

Title Page




1. Godshill

2. Afternoon Tea

3. The Door

4. Boiling

5. The Demon in the Tea Room

6. Grey-suits

7. Old Faces

8. The Butcher and the Hammer

9. The Nest

10. Tinks

11. Who? What? Why?

12. Little to Do about Nothing

13. Not Entirely Ideal

14. Not Entirely Alone

15. The Forest

16. We Have Company

17. Brother

18. The King in the Cave

19. Older than Old

20. The Stone Dragon

21. Trapped

22. Alliance

23. Brothers-in-arms

24. Headquarters

25. Mr Bear

26. A Brief Debrief

27. Father and Son

28. Clockwork Museum

29. Mr Cogsworth

30. A Decent Pub in Dublin

31. Tick-tock, the Mouse and the Clock

32. Trouble and Strife

33. Sharp Exit

34. No Exit

35. Dearly Departed

36. Best-made Plans

37. The Fey

38. The Liffey

39. Lemnus Gemfeather

40. The Glade Awakens

41. St Albertsburg

42. A Ball of Vines

43. Breaking and Entering

44. Magic Wakes

45. The Fallen

46. Boffins

47. Whiskers?

48. Mr Bear’s Insurance

49. Dad

50. Dinner for Two

51. Things That Go “Bump” in the Night

52. The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend

53. Bananas

54. Past and Present

55. Ready?

56. The Forest Darkens

57. Really Real

58. Artificial Intelligence

59. Time’s Up

60. The Un-Hidden

61. Wild Horses

62. The Night Before the Darkness

63. Barbarossa

64. “Good Luck”

65. Mr Rook

66. The Wall of Wood

67. The Central Intelligence

68. Charging into Darkness

69. Tick, Tock

70. Into the Fray

71. Mr Spider and Mr Fox

72. Tricks and Traps

73. Whiskers and the Scientist

74. The Eastern Tower

75. Together

76. Barba and the King

77. The End of Everything

78. Light and Dark

79. Presents

80. Mr Fox

81. George and the Jungle

82. Toys

83. Everywhere


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About the Author

Books by Justin Fisher

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