting Daniel Turner’s address from his ex-wife. Fortunately, her neighbor had been home and agreed to watch the twins.
Hold on, Johnny. Mama’s on her way.
Her cell phone rang through the car speakers. The screen in the dash identified the caller as Andrew. She hit a button on the steering wheel to answer. “Oh, thank God. I’ve been calling constantly, but your phone was off.”
“I’m so sorry, babe. I was in court, and Judge Dickinson has a zero-tolerance policy. He had a lawyer jailed for contempt once when a phone rang during closing arguments. I got your messages. I’m on my way back to the firm now. I’ll go straight to my car and meet you in Delaware.”
“Okay, and Leo and Laurie are on their way, too, in a private plane. Detective Langland is trying to loop in the Delaware FBI to make an end run around Turner’s brother. I don’t understand what’s taking so long. A child’s missing, and we likely know where he is. They should drop everything and go get our son right now.”
“I’ll call Chuck Martin who works at the Department of Justice to see if he might be able to pull some strings, too.” Chuck was a law school friend of Andrew’s and now worked in the DOJ’s Criminal Division. “I’m probably about forty-five minutes behind you. When you get there, find a restaurant or some place to wait nearby and text me the address. Don’t go to the house by yourself. We don’t know what the layout is, and it’s possible he’d recognize the minivan if he’s been watching us.”
They didn’t know yet whether Daniel Turner had followed them to the Hamptons from Washington, D.C., or if he had already known that they were planning to go to New York for vacation. Marcy would never forgive herself for posting their vacation plans on Facebook for the entire world to see. She had never given a second thought to the privacy settings on her account and had put Johnny in danger as a result.
I’ll never do something so thoughtless again. Please, God. Just let us have our son back.