Marcy had driven about a quarter of a mile onto the property, searching for any sign of the FBI agents, when the path of flattened grass came to an end. If she drove any farther, she’d have to trample over growth that was nearly four feet high.
She turned off the engine of the minivan, expecting the FBI to suddenly announce its presence. Greeted with silence, she stepped from the minivan and walked toward the one patch of land that had been cleared, presumably for a new house to be built.
Still, no one came.
She had turned back toward her car when a man emerged from the woods behind the clearing.
“Mrs. Buckley?” he called out.
“Oh, hi. I was starting to wonder if I went to the wrong place.”
“Absolutely not. I’m Special Agent Gregory Jenson. The rest of my team is set up about fifty yards into the woods here. We’re being cautious about anyone spotting our activity.” He must have noticed her eyeing his polo shirt and khakis warily. “Sorry, I was off duty when we got the call out. I came straightaway.”
He pulled a wallet from his back pocket and flashed what looked from this distance like a badge. As he replaced his wallet, she noticed the firearm tucked into the side of his waistband.
“Just follow me this way,” he assured her.
Marcy was three steps from entering the woods when a chill ran up her spine. For the second time in a week, she thought about the words of her former acting coach: Pay attention to what you know, because every experience you ever had might be important right now.
First it was Detective Langland asking a colleague that Marcy didn’t know to call her with this address. Until then, Langland had always been the one to contact Marcy and Andrew directly. Now she was greeted by a single FBI agent, rushing her into the woods. Her son had been missing for eight days, and suddenly she was being asked to hurry to his suspected kidnapper’s neighborhood, alone. None of it made sense.
“I’m going to wait in the car until my husband gets here. He’s only two minutes away,” she lied, turning back toward her van.
“This can’t wait, Mrs. Buckley.”
She picked up her pace, knowing that a real FBI agent would not sound so panicked.
She was reaching for the car door when she felt the impact of a pistol whip across the back of her head. She fell to the ground and heard the man’s voice behind her. “Get on your knees. Now.”
As she pushed her palms into the dirt, trying to regain her balance, she tipped her head down and caught a glimpse of the man, raising his pistol. His jaw was set, his mouth pinched. She had no doubt that he was going to execute her.
Instead of raising her body, she dropped immediately to the ground and rolled beneath the minivan. She crawled as fast as she could to the other side and let out a small scream as a crack rang out. The minivan lurched. He had shot out one of the rear tires. Driving out of here was no longer an option.
She clambered to her feet and searched, breathlessly, for an escape route. She ran into the woods just as she heard the gun fire again behind her.
Johnny Buckley was crouched low in the passenger seat of the man’s car, wondering what the man was up to. He had pretended to be excited at the idea of visiting the local beaches, but his real excitement had been about the prospect of leaving the creepy house that had become his prison.
Now that the man had left him on his own, Johnny finally had his opportunity. The car wasn’t locked. He had seen the man walk into the woods. He could finally escape.
What are you waiting for? he asked himself. No one else is going to rescue you. You have to move.
But, instead, Johnny sat absolutely still, ducking his head to make sure no one could possibly see him. The distant sound of waves was the only noise beyond a faint breeze whispering across the treetops.
And then a loud blast pierced the stillness like a cannonball.
And then two other shots rang out. A gun. It had to be the man’s gun.
Johnny unlatched his seatbelt, opened the car door, and ran.