After hanging up the phone, Daniel Turner unlocked the wall safe that was hidden behind a painting of the Jefferson Memorial. He pulled out all of the bills inside—close to a quarter million dollars, his emergency cash in addition to the four million dollars he had from his lawsuit settlement, stocked away in an offshore account. Once the cash was loaded, he placed his handgun on top, zipped the duffel bag, and made his way downstairs.
He found Danny perched on the edge of his bed, pretending to be at ease, but Daniel could see the boy was nervous.
Why wouldn’t he be? He had finally gotten adjusted to his new home—with his real father—when Daniel had to ask the boy for his fake mother’s telephone number. “I just want to tell her that you’re safe and happy here, Danny, so she won’t be worried about you anymore. You want her to be able to sleep at night, don’t you?”
The boy had nodded and recited Marcy Buckley’s cell phone number from memory.
Daniel knew the name of the lead detective from the news reports covering Danny’s disappearance, so had claimed to be Detective Langland’s colleague. From there, Marcy had confirmed his worst fears. They knew he had the boy. Even worse, the police in New York were bringing in the FBI, which meant his brother, Charlie, couldn’t be the one to save him from jail like he did after that unfortunate incident with Roseanne.
“Did you call… Marcy?” Danny asked.
“I did. She was relieved to know you’re here and doing well. She has her two other children—her actual daughters—so I wouldn’t worry anymore about the Buckleys. They’ll be fine.”
Danny’s face scrunched up as he began to sniffle, and Daniel wondered if perhaps he had gone too far.
“Hey, remember how I told you that the more I trusted you, the more privileges you’d earn?”
Danny nodded, his eyes laced with a mix of hope and wariness.
“How do you feel about going for a car ride? The beaches here are beautiful.”
“Really?” His eyes widened, and Daniel’s heart swelled. It was the first time the child had seemed genuinely happy in his presence.
He still couldn’t figure out how the police had narrowed in on him. When he drove to New York, he had swapped his license plates for a set he stole off a car in D.C. And Michelle had been adamant that she never told anyone the identity of Danny’s real father.
He shook off his lingering curiosity. What mattered now was that they were looking for him, and he had no desire to be found.
Maybe he would even let Danny hug Marcy one final time to say good-bye. When the FBI arrived, they would find her body on the empty lot that Daniel owned behind this one. The discovery of a homicide would trigger a wide-scale police response that would include local and state police in addition to the FBI agents who were already on their way. The ensuing chaos would give him extra time to get out of the area. And he and his son would find another place to live under new names, never to be seen again. Roseanne had disappeared with Bella. There was no reason he and his son, Danny, couldn’t do the same.