Adele and Alan, security and erotic vitality and
Against Love (Kipnis)
aggression. See domination and submission
Alan and Adele, security and erotic vitality and
Alberoni, Francesco
Amanda and Nat, fantasy and
Amber, parenthood and
anchor and wave, security and
Andrew and Serena, intimacy and
Anger, excitement and
Arlene, fidelity and
Arousal (Bader)
fidelity and
love and
self and others and
Bachelard, Gaston
Bader, Michael
Barthes, Roland
Beatrice and John, intimacy and
Ben, work ethic and
Benjamin, Jessica
Bliss (film)
Boccio, Frank Jude
body-mind continuum
Buñuel, Luis
Candace and Jimmy, intimacy and
Can Love Last? (Mitchell)
Carla and Leo, parenthood and
Charlene, parenthood and
Charles and Rose, security and erotic vitality
childhood lessons, about balancing self and others
autonomy and
James and Stella
ruthlessness and
selfishness and
children. See parenthood
Chodorow, Nancy
Christine and Ryan, work ethic and
comfort love
Coral and Jed, domination and
cultural values
domination and submission and
intimacy and
parenthood and
Puritanism and hedonism and
de Beauvoir, Simone
democracy in relationships. See domination and submission
domination and submission
cultural values and
Elizabeth and Vito and
hate and love and
Jed and Coral and
Marcus and
power and
sadomasochism and
Dominick and Raoul, intentionality and
Doug and Zoë and Naomi, fidelity and
Dylan, childhood and desire
Eddie and Noriko, intimacy and
Elizabeth and Vito, domination and
emotional space
entrapment, intimacy and
Epstein, Mark
equality. See domination and submission
Eric and Jaxon, fidelity and
erotic vitality, security and
Adele and Alan and
anchor and wave and
Charles and Rose and
fidelity and
need for
romantics and realists and
uncertainty and
Eyes Wide Shut (film)
familiarity, intimacy and
family influences. See childhood lessons
changing attitudes toward
forms of
Joni and Ray and
lack of communication about
Nat and Amanda and
sharing of
the Third and
Feeling Strong (Person)
Fiddler on the Roof (film)
autonomy and
disclosures of infidelity
Doug and Zoë and Naomi and
new meanings of
reasons for infidelity
security and
the Third and
Fisher, Helen
Frank, Katherine
Franklin, Benjamin
Friday, Nancy
Fromm, Erich
Gafni, Mordechai
Giddens, Anthony
goals. See work ethic
Godwin, Gail
Goldner, Virginia
Gopnik, Adam
Guillebaud, Jean-Claude
hate, love and
hedonism, Puritanism and
cultural ambivalence about sexuality and
Maria and Nico and
Ratu and
teenage sexuality and
“hooking up”
Hoover, J. Edgar
Hot Monogamy (Love)
Huizinga, Johan
Ian and Marguerite, fidelity and
infidelity. See fidelity
intentionality, marriage and
intimacy, pitfalls of modern See also intimacy, sexuality and
cultural changes and
Eddie and Noriko and
mind-body continuum and
Mitch and Laura and
“talk” intimacy and
intimacy, sexuality and. See also intimacy, pitfalls of modern
entrapment and
familiarity and
Jimmy and Candace and
John and Beatrice and
separateness and
Jacqueline and Philip, marriage and
James and Stella, childhood and
Jaxon and Eric, fidelity and
Jed and Coral, domination and
Jimmy and Candace, intimacy and
John and Beatrice, intimacy and
Johnson, Barry
Joni and Ray, fantasy and
Julie, parenthood and
Kipnis, Laura
Laura and Mitch, intimacy and
Lena, childhood and desire
Leo and Carla
anxiety and
hate and
illusion of committed
two pillars of
Love, Patricia
Marcus, submission and
Marguerite and Ian, fidelity and
Maria and Nico, Puritanism and
absence of eroticism in
Dominick and Raoul and
illusion of committed love
intentionality and
Jacqueline and Philip and
play and
spontaneity and
use of term
Melinda, childhood and desire
Men in Love (Friday)
Merkin, Daphne
Miller, Michael Vincent
mind-body continuum
Mindfulness Yoga (Boccio)
Mitch and Laura, intimacy and
Mitchell, Stephen
monogamy. See fidelity
Monogamy (Phillips)
Morin, Jack
Naomi and Doug and Zoë, fidelity and
Nat and Amanda, fantasy and
Nico and Maria, Puritanism and
Nin, Anaïs
Noriko and Eddie, intimacy and
O’Connor, Dagmar
Open to Desire (Epstein)
Paglia, Camille
changes of
cult status of children and
cultural differences and
fathers and
mothers and
Stephanie and Warren and
parents, influence of. See childhood lessons
Paris to the Moon (Gopnik)
Passionate Marriage (Schnarch)
patterns, intimacy and
Paz, Octavio
Person, Ethel Spector
Philip and Jacqueline, marriage and
Phillips, Adam
play, marriage and
Polarity Management: Identifying and Managing Unsolvable Problems (Johnson)
power. See domination and submission
Proust, Marcel
Puritanism, hedonism and
cultural ambivalence about sexuality and
Maria and Nico and
Ratu and
teenage sexuality and
Quantification of sexuality
Raoul and Dominick, intentionality and
Ratu, Puritanism and
Ray and Joni, fantasy and
realists, security and
Reibstein, Janet
Renee, parenthood and
Robbins, Anthony
Roiphe, Anne
romantics, security and
Rose and Charles, security and erotic vitality
Rubin, Lillian
Ryan and Christine, work ethic and
sadomasochism (S-M)
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de
Salomé, Jacque
Scheinkman, Michele
Schnarch, David
Second Sex, The (de Beauvoir)
security, erotic vitality and
Adele and Alan and
anchor and wave and
Charles and Rose and
fidelity and
need for
romantics and realists and
uncertainty and
self and others, childhood and balancing of
autonomy and
James and Stella
ruthlessness and
selfishness and
Semans, Anne
separateness, intimacy and
Serena and Andrew, intimacy and
Sexy Mamas (Winks and Semans)
Simon, Carly
spontaneity, myth of
Stella and James, childhood and
Stephanie and Warren, parenthood and
Steven, childhood and desire and
“story,” sex separated from
submission and domination
cultural values and
Elizabeth and Vito and
hate and love and
Jed and Coral and
Marcus and
power and
sadomasochism and
surrender, love and
“talk intimacy”
Talmud, story from
teenage sexuality, Puritanism and
Tiefer, Leonore
Transformation of Intimacy, The (Giddens)
uncertainty, erotic vitality and
values. See cultural values
verbal communication, as modern intimacy. See also intimacy, sexuality and
cultural changes and
Eddie and Noriko and
mind-body continuum and
Mitch and Laura and
“talk” intimacy and
Vito and Elizabeth, domination and
Warren and Stephanie, parenthood and
Weingarten, Kaethe
Wilde, Oscar
Winks, Cathy
work ethic
Ben and
“mechanics” of sexuality and
Ryan and Christine and
Wynne, Lyman
Zoë and Doug and Naomi, fidelity and