Chapter 15
Presenting Data

Understanding Input and Output

So far, you've seen two methods for displaying the output from your scripts:

  • Displaying output on the monitor screen
  • Redirecting output to a file

Both methods produced an all-or-nothing approach to data output. There are times, however, when it would be nice to display some data on the monitor and other data in a file. For these instances, it comes in handy to know how Linux handles input and output so you can get your script output to the right place.

The following sections describe how to use the standard Linux input and output system to your advantage, to help direct script output to specific locations.

Standard file descriptors

The Linux system handles every object as a file. This includes the input and output process. Linux identifies each file object using a file descriptor. The file descriptor is a non-negative integer that uniquely identifies open files in a session. Each process is allowed to have up to nine open file descriptors at a time. The bash shell reserves the first three file descriptors (0, 1, and 2) for special purposes. These are shown in Table 15.1.

Table 15.1 Linux Standard File Descriptors

File Descriptor Abbreviation Description
0 STDIN Standard input
1 STDOUT Standard output
2 STDERR Standard error

These three special file descriptors handle the input and output from your script. The shell uses them to direct the default input and output in the shell to the appropriate location, which by default is usually your monitor. The following sections describe each of these standard file descriptors in greater detail.


The STDIN file descriptor references the standard input to the shell. For a terminal interface, the standard input is the keyboard. The shell receives input from the keyboard on the STDIN file descriptor and processes each character as you type it.

When you use the input redirect symbol (<), Linux replaces the standard input file descriptor with the file referenced by the redirection. It reads the file and retrieves data just as if it were typed on the keyboard.

Many bash commands accept input from STDIN, especially if no files are specified on the command line. Here's an example of using the cat command with data entered from STDIN:

 $ cat
 this is a test
 this is a test
 this is a second test.
 this is a second test.

When you enter the cat command on the command line by itself, it accepts input from STDIN. As you enter each line, the cat command echoes the line to the display.

However, you can also use the STDIN redirect symbol to force the cat command to accept input from another file other than STDIN:

 $ cat < testfile
 This is the first line.
 This is the second line.
 This is the third line.

Now the cat command uses the lines that are contained in the testfile file as the input. You can use this technique to input data to any shell command that accepts data from STDIN.


The STDOUT file descriptor references the standard output for the shell. On a terminal interface, the standard output is the terminal monitor. All output from the shell (including programs and scripts you run in the shell) is directed to the standard output, which is the monitor.

Most bash commands direct their output to the STDOUT file descriptor by default. As shown in Chapter 11, you can change that using output redirection:

 $ ls -l > test2
 $ cat test2
 total 20
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 rich rich 53 2014-10-16 11:30 test
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 rich rich  0 2014-10-16 11:32 test2
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 rich rich 73 2014-10-16 11:23 testfile

With the output redirection symbol, all the output that normally would go to the monitor is instead redirected to the designated redirection file by the shell.

You can also append data to a file. You do this using the >> symbol:

 $ who >> test2
 $ cat test2
 total 20
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 rich rich 53 2014-10-16 11:30 test
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 rich rich  0 2014-10-16 11:32 test2
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 rich rich 73 2014-10-16 11:23 testfile
 rich     pts/0        2014-10-17 15:34 (

The output generated by the who command is appended to the data already in the test2 file.

However, if you use the standard output redirection for your scripts, you can run into a problem. Here's an example of what can happen in your script:

 $ ls -al badfile > test3
 ls: cannot access badfile: No such file or directory
 $ cat test3

When a command produces an error message, the shell doesn't redirect the error message to the output redirection file. The shell created the output redirection file, but the error message appeared on the monitor screen. Notice that there isn't an error when trying to display the contents of the test3 file. The test3 file was created just fine, but it's empty.

The shell handles error messages separately from the normal output. If you're creating a shell script that runs in background mode, often you must rely on the output messages being sent to a log file. Using this technique, if any error messages occur, they don't appear in the log file. You need to do something different.


The shell handles error messages using the special STDERR file descriptor. The STDERR file descriptor references the standard error output for the shell. This is the location where the shell sends error messages generated by the shell or programs and scripts running in the shell.

By default, the STDERR file descriptor points to the same place as the STDOUT file descriptor (even though they are assigned different file descriptor values). This means that, by default, all error messages go to the monitor display.

However, as you saw in the example, when you redirect STDOUT, this doesn't automatically redirect STDERR. When working with scripts, you'll often want to change that behavior, especially if you're interested in logging error messages to a log file.

Redirecting errors

You've already seen how to redirect the STDOUT data by using the redirection symbol. Redirecting the STDERR data isn't much different; you just need to define the STDERR file descriptor when you use the redirection symbol. You can do this in a couple of ways.

Redirecting errors only

As you saw in Table 15.1, the STDERR file descriptor is set to the value 2. You can select to redirect only error messages by placing this file descriptor value immediately before the redirection symbol. The value must appear immediately before the redirection symbol or it doesn't work:

 $ ls -al badfile 2> test4
 $ cat test4
 ls: cannot access badfile: No such file or directory

Now when you run the command, the error message doesn't appear on the monitor. Instead, the output file contains any error messages that are generated by the command. Using this method, the shell redirects the error messages only, not the normal data. Here's another example of mixing STDOUT and STDERR messages in the same output:

 $ ls -al test badtest test2 2> test5
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 rich rich 158 2014-10-16 11:32 test2
 $ cat test5
 ls: cannot access test: No such file or directory
 ls: cannot access badtest: No such file or directory

The normal STDOUT output from the ls command still goes to the default STDOUT file descriptor, which is the monitor. Because the command redirects file descriptor 2 output (STDERR) to an output file, the shell sends any error messages generated directly to the specified redirection file.

Redirecting errors and data

If you want to redirect both errors and the normal output, you need to use two redirection symbols. You need to precede each with the appropriate file descriptor for the data you want to redirect and then have them point to the appropriate output file for holding the data:

 $ ls -al test test2 test3 badtest 2> test6 1> test7
 $ cat test6
 ls: cannot access test: No such file or directory
 ls: cannot access badtest: No such file or directory
 $ cat test7
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 rich rich 158 2014-10-16 11:32 test2
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 rich rich   0 2014-10-16 11:33 test3

The shell redirects the normal output of the ls command that would have gone to STDOUT to the test7 file using the 1> symbol. Any error messages that would have gone to STDERR were redirected to the test6 file using the 2> symbol.

You can use this technique to separate normal script output from any error messages that occur in the script. This allows you to easily identify errors without having to wade through thousands of lines of normal output data.

Alternatively, if you want, you can redirect both STDERR and STDOUT output to the same output file. The bash shell provides a special redirection symbol just for this purpose, the &> symbol:

 $ ls -al test test2 test3 badtest &> test7
 $ cat test7
 ls: cannot access test: No such file or directory
 ls: cannot access badtest: No such file or directory
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 rich rich 158 2014-10-16 11:32 test2
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 rich rich   0 2014-10-16 11:33 test3

When you use the &> symbol, all the output generated by the command is sent to the same location, both data and errors. Notice that one of the error messages is out of order from what you'd expect. The error message for the badtest file (the last file to be listed) appears second in the output file. The bash shell automatically gives error messages a higher priority than the standard output. This allows you to view the error messages together, rather than scattered throughout the output file.

Redirecting Output in Scripts

You can use the STDOUT and STDERR file descriptors in your scripts to produce output in multiple locations simply by redirecting the appropriate file descriptors. There are two methods for redirecting output in the script:

  • Temporarily redirecting each line
  • Permanently redirecting all commands in the script

The following sections describe how each of these methods works.

Temporary redirections

If you want to purposely generate error messages in your script, you can redirect an individual output line to STDERR. You just need to use the output redirection symbol to redirect the output to the STDERR file descriptor. When you redirect to a file descriptor, you must precede the file descriptor number with an ampersand (&):

 echo "This is an error message" >&2

This line displays the text wherever the STDERR file descriptor for the script is pointing, instead of the normal STDOUT. The following is an example of a script that uses this feature:

 $ cat test8
 # testing STDERR messages
 echo "This is an error" >&2
 echo "This is normal output"

If you run the script as normal, you don't notice any difference:

 $ ./test8
 This is an error
 This is normal output

Remember that, by default, Linux directs the STDERR output to STDOUT. However, if you redirect STDERR when running the script, any text directed to STDERR in the script is redirected:

 $ ./test8 2> test9
 This is normal output
 $ cat test9
 This is an error

Perfect! The text displayed using STDOUT appears on the monitor, while the echo statement text sent to STDERR is redirected to the output file.

This method is great for generating error messages in your scripts. If someone uses your scripts, they can easily redirect the error messages using the STDERR file descriptor, as shown.

Permanent redirections

If you have lots of data that you're redirecting in your script, it can get tedious having to redirect every echo statement. Instead, you can tell the shell to redirect a specific file descriptor for the duration of the script by using the exec command:

 $ cat test10
 # redirecting all output to a file
 exec 1>testout
 echo "This is a test of redirecting all output"
 echo "from a script to another file."
 echo "without having to redirect every individual line"
 $ ./test10
 $ cat testout
 This is a test of redirecting all output
 from a script to another file.
 without having to redirect every individual line

The exec command starts a new shell and redirects the STDOUT file descriptor to a file. All output in the script that goes to STDOUT is instead redirected to the file.

You can also redirect the STDOUT in the middle of a script:

 $ cat test11
 # redirecting output to different locations
 exec 2>testerror
 echo "This is the start of the script"
 echo "now redirecting all output to another location"
 exec 1>testout
 echo "This output should go to the testout file"
 echo "but this should go to the testerror file" >&2
 $ ./test11
 This is the start of the script
 now redirecting all output to another location
 $ cat testout
 This output should go to the testout file
 $ cat testerror
 but this should go to the testerror file

The script uses the exec command to redirect any output going to STDERR to the file testerror. Next, the script uses the echo statement to display a few lines to STDOUT. After that, the exec command is used again to redirect STDOUT to the testout file. Notice that even when STDOUT is redirected, you can still specify the output from an echo statement to go to STDERR, which in this case is still redirected to the testerror file.

This feature can come in handy when you want to redirect the output of just parts of a script to an alternative location, such as an error log. There's just one problem you run into when using this.

After you redirect STDOUT or STDERR, you can't easily redirect them back to their original location. If you need to switch back and forth with your redirection, you need to learn a trick. The “Creating Your Own Redirection” section later in this chapter discusses this trick and how to use it in your shell scripts.

Redirecting Input in Scripts

You can use the same technique used to redirect STDOUT and STDERR in your scripts to redirect STDIN from the keyboard. The exec command allows you to redirect STDIN from a file on the Linux system:

 exec 0< testfile

This command informs the shell that it should retrieve input from the file testfile instead of STDIN. This redirection applies anytime the script requests input. Here's an example of this in action:

 $ cat test12
 # redirecting file input
 exec 0< testfile
 while read line
    echo "Line #$count: $line"
    count=$[ $count + 1 ]
 $ ./test12
 Line #1: This is the first line.
 Line #2: This is the second line.
 Line #3: This is the third line.

Chapter 14 showed you how to use the read command to read data entered from the keyboard by a user. By redirecting STDIN from a file, when the read command attempts to read from STDIN, it retrieves data from the file instead of the keyboard.

This is an excellent technique to read data in files for processing in your scripts. A common task for Linux system administrators is to read data from log files for processing. This is the easiest way to accomplish that task.

Creating Your Own Redirection

When you redirect input and output in your script, you're not limited to the three default file descriptors. I mentioned that you could have up to nine open file descriptors in the shell. The other six file descriptors are numbered from 3 through 8 and are available for you to use as either input or output redirection. You can assign any of these file descriptors to a file and then use them in your scripts as well. This section shows you how to use the other file descriptors in your scripts.

Creating output file descriptors

You assign a file descriptor for output by using the exec command. As with the standard file descriptors, after you assign an alternative file descriptor to a file location, that redirection stays permanent until you reassign it. Here's a simple example of using an alternative file descriptor in a script:

 $ cat test13
 # using an alternative file descriptor
 exec 3>test13out
 echo "This should display on the monitor"
 echo "and this should be stored in the file" >&3
 echo "Then this should be back on the monitor"
 $ ./test13
 This should display on the monitor
 Then this should be back on the monitor
 $ cat test13out
 and this should be stored in the file

The script uses the exec command to redirect file descriptor 3 to an alternative file location. When the script executes the echo statements, they display on STDOUT as you would expect. However, the echo statements that you redirect to file descriptor 3 go to the alternative file. This allows you to keep normal output for the monitor and redirect special information to files, such as log files.

You can also use the exec command to append data to an existing file instead of creating a new file:

exec 3>>test13out

Now the output is appended to the test13out file instead of creating a new file.

Redirecting file descriptors

Here's the trick to help you bring back a redirected file descriptor. You can assign an alternative file descriptor to a standard file descriptor, and vice versa. This means that you can redirect the original location of STDOUT to an alternative file descriptor and then redirect that file descriptor back to STDOUT. This might sound somewhat complicated, but in practice it's fairly straightforward. This example will clear things up for you:

 $ cat test14
 # storing STDOUT, then coming back to it
 exec 3>&1
 exec 1>test14out
 echo "This should store in the output file"
 echo "along with this line."
 exec 1>&3
 echo "Now things should be back to normal"
 $ ./test14
 Now things should be back to normal
 $ cat test14out
 This should store in the output file
 along with this line.

This example is a little crazy so let's walk through it piece by piece. First, the script redirects file descriptor 3 to the current location of file descriptor 1, which is STDOUT. This means that any output sent to file descriptor 3 goes to the monitor.

The second exec command redirects STDOUT to a file. The shell now redirects any output sent to STDOUT directly to the output file. However, file descriptor 3 still points to the original location of STDOUT, which is the monitor. If you send output data to file descriptor 3 at this point, it still goes to the monitor, even though STDOUT is redirected.

After sending some output to STDOUT, which points to a file, the script then redirects STDOUT to the current location of file descriptor 3, which is still set to the monitor. This means that now STDOUT points to its original location, the monitor.

This method can get confusing, but it's a common way to temporarily redirect output in script files and then set the output back to the normal settings.

Creating input file descriptors

You can redirect input file descriptors exactly the same way as output file descriptors. Save the STDIN file descriptor location to another file descriptor before redirecting it to a file; when you're finished reading the file, you can restore STDIN to its original location:

 $ cat test15
 # redirecting input file descriptors
 exec 6<&0
 exec 0< testfile
 while read line
    echo "Line #$count: $line"
    count=$[ $count + 1 ]
 exec 0<&6
 read -p "Are you done now? " answer
 case $answer in
 Y|y) echo "Goodbye";;
 N|n) echo "Sorry, this is the end.";;
 $ ./test15
 Line #1: This is the first line.
 Line #2: This is the second line.
 Line #3: This is the third line.
 Are you done now? y

In this example, file descriptor 6 is used to hold the location for STDIN. The script then redirects STDIN to a file. All the input for the read command comes from the redirected STDIN, which is now the input file.

When all the lines have been read, the script returns STDIN to its original location by redirecting it to file descriptor 6. The script tests to make sure that STDIN is back to normal by using another read command, which this time waits for input from the keyboard.

Creating a read/write file descriptor

As odd as it may seem, you can also open a single file descriptor for both input and output. You can then use the same file descriptor to both read data from a file and write data to the same file.

You need to be especially careful with this method, however. As you read and write data to and from a file, the shell maintains an internal pointer, indicating where it is in the file. Any reading or writing occurs where the file pointer last left off. This can produce some interesting results if you're not careful. Look at this example:

 $ cat test16
 # testing input/output file descriptor
 exec 3<> testfile
 read line <&3
 echo "Read: $line"
 echo "This is a test line" >&3
 $ cat testfile
 This is the first line.
 This is the second line.
 This is the third line.
 $ ./test16
 Read: This is the first line.
 $ cat testfile
 This is the first line.
 This is a test line
 This is the third line.

This example uses the exec command to assign file descriptor 3 for both input and output sent to and from the file testfile. Next, it uses the read command to read the first line in the file, using the assigned file descriptor, and then it displays the read line of data in STDOUT. After that, it uses the echo statement to write a line of data to the file opened with the same file descriptor.

When you run the script, at first things look just fine. The output shows that the script read the first line in the testfile file. However, if you display the contents of the testfile file after running the script, you see that the data written to the file overwrote the existing data.

When the script writes data to the file, it starts where the file pointer is located. The read command reads the first line of data, so it left the file pointer pointing to the first character in the second line of data. When the echo statement outputs data to the file, it places the data at the current location of the file pointer, overwriting whatever data was there.

Closing file descriptors

If you create new input or output file descriptors, the shell automatically closes them when the script exits. There are situations, however, when you need to manually close a file descriptor before the end of the script.

To close a file descriptor, redirect it to the special symbol &-. This is how this looks in the script:

 exec 3>&-

This statement closes file descriptor 3, preventing it from being used any more in the script. Here's an example of what happens when you try to use a closed file descriptor:

 $ cat badtest
 # testing closing file descriptors
 exec 3> test17file
 echo "This is a test line of data" >&3
 exec 3>&-
 echo "This won't work" >&3
 $ ./badtest
 ./badtest: 3: Bad file descriptor

After you close the file descriptor, you can't write any data to it in your script or the shell produces an error message.

There's yet another thing to be careful of when closing file descriptors. If you open the same output file later on in your script, the shell replaces the existing file with a new file. This means that if you output any data, it overwrites the existing file. Consider the following example of this problem:

 $ cat test17
 # testing closing file descriptors
 exec 3> test17file
 echo "This is a test line of data" >&3
 exec 3>&-
 cat test17file
 exec 3> test17file
 echo "This'll be bad" >&3
 $ ./test17
 This is a test line of data
 $ cat test17file
 This'll be bad

After sending a data string to the test17file file and closing the file descriptor, the script uses the cat command to display the contents of the file. So far, so good. Next, the script reopens the output file and sends another data string to it. When you display the contents of the output file, all you see is the second data string. The shell overwrote the original output file.

Listing Open File Descriptors

With only nine file descriptors available to you, you'd think that it wouldn't be hard to keep things straight. Sometimes, however, it's easy to get lost when trying to keep track of which file descriptor is redirected where. To help you keep your sanity, the bash shell provides the lsof command.

The lsof command lists all the open file descriptors on the entire Linux system. This is somewhat of a controversial feature, because it can provide information about the Linux system to non-system-administrators. That's why many Linux systems hide this command so users don't accidentally stumble across it.

On many Linux systems (such as Fedora) the lsof command is located in the /usr/sbin directory. To run it with a normal user account, I have to reference it by its full pathname:

 $ /usr/sbin/lsof

This produces an amazing amount of output. It displays information about every file currently open on the Linux system. This includes all the processes running on background, as well as any user accounts logged in to the system.

Plenty of command line parameters and options are available to help filter out the lsof output. The most commonly used are -p, which allows you to specify a process ID (PID), and -d, which allows you to specify the file descriptor numbers to display.

To easily determine the current PID of the process, you can use the special environment variable $$, which the shell sets to the current PID. The -a option is used to perform a Boolean AND of the results of the other two options, to produce the following:

 $ /usr/sbin/lsof -a -p $$ -d 0,1,2
 bash    3344 rich    0u   CHR  136,0         2 /dev/pts/0
 bash    3344 rich    1u   CHR  136,0         2 /dev/pts/0
 bash    3344 rich    2u   CHR  136,0         2 /dev/pts/0

This shows the default file descriptors (0, 1, and 2) for the current process (the bash shell). The default output of lsof contains several columns of information, described in Table 15.2.

Table 15.2 Default lsof Output

Column Description
COMMAND The first nine characters of the name of the command in the process
PID The process ID of the process
USER The login name of the user who owns the process
FD The file descriptor number and access type [r—(read), w—(write), u—(read/write)]
TYPE The type of file [CHR—(character), BLK— (block), DIR— (directory), REG—(regular file)]
DEVICE The device numbers (major and minor) of the device
SIZE If available, the size of the file
NODE The node number of the local file
NAME The name of the file

The file type associated with STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR is character mode. Because the STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR file descriptors all point to the terminal, the name of the output file is the device name of the terminal. All three standard files are available for both reading and writing (although it does seem odd to be able to write to STDIN and read from STDOUT).

Now, let's look at the results of the lsof command from inside a script that's opened a couple of alternative file descriptors:

 $ cat test18
 # testing lsof with file descriptors
 exec 3> test18file1
 exec 6> test18file2
 exec 7< testfile
 /usr/sbin/lsof -a -p $$ -d0,1,2,3,6,7
 $ ./test18
 test18  3594 rich    0u   CHR  136,0           2 /dev/pts/0
 test18  3594 rich    1u   CHR  136,0           2 /dev/pts/0
 test18  3594 rich    2u   CHR  136,0           2 /dev/pts/0
 18  3594 rich    3w   REG  253,0    0 360712 /home/rich/test18file1
 18  3594 rich    6w   REG  253,0    0 360715 /home/rich/test18file2
 18  3594 rich    7r   REG  253,0   73 360717 /home/rich/testfile

The script creates three alternative file descriptors, two for output (3 and 6) and one for input (7). When the script runs the lsof command, you can see the new file descriptors in the output. We truncated the first part of the output so you could see the results of the filename. The filename shows the complete pathname for the files used in the file descriptors. It shows each of the files as type REG, which indicates that they are regular files on the filesystem.

Suppressing Command Output

Sometimes, you may not want to display any output from your script. This often occurs if you're running a script as a background process (see Chapter 16). If any error messages occur from the script while it's running in the background, the shell e-mails them to the owner of the process. This can get tedious, especially if you run scripts that generate minor nuisance errors.

To solve that problem, you can redirect STDERR to a special file called the null file. The null file is pretty much what it says it is — a file that contains nothing. Any data that the shell outputs to the null file is not saved, thus the data are lost.

The standard location for the null file on Linux systems is /dev/null. Any data you redirect to that location is thrown away and doesn't appear:

 $ ls -al > /dev/null
 $ cat /dev/null

This is a common way to suppress any error messages without actually saving them:

 $ ls -al badfile test16 2> /dev/null
 -rwxr--r--    1 rich     rich          135 Oct 29 19:57 test16*

You can also use the /dev/null file for input redirection as an input file. Because the /dev/null file contains nothing, it is often used by programmers to quickly remove data from an existing file without having to remove the file and re-create it:

 $ cat testfile
 This is the first line.
 This is the second line.
 This is the third line.
 $ cat /dev/null > testfile
 $ cat testfile

The file testfile still exists on the system, but now it is empty. This is a common method used to clear out log files that must remain in place for applications to operate.

Using Temporary Files

The Linux system contains a special directory location reserved for temporary files. Linux uses the /tmp directory for files that don't need to be kept indefinitely. Most Linux distributions configure the system to automatically remove any files in the /tmp directory at bootup.

Any user account on the system has privileges to read and write files in the /tmp directory. This feature provides an easy way for you to create temporary files that you don't necessarily have to worry about cleaning up.

There's even a specific command to use for creating a temporary file. The mktemp command allows you to easily create a unique temporary file in the /tmp folder. The shell creates the file but doesn't use your default umask value (see Chapter 7). Instead, it only assigns read and write permissions to the file's owner and makes you the owner of the file. After you create the file, you have full access to read and write to and from it from your script, but no one else can access it (other than the root user, of course).

Creating a local temporary file

By default, mktemp creates a file in the local directory. To create a temporary file in a local directory with the mktemp command, you just need to specify a filename template. The template consists of any text filename, plus six X's appended to the end of the filename:

 $ mktemp testing.XXXXXX
 $ ls -al testing*
 -rw-------   1 rich     rich      0 Oct 17 21:30 testing.UfIi13

The mktemp command replaces the six X's with a six-character code to ensure the filename is unique in the directory. You can create multiple temporary files and be assured that each one is unique:

 $ mktemp testing.XXXXXX
 $ mktemp testing.XXXXXX
 $ mktemp testing.XXXXXX
 $ ls -l testing*
 -rw-------    1 rich     rich     0 Oct 17 21:57 testing.1DRLuV
 -rw-------    1 rich     rich     0 Oct 17 21:57 testing.PgqNKG
 -rw-------    1 rich     rich     0 Oct 17 21:30 testing.UfIi13
 -rw-------    1 rich     rich     0 Oct 17 21:57 testing.lVBtkW

As you can see, the output of the mktemp command is the name of the file that it creates. When you use the mktemp command in a script, you'll want to save that filename in a variable, so you can refer to it later on in the script:

 $ cat test19
 # creating and using a temp file
 tempfile=$(mktemp test19.XXXXXX)
 exec 3>$tempfile
 echo "This script writes to temp file $tempfile"
 echo "This is the first line" >&3
 echo "This is the second line." >&3
 echo "This is the last line." >&3
 exec 3>&-
 echo "Done creating temp file. The contents are:"
 cat $tempfile
 rm -f $tempfile 2> /dev/null
 $ ./test19
 This script writes to temp file test19.vCHoya
 Done creating temp file. The contents are:
 This is the first line
 This is the second line.
 This is the last line.
 $ ls -al test19*
 -rwxr--r--    1 rich     rich          356 Oct 29 22:03 test19*

The script uses the mktemp command to create a temporary file and assigns the filename to the $tempfile variable. It then uses the temporary file as the output redirection file for file descriptor 3. After displaying the temporary filename on STDOUT, it writes a few lines to the temporary file, and then it closes the file descriptor. Finally, it displays the contents of the temporary file and then uses the rm command to remove it.

Creating a temporary file in /tmp

The -t option forces mktemp to create the file in the temporary directory of the system. When you use this feature, the mktemp command returns the full pathname used to create the temporary file, not just the filename:

 $ mktemp -t test.XXXXXX
 $ ls -al /tmp/test*
 -rw------- 1 rich rich 0 2014-10-29 18:41 /tmp/test.xG3374

Because the mktemp command returns the full pathname, you can then reference the temporary file from any directory on the Linux system, no matter where it places the temporary directory:

 $ cat test20
 # creating a temp file in /tmp
 tempfile=$(mktemp -t tmp.XXXXXX)
 echo "This is a test file." > $tempfile
 echo "This is the second line of the test." >> $tempfile
 echo "The temp file is located at: $tempfile"
 cat $tempfile
 rm -f $tempfile
 $ ./test20
 The temp file is located at: /tmp/tmp.Ma3390
 This is a test file.
 This is the second line of the test.

When mktemp creates the temporary file, it returns the full pathname to the environment variable. You can then use that value in any command to reference the temporary file.

Creating a temporary directory

The -d option tells the mktemp command to create a temporary directory instead of a file. You can then use that directory for whatever purposes you need, such as creating additional temporary files:

 $ cat test21
 # using a temporary directory
 tempdir=$(mktemp -d dir.XXXXXX)
 cd $tempdir
 tempfile1=$(mktemp temp.XXXXXX)
 tempfile2=$(mktemp temp.XXXXXX)
 exec 7> $tempfile1
 exec 8> $tempfile2
 echo "Sending data to directory $tempdir"
 echo "This is a test line of data for $tempfile1" >&7
 echo "This is a test line of data for $tempfile2" >&8
 $ ./test21
 Sending data to directory dir.ouT8S8
 $ ls -al
 total 72
 drwxr-xr-x    3 rich     rich         4096 Oct 17 22:20 ./
 drwxr-xr-x    9 rich     rich         4096 Oct 17 09:44 ../
 drwx------    2 rich     rich         4096 Oct 17 22:20 dir.ouT8S8/
 -rwxr--r--    1 rich     rich          338 Oct 17 22:20 test21*
 $ cd dir.ouT8S8
 [dir.ouT8S8]$ ls -al
 total 16
 drwx------    2 rich     rich         4096 Oct 17 22:20 ./
 drwxr-xr-x    3 rich     rich         4096 Oct 17 22:20 ../
 -rw-------    1 rich     rich           44 Oct 17 22:20 temp.N5F3O6
 -rw-------    1 rich     rich           44 Oct 17 22:20 temp.SQslb7
 [dir.ouT8S8]$ cat temp.N5F3O6
 This is a test line of data for temp.N5F3O6
 [dir.ouT8S8]$ cat temp.SQslb7
 This is a test line of data for temp.SQslb7

The script creates a directory in the current directory and uses the cd command to change to that directory before creating two temporary files. The two temporary files are then assigned to file descriptors and used to store output from the script.

Logging Messages

Sometimes, it's beneficial to send output both to the monitor and to a file for logging. Instead of having to redirect output twice, you can use the special tee command.

The tee command is like a T-connector for pipes. It sends data from STDIN to two destinations at the same time. One destination is STDOUT. The other destination is a filename specified on the tee command line:

 tee filename

Because tee redirects data from STDIN, you can use it with the pipe command to redirect output from any command:

 $ date | tee testfile
 Sun Oct 19 18:56:21 EDT 2014
 $ cat testfile
 Sun Oct 19 18:56:21 EDT 2014

The output appears in STDOUT and is written to the file specified. Be careful: By default, the tee command overwrites the output file on each use:

 $ who | tee testfile
 rich     pts/0        2014-10-17 18:41 (
 $ cat testfile
 rich     pts/0        2014-10-17 18:41 (

If you want to append data to the file, you must use the -a option:

 $ date | tee -a testfile
 Sun Oct 19 18:58:05 EDT 2014
 $ cat testfile
 rich     pts/0        2014-10-17 18:41 (
 Sun Oct 19 18:58:05 EDT 2014

Using this technique, you can both save data in files and display the data on the monitor for your users:

 $ cat test22
 # using the tee command for logging
 echo "This is the start of the test" | tee $tempfile
 echo "This is the second line of the test" | tee -a $tempfile
 echo "This is the end of the test" | tee -a $tempfile
 $ ./test22
 This is the start of the test
 This is the second line of the test
 This is the end of the test
 $ cat test22file
 This is the start of the test
 This is the second line of the test
 This is the end of the test

Now you can save a permanent copy of your output at the same time as you're displaying it to your users.

Practical Example

File redirection is very common both when reading files into scripts and when outputting data from a script into a file. This example script does both of those things. It reads a .csv-formatted data file and outputs SQL INSERT statements to insert the data into a database (see Chapter 25).

The shell script uses a command line parameter to define the name of the .csv file from which to read the data. The .csv format is used to export data from spreadsheets, so you can place the database data into a spreadsheet, save the spreadsheet in .csv format, read the file, and create INSERT statements to insert the data into a MySQL database.

Here's what the script looks like:

$cat test23
# read file and create INSERT statements for MySQL
while read lname fname address city state zip
   cat >> $outfile << EOF
   INSERT INTO members (lname,fname,address,city,state,zip) VALUES
('$lname', '$fname', '$address', '$city', '$state', '$zip');
done < ${1}

That's a pretty short script, thanks to the file redirection that goes on! There are three redirection operations happening in the script. The while loop uses the read statement (discussed in Chapter 14) to read text from the data file. Notice in the done statement the redirection symbol:

done < ${1}

The $1 represents the first command line parameter when you run the test23 program. That specifies the data file from which to read the data. The read statement parses the text using the IFS character, which we specify as a comma.

The other two redirection operations in the script both appear in the same statement:

cat >> $outfile << EOF

This one statement has one output append redirection (the double greater-than symbol) and one input append redirection (the double less-than symbol). The output redirection appends the cat command output to the file specified by the $outfile variable. The input to the cat command is redirected from the standard input to use the data stored inside the script. The EOF symbol marks the start and end delimiter of the data that's appended to the file:

INSERT INTO members (lname,fname,address,city,state,zip) VALUES
('$lname', '$fname', '$address', '$city', '$state', '$zip');

The text creates a standard SQL INSERT statement. Notice that the data values are replaced with the variables for the data read from the read statement.

So basically the while loop reads on the data one line at a time, plugs those data values into the INSERT statement template, then outputs the result to the output file.

For this experiment, I used this as the input data file:

$ cat members.csv
Blum,Richard,123 Main St.,Chicago,IL,60601
Blum,Barbara,123 Main St.,Chicago,IL,60601
Bresnahan,Christine,456 Oak Ave.,Columbus,OH,43201
Bresnahan,Timothy,456 Oak Ave.,Columbus,OH,43201

When you run the script, nothing appears in the output on the monitor:

$ ./test23 < members.csv

But when you look at the members.sql output file, you should see the output data:

$ cat members.sql
   INSERT INTO members (lname,fname,address,city,state,zip) VALUES ('Blum',
 'Richard', '123 Main St.', 'Chicago', 'IL', '60601');
   INSERT INTO members (lname,fname,address,city,state,zip) VALUES ('Blum',
 'Barbara', '123 Main St.', 'Chicago', 'IL', '60601');
   INSERT INTO members (lname,fname,address,city,state,zip) VALUES ('Bresnahan',
 'Christine', '456 Oak Ave.', 'Columbus', 'OH', '43201');
   INSERT INTO members (lname,fname,address,city,state,zip) VALUES ('Bresnahan',
 'Timothy', '456 Oak Ave.', 'Columbus', 'OH', '43201');

The script worked exactly as expected! Now you can easily import the members.sql file into a MySQL database table (see Chapter 25).


Understanding how the bash shell handles input and output can come in handy when creating your scripts. You can manipulate both how the script receives data and how it displays data, to customize your script for any environment. You can redirect the input of a script from the standard input (STDIN) to any file on the system. You can also redirect the output of the script from the standard output (STDOUT) to any file on the system.

Besides the STDOUT, you can redirect any error messages your script generates by redirecting the STDERR output. This is accomplished by redirecting the file descriptor associated with the STDERR output, which is file descriptor 2. You can redirect STDERR output to the same file as the STDOUT output or to a completely separate file. This enables you to separate normal script messages from any error messages generated by the script.

The bash shell allows you to create your own file descriptors for use in your scripts. You can create file descriptors 3 through 8 and assign them to any output file you desire. After you create a file descriptor, you can redirect the output of any command to it, using the standard redirection symbols.

The bash shell also allows you to redirect input to a file descriptor, providing an easy way to read data contained in a file into your script. You can use the lsof command to display the active file descriptors in your shell.

Linux systems provide a special file, called /dev/null, to allow you to redirect output that you don't want. The Linux system discards anything redirected to the /dev/null file. You can also use this file to produce an empty file by redirecting the contents of the /dev/null file to the file.

The mktemp command is a handy feature of the bash shell that allows you to easily create temporary files and directories. Simply specify a template for the mktemp command, and it creates a unique file each time you call it, based on the file template format. You can also create temporary files and directories in the /tmp directory on the Linux system, which is a special location that isn't preserved between system boots.

The tee command is a handy way to send output both to the standard output and to a log file. This enables you to display messages from your script on the monitor and store them in a log file at the same time.

In Chapter 16, you'll see how to control and run your scripts. Linux provides several different methods for running scripts other than directly from the command line interface prompt. You'll see how to schedule your scripts to run at a specific time, as well as learn how to pause them while they're running.