Chapter 71

Five Weeks Later

Laurie heard a knock at the door. “Come on in!”

Even though today’s gathering was a small one, she’d had what felt like a constant parade of visitors. She smiled at the sight of her father behind her in the mirror.

“You look happy,” she said. The limp he’d had for weeks was unnoticeable today. His injuries from Daniel Turner’s bear trap had led to swelling and bruising, but no broken bones.

“Of course I do. Today’s the happiest day of all.”

“Yes, but I suspect it has something to do with that phone call you had to take.”

“Work talk can wait,” he said.

“Come on. Tell me.”

“Fine, you dragged it out of me. The plan worked. Gunther admitted everything.” As planned, Mason Rollins’s cooperation had been enough to persuade Toby Carver to do the same. He had made a surprise visit to Gunther’s prison that morning and gotten him to implicate himself in the murders of both Lou Finney and Clarissa DeSanto. “They captured the entire conversation on tape at the prison.”

“I’m so happy your name got cleared, Dad.”

“More important, Gunther will be in prison for the rest of his life. The DA is going to reduce the charges against Summer because of the help she provided in the investigation.”

The door opened again, and Grace and Charlotte tumbled in, champagne glasses in hand.

“Leo, what are you doing in here?” Charlotte asked.

“No boys allowed!” Grace teased.

“That only applies to the groom, not the father of the bride. My daughter and I were discussing my very important job of walking her down the aisle.”

“Speaking of which, it’s officially time, Laurie,” Charlotte said. “You ready?”

“I’ve never been more ready for anything.”

They had rescheduled the wedding only after Marcy and Andrew assured them that their entire family was ready. Johnny now had a basic understanding of the lives of his biological parents and how they had ended. Roseanne Robinson and Sandra Carpenter had even volunteered to meet with him when he was older so he could learn more about Michelle and Daniel before things had gone wrong for them.

Marcy and Andrew knew he’d have other questions and concerns as he grew and matured, but for the time being, he was their happy boy again.

Today, Johnny was also the ring bearer, leading his sisters, the flower girls, down the aisle to where Alex waited, with Andrew by his side. On the other side of the priest stood Timmy, ready to serve as Laurie’s untraditional best man.

Also bucking tradition, the string quartet played “At Last” by Etta James for their small procession. Ramon, Grace, Jerry, and Charlotte were the only guests besides family. Grace fanned her eyes with perfectly manicured hands, trying not to cry.

As Laurie took her place at the altar, she gazed up and smiled at Alex. He looked perfect. Everything was perfect.

“You okay?” he whispered. She had never seen him so content.

She nodded. Perfect, except she knew she would never make it through the vows without shedding some tears of her own.

As she turned to make sure her father had taken his seat, she had an image of Greg sitting next to him. He was smiling. He was happy for her.

“Let’s do this,” she said.

At last.