

Pronunciation: ah-sur-ah

Rank: B-Class

Description: An Asura is the size of a small child, with an upright humanlike torso, cow legs, and a cow head. Its body is covered in tan hide, and it sports six humanlike arms. It also has ten milky-white eyes, which correspond to the number of hits that can be absorbed by its shield. When activating its impenetrable defensive shield, the Asura holds two hands palm up toward the heavens, two flat and parallel to the earth, and two pressed firmly against the ground. The invisible, bubble-like dome this creates can withstand any attack for up to ten hits. The number of closed eyes indicates the number of hits sustained at any point during the battle. Asura are slow to move and incapable of physical attacks. Their shields will remain intact if they travel with their Charmer, but since movement requires them to remove their lower two hands from the earth, this weakens the shield.

Taming: Taming an Asura takes considerable time. The Charmer must sit cross-legged before the beast, with arms extended outward, and activate charm. This position must be held for several hours while the Asura chews on wheatgrass and evaluates the Charmer’s power. If it finds the Charmer unsuitable, the Asura will walk away and become untamable for seven days.


Pronunciation: a-zad

Rank: C-Class

Description: Azad are small, mouse-like beasts with porcelain-colored fur and pearl-like eyes. They primarily reside in frozen landscapes, where food is scarce, and they will use their treasure-tracking powers to find their prize—grubs and grass. Their claws are incredibly sharp, and they can dig easily into frozen earth in search of food and to hibernate between feeds. Once tamed, Charmers can use their power to seek treasure of other types by communicating their desires to the beast.

Taming: Azads are incredibly hard to find, and only surface under the light of a full moon. While they’re used to eating grubs and grass, they’re particularly fond of fruit. Due to the frozen landscape in which they live, they rarely get to enjoy this treat. As such, if a Charmer wishes to tame an Azad, the easiest way to do so is to lure one out with fruit and wait under a full moon. Eventually, the scent will attract the beast. Initiate charm once it has started in on its meal.


Pronunciation: bock-u-lar

Rank: D-Class

Description: The Bockular is a hedgehog beast the size of a teacup with glass-blue eyes and rainbow quills. It has abnormally large hands, and when they’re pressed flush against an object, the Bockular can detect what’s hidden on the other side. However, any barrier thicker than a few inches distorts the Bockular’s magic, and the mental image it shares with its Charmer is either fuzzy or simply nonexistent.

Taming: No additional taming requirements are needed aside from standard charm.

Bone Katua

Pronunciation: bone cat-ew-ah

Rank: A-Class

Description: The Bone Katua is one of the ten legendary feline beasts and is russet-brown in color with bone spikes protruding along its spine. Its devil-red eyes have the potential to cause paralysis in prey, making it a supreme hunter. Since the Bone Katua can heal itself by rubbing its fur against trees, it’s difficult to kill. Its yellow fangs stretch past its maw and can pierce thick hides with ease.

Taming: Bone Katua are difficult to locate, often living reclusive lives in mountains populated by dense forests. The Charmer must discover the Bone Katua’s den and take up residence near it, demonstrating a willingness to live fully with nature by eating and drinking only enough to survive and maintaining no contact with the outside world. After several months, the Bone Katua will approach and paralyze the Charmer with its stare. It will then sniff and lick them from head to toe, determining whether they’ve truly dedicated themselves to nature. If it believes the Charmer has, it will sit before them until the paralysis wears off and then allow them to tame it. If it feels the Charmer does not value nature, or has contacted another human or indulged beyond what’s necessary during those few months, it will kill them.


Pronunciation: box-is-mus

Rank: B-Class

Description: Nimble and fast, Boxismus swiftly move through jungle trees with ease. They’re covered in orange fur with silver plates protruding from their shoulders and knees and along the backs of their hands and knuckles. They live in large groups together and are known to be extremely territorial, with the strongest Boxismus becoming the leader of the family and responsible for all members’ safety. If a Boxismus considers a Charmer part of their family, it will go to any length to protect them.

Taming: To charm this beast, the Charmer must locate a family and challenge a Boxismus to fight in physical combat. However, entering directly into a fighting match with this beast will always result in serious injury or death, as the Boxismus has incredible power and stamina. To counteract this, set up a series of heavy sandbags and lure the Boxismus to them with fruit. The Boxismus will punch each one until they split. After five or so bags, they will have spent enough stamina for the Charmer to safely enter a fighting match without risking loss of life. Injuries will likely still happen, but once the Boxismus tires, initiate charm.


Pronunciation: cane-pine

Rank: C-Class

Description: Canepine are wolf-like beasts with ivy-green fur and powder-blue eyes. Male Canepine have small white flowers that grow naturally along the undersides of their bellies, neck, and around their faces, while females have indigo flowers. They live in packs deep within the woods and are peaceful in nature. They have excellent tracking abilities, making them sought after by Charmers who frequent beast hunts. In addition, they can purify any water source, making it safe for consumption.

Taming: Taming a Canepine largely depends on whether or not the beast is attached to its pack. It is impossible to convince a Canepine to leave if it has already mated or birthed pups. Therefore, it’s easier to tame youngsters than adults. Once a Charmer has caught the attention of a Canepine, they must play fetch for as long as the beast desires. Once the Canepine is satisfied, it will take an item off the Charmer and run away, returning sometime later. At that point, the Charmer must find the missing item. If they’re able to track it down, the Canepine will allow itself to be tamed. If not, the Canepine will leave.

Cumulo Leo

Pronunciation: cue-mew-low lee-oh

Rank: A-Class

Description: One of the legendary feline beasts, the Cumulo Leo lives in high mountain ranges, specifically peaks hidden within cloud banks. They have four curling horns, long fangs, and golden fur. They only emerge under the high sun to hunt and are extremely difficult to track, given they can hide their presence by summoning clouds. When they attack and successfully draw blood, they immediately let out a misty, gold-flecked breath full of poison that kills once it comes into contact with the open wound.

Taming: In order to tame a Cumulo Leo, a Charmer must first set out a chest full of gold aurics in a cloud bank on a mountain peak during midday. Then, they must slice open their palms and dribble blood in a circle around the chest. After that, the Charmer must sit in silence without tending their wounds. If they apply any salve or bandages, the beast will view this as a sign of weakness and never approach. If a Cumulo Leo does approach, the beast will first inspect the chest to ensure there is an adequate amount of bits. If the beast is satisfied, it will consume the gold, giving its hide an even more lustrous shine. If the beast feels it has not been presented with enough bits, it will summon mist and kill the Charmer. There is no known amount of aurics to guarantee success, as it varies from beast to beast, but most Charmers willing to part with all their savings manage to live. After the Cumulo Leo finishes its meal, it will promptly fall into a deep slumber. Again, the Charmer must not move or tend to their wounds. Only when the beast has roused, sometimes several days later, will it allow itself to be tamed if the Charmer is still present and has not moved.


Pronunciation: de-vi-kar-a

Rank: B-Class

Description: A Devikara feeds on emotion. This colorful beast is the size of a hawk and looks like a dragon. With crystal covered ears, colorful scales, and a tail that resembles flames, it’s a beautiful beast. Its large wings can carry it high into the trees of the forest where they live. These very sensitive creatures eat berries and leaves, but love sweets. Devikaras cry crystals that can be used as weapons if they sense someone isn’t kind or plans to do harm.

Taming: To charm this beast, a Charmer must set up a mirror with sweets and fruits surrounding it. Because Devikaras are so sensitive to what people are feeling, the Charmer must go with only happy and good thoughts in their mind. If not, the Devikara will be able to sense the Charmer’s ulterior motive, causing them to cry crystal tears. These tears are dangerous weapons that disintegrate everything they come into direct contact with, causing harm to the Charmer and allowing the Devikara to flee. However, if the Charmer comes with pure intentions and successfully tames the Devikara, the beast’s crystal tears can be used to heal the injured and bring joy to the sad.

Charmed by: Harlow Martin


Pronunciation: doh-sha

Rank: D-Class

Description: Dosha are no bigger than teacups and have exceptionally long tails and large hands. They’re generally tawny-colored, with slight coat variations between males and females. While all Dosha have three eyes, female eye color is blue and male eye color is green. The adhesive secreted from their palms is so strong that a single finger attached to a branch could keep them from falling. When they wish to unstick themselves, a secondary dissolvent secretion is released from their hands, granting just enough movement for them to dislodge themselves. They live high in the treetops to avoid predators and eat a variety of leaves and fruit to sustain themselves. Thanks to a special lining in their digestive system, they’re immune to any poison they might consume. As such, they’re useful for detecting whether or not food is safe for human consumption.

Taming: Dosha never leave their treetop homes. To tame one, the Charmer must climb as high as the tree will allow and present the beast with a ripe coconut. If the Dosha accepts, it will glue itself to the Charmer’s body while consuming the fruit. Once the Dosha is finished eating, the Charmer should initiate charm.


Pronunciation: drake-wahr

Rank: B-Class

Description: The Drakuar is a steadfastly loyal beast with the body and shape of a jaguar, dragon-like wings, and blend of blue-black fur and iridescent scales. The creature’s fur is dotted with spots, and the shimmering, turquoise scales cover potential weak points, such as the beast’s ankles, chest, and underbelly. Once tamed, the beast is unflinchingly loyal, going to any and all lengths to protect its Charmer.

Taming: To tame a Drakuar, the Charmer must demonstrate unparalleled loyalty. After successfully finding the Drakuar’s cave, the Charmer must first sit completely still and allow the beast to approach. Under no circumstances should the Charmer summon another beast or bring a weapon to the taming, as this will be seen as a threat. The Drakuar will then sniff the Charmer, determining if their intentions are kind, and then permit them to accompany the beast for several days. At this point, the Charmer must be willing to do anything the beast requires—hunt, seek shelter, protect the beast from threats. Once the beast feels like the Charmer has displayed true loyalty, it will kneel and allow itself to be tamed.

Charmed by: Jessica Pagac


Pronunciation: dree-gul

Rank: B-Class

Description: Dreagles live in flocks atop mountain peaks and form deep bonds with their family. As the seasons change, the coats of their deer-like bodies adapt to match the environment—dirt brown and black during the warmer months and snow-white during the winter. With powerful, eagle-like wings, they can fly for hours without tiring. They use their antlers and sharp talons to catch small game or unearth grubs. Their incredible eyesight cannot be fooled by magic, and they’re able to detect threats from great distances.

Taming: Dreagles have a unique relationship with Charmers. So long as high peaks are provided for them to stand guard—as well as more secluded mountaintop perches to nest and birth young—they’ll watch over a designated area without needing to be tamed. They can be tamed with standard charm, but it’s generally not recommended to separate a Dreagle from its flock, due to their highly social natures.


Pronunciation: drev-tock

Rank: B-Class

Description: Drevtoks are no bigger than a toddler with two spheres that make up their body. The bottom, larger sphere is hollow with branch-like bars that display an empty cage if the beast has not recently gathered food. The smaller, bulbous sphere is its head. Endless vines erupt from its center mass to snare its fruit and protect itself from potential threats. Drevtoks can open and close their lower sphere, and once tamed, store both people and belongings safely within their bodies.

Taming: Drevtoks are solitary creatures that live near orchards or locations with a large amount of fruit, which is their preferred food source. They only eat when hungry and the rest of the time protect their fruit from other threats by ensnaring them with vines. To tame a Drevtok, a Charmer has to successfully steal a piece of fruit. When the Drevtok attacks, the Charmer must bypass the endless vines without harming the beast in order to make it amicable to taming. If the beast is harmed, it will immediately flee.


Pronunciation: eff-reft

Rank: B-Class

Description: Effrefts are roughly the size of small dogs, with falcon heads, long, feathered tails, and wings. Their mint-green coloring and pink eyes make them easy to spot during the day, so they typically hunt at night. They can shower the space beneath their wingspan with magic, encouraging plants to reach maturity in seconds, and the soil left behind is regarded as the most fertile in the world.

Taming: The Charmer should find an open field on a moonlit night and prepare a cornucopia. After overflowing it with a variety of food, they must initiate charm and wait. A successful taming may take several days, because Effrefts have unknown migratory patterns and might not be present. More sightings have occurred in the south, as they seem to prefer warmer wind currents.

Fabric Spinner

Pronunciation: fabric spinner

Rank: B-Class

Description: Fabric Spinners are reclusive beasts that live deep in caves far from civilization. While they’re skittish in nature, they’ve been known to attack anything that strays into their territory. The wrap their prey in a web and slowly devour its organs over a period of time. They have humanoid heads with insect features, and human torsos that end in bulbous abdomens reminiscent of arachnids. With eight hairy legs, two pincers at the space where the torso transitions to abdomen, and two spiny, human-like arms, they’re exceptionally talented at snaring prey. The ducts on their inner wrists shoot an endless supply of near-unbreakable silken thread. Their fingers are coated in tiny, retractable barbs that allow them to slit their webs if need be. The spinner that protrudes from the beast’s rear produces a single thread that tethers the Fabric Spinner to its lair. If it senses danger or wants to return after a successful hunt, it will retract that thread and be pulled at immense speed back to safety. Given they’re solitary creatures and rarely mate—females often attempt to eat males after copulation—not many Charmers own this beast. Those who do own the beast are often tailors, using the silk threads to craft immensely sturdy clothing or other sought-after materials, such as fishing line.

Taming: After finding the lair of a Fabric Spinner, the Charmer must bring several buckets of fresh organs to present to the beast. It will examine each offering one by one, and if it finds the organ appealing, it will wrap them in webbing for later consumption. If one of the organs has gone foul, the Fabric Spinner will become enraged and attack. Assuming all organs are satisfactory, the beast will then weave an intricate web. The Charmer must willingly ensnare themselves and wait patiently while the Fabric Spinner eats the provided organs, symbolizing the patience the beast exudes while hunting. The Charmer must remain completely still for the entire duration of the meal, otherwise the Fabric Spinner will attack. Once the beast has finished eating, it will cut the Charmer down from the web and allow itself to be tamed.


Pronunciation: fem-zee

Rank: D-Class

Description: Like the sparrow, the Femsy are small and flighty. They travel in flocks and rarely hold still, making it difficult to snag one’s attention long enough to charm it. They’re steel gray in color with violet breasts. When one is tamed, a yellow film slides over its three black eyes, marking it as owned. After a successful taming, the Charmer can tap into the bird’s eyesight for short intervals by concentrating on the bond. Because there are no distance limitations to shared sight, the Femsy is often used for reconnaissance. However, the act is quite draining on the bird and can only be used three times before it must be sent back to the beast realm to recover.

Taming: No additional taming requirements are needed aside from standard charm.


Pronunciation: gig-loam

Rank: A-Class

Description: Gigloams are solitary, bear-like creatures that live in woodland areas and are the size of elephant bulls when fully grown. Their mossy green hides help them blend in with their surroundings, and they hibernate several months out of the year. They have stag-like antlers and a bone helm that grows over their skull, protecting their faces. In the center of their helm is the etching of a moon that changes to match the lunar cycle. When the Gigloam is ready to attack, it channels moonlight between its antlers and sends a beam at its prey. The closer the etching is to the full moon, the stronger the beast is and the more beams it can produce.

Taming: Gigloam are extremely territorial, and the only time a Charmer can tame a Gigloam is during a new moon when the beast has no ability to summon a beam of moonlight. The Charmer must bring a bag of moonstones that have been charged by the most recent full moon. Low on power, the Gigloam will be attracted to the stones, and, rather than attack the Charmer for entering its territory, will allow passage into its cave. Since the new moon is associated with new beginnings, the Charmer must share with the beast their goals and desires, as well as any barriers or hardships they wish to overcome. If the beast finds the Charmer’s dreams suitable, they will bow their head to the earth and allow the Charmer to tame them. If not, the beast will attack.


Pronunciation: grah-vul-tot

Rank: D-Class

Description: The Graveltot is a small, spherical beast covered in slate and rocks. It moves by rolling across the ground, only popping out its head and feet when prompted to activate its power. When its hooves meet the earth, it manipulates the force of gravity in a perfect circle around it, making it impossible for anyone caught in its trap to move. It only lasts for fifteen minutes, and the Graveltot must rest for several hours before it can use its power again.

Taming: No additional taming requirements are needed aside from standard charm.


Pronunciation: groo-ber

Rank: E-Class

Description: Groobers are round, fluffy beasts with white fur softer than a rabbit’s fluff. They have stubby arms and legs and circular eyes. When squeezed tightly, Groobers emit a mixture of lavender and valerian to aid with sleep.

Taming: No additional taming requirements are needed aside from standard charm.


Pronunciation: ghoul-ya

Rank: B-Class

Description: The bat-like Gulya is the size of a child with leathery, paper-thin wings and circular, glass-blue eyes. Their ears are larger than their skull and can rotate in any direction to detect minute sounds. They use soundwaves to track prey, and when they activate their power, they become completely immobile, their gray hide turns ink-black, and their eyes burn red like fire. Black flames cover its body, and its ears stand at attention. When in this state, there is virtually nothing the Gulya can’t detect within a five-mile radius. However, the Gulya uses a considerable amount of power while doing this, making their ability short-lived unless they’re tamed by an exceptional Charmer.

Taming: Gulyas live in caves deep within forests to avoid contact with humans. They only way to tame this beast is to first locate a cave with suitable conditions for a Gulya, and then take up residence in a nearby, hidden location. Months might pass before a flock of Gulyas decide to make the cave their home. If the Charmer comes across an already full cave, the Gulyas will immediately flee, deem the area unsafe, and refuse to return for several years. If they successfully move in, the Charmer must then wait until high noon, when the Gulyas are sleeping, to enter the cave. They should then find the largest Gulya, which is the flock’s leader, and announce themselves by emitting a sharp whistle. This will panic the Gulyas, but the leader will descend, allowing itself to be tamed, while the rest flee.


Pronunciation: giss

Rank: C-Class

Description: Gyss are the size of coffee mugs, with human torsos and misty, wisp-like tails for the lower half of their bodies. They can only be found in sacred sites and often adorn their hair with flowers or leaves. Their sharp, pointed teeth are used to crack nuts, one of their preferred food sources. Exceptionally cunning and mischievous, they like to talk in riddles and are the only known beast with an active relationship with the gods. Male Gyss have been spotted but not tamed. Gyss have the ability to grant one wish every six months. There are no limitations, so long as payment is met. However, the breadth of their ability is dependent on the master’s power and intelligence. While Gyss can use their relationship with the gods to argue for less severe payments, they often don’t, as they take joy in using their power to the fullest extent of their abilities. As such, they are rarely, if ever, called upon. Many Charmers feel Gyss should be ranked higher, but their restricted conditions for wish-granting caused the Council to rank them as C-Class beasts.

Taming: Gyss can only be found at sacred sites and require utter stillness to tame. Otherwise, standard charm is all that’s needed.


Pronunciation: Hav-rah

Rank: E-Class

Description: Havra are small and slender in stature with gangly limbs and knobby fingers. They have long faces with four deer-like eyes. They are solitary creatures who live in forests and survive off berries. While holding their breath, they are able to materialize through objects. Because of this and their bark-like skin, they were initially thought to be tree spirits.

Taming: Havra can only be found in dense wood. The Charmer should place a basket of fresh berries at the base of a tree and wait. Once a Havra is spotted, the Charmer must hold their breath and initiate charm.


Pronunciation: ik-sass

Rank: B-Class

Description: The Iksass alters its constitution to suit its master’s needs. Generally, though, they appear to be tall and slender and take human shape, but are faceless. Despite that, they have excellent senses. Limbs appear and disappear on a whim, and they prefer invisibility, making them difficult to locate. They lurk unseen and hunt small game or steal food from wandering travelers. Needing vast amounts of sleep to power their ability, they can only be called upon for one two-hour stint during a day once tamed. Many Charmers use Iksass for protection, as their shape-shifting abilities make them formidable opponents.

Taming: The key to taming an Iksass is locating it. Without a known preferred habitat, the only way to tame one is for the Charmer to catch it picking their pocket in search of food. When this happens, immediately activate charm to keep the beast from fleeing, and maintain it for two hours or until the beast tires.


Pronunciation: keye-kew

Rank: C-Class

Description: Kaiku are small, pale-blue beasts with jelly-like bodies and four stubby tentacles. They’re found in shallow ocean waters (not on any Lendrian coast). Females have an aquamarine gem embedded in their centers, whereas males have a ruby. When its power is activated, the Kaiku can, without fault, guide the Charmer to any location they desire. Their gem glows as they determine the location, and then they direct accordingly with their limbs.

Taming: After discovering the Kaiku’s habitat and noting its sex, the Charmer must acquire at least twenty matching gemstones and offer them to the beast. If the beast finds a stone that is shinier than the one embedded in its body, it will shed the old gem and replace it with the new one. Then, charm can be initiated. If the Kaiku does not find a suitable replacement, it will flee and taming will be unsuccessful.


Pronunciation: kes-tral

Rank: Unknown

Description: The Kestral is an untamable beast that magically appeared when Wilheimians forced Charmers to flee after the First War. The Kestral emerged and created an unbreakable border around Hireath to keep the dark magic of the Kitska Forest out. The beast maintains the threshold at all times, only allowing Charmers and those it deems fit to cross. It has incredibly long tail feathers, a large wingspan, and a slender, paper-white body with blue eyes.

Taming: Not possible. Trying results in the beast casting the Charmer across the threshold, only allowing them to return after an undetermined length of time.


Pronunciation: crick

Rank: D-Class

Description: Krik are pear-shaped birds with tiny green feathers. They have small, trumpet-like beaks that emit a staticky, dissonant sound known to steadily drive those who hear it insane. The Krik’s lungs operate independently of each other, allowing the bird to inhale fresh air while still exhaling to maintain its call.

Taming: No additional taming requirements are needed aside from standard charm.


Pronunciation: la-ha-rock

Rank: A-Class

Description: Larger than an elephant and built like a wingless dragon, the Laharock is one of the largest beasts in Lendria. It uses its thick claws to traverse the rough volcanic terrain of its preferred habitat and is surprisingly nimble. The bone mane around its crown acts as an extra layer of protection for the head, and large, pupil-less white eyes glow with the intensity of fire. Red scales rimmed in gold cover the Laharock’s spine, neck, and legs, making the underbelly the only unprotected portion of its hide. These scales are easily corroded by salt water, which can cause damage to the Laharock. If the Laharock grows up in the wild without threat or human interference, it will develop magic that allows it to summon scalding fires and intense heat. Offspring, on the other hand, are empathic metamorphs, susceptible to an outside trigger that could alter their power. Once the trigger event occurs, the power solidifies.

Taming: Laharock absorb minerals from the volcanoes on which they live. Charmers will need to seek out an active volcano and bring a freshly caught marlin. Once the Laharock spots the Charmer, they should leave the fish on a slab and take several steps back. While the Laharock is eating, the Charmer should insert ear plugs, then summon a Songbloom and use its lullaby to put the Laharock in a stupor. The Charmer must remember to approach slowly and find sure footing along the mountain, because one loose rock or loud noise can break the trance and enrage the Laharock. Regardless, the Laharock will produce an intense aura of heat as a means of protection. Being burned is unavoidable. To avoid severe damage, Charmers should immediately summon a Poi afterward to tend to their skin. Once upon the Laharock, Charmers must place a hand on its snout and initiate charm.

Alternative method (discovered by Leena Edenfrell): Find a Laharock with her recently birthed young. Separate the mother from the child. Carefully approach the offspring and tame it first (no additional requirements outside of standard charm). Be careful not to spook it, as that might cause a flood of unstable powers to occur. Once the offspring is tamed, the mother will call off her pursuit and willingly allow herself to be charmed in order to stay with her young.


Pronunciation: mis-tar-ee

Rank: A-Class

Description: The Mistari is one of the ten legendary feline beasts and has a white coat and scaled crystal plates over its chest. Four wings sprout from each of its ankles, resembling jagged pieces of precious gems. They enable the Mistari to propel itself forward, even gliding over short distances. The crystal feathers are highly valuable and, when dropped, can be broken and embedded in the skin of two people, granting them the ability to share thoughts. Mistari live in small prides scattered throughout the plains. Due to their wings and speed, they are difficult to track.

Taming: Charmers should approach with caution and begin the following sequence: first, encircle the Mistari with a mixture of highly valuable gems and stones while half crouched and chuffing to symbolize deference. Then, lie facedown on the ground and remain completely still. If the Mistari does not approve of the Charmer’s offering, they should run. Taming will not be successful and could result in death. If the beast does approve, it will pick the Charmer up by the scruff (Charmers should wear thick clothing to prevent injury) and bring them into the circle. Charmers should stay limp until the beast begins to lick them, then initiate charm.


Pronunciation: my-ad

Rank: A-Class

Description: The Myad is the largest of the ten legendary feline beasts, with a panther-like build, black fur, and a mane comprised of peacock feathers. The same vibrant teal and emerald feathers travel the length of its spine and tail, as well as onto its wings. Gold casings protect the weak points of its ankles and appear around the crown of its head. When the Myad is about to take flight, blue magic streams from its feet and eyes. The Myad has the unique ability to place its prey in a stupor while prying into their deepest memories. The person in question is then forced to face the horrors of their past, which often results in insanity. If the Myad finds them unworthy, the person’s mind is burned to ash, leaving them in a comatose state for the rest of their lives. Because Myads are carnivorous, they are likely to consume their helpless and unfeeling prey.

Taming: Taming a Myad is a dangerous three-step process. First, the Charmer must acquire the blood of a murderer, freely given, and present it to the beast. Second, they must offer a token of loyalty with high personal value. And finally, they must allow the beast to bite them, thus spurring a connection that enables the Myad to review memories and determine worth. Throughout the entire process, the Charmer must not scream, because that will break the Myad’s concentration, causing it to either flee or attack. If the Charmer can survive the evaluation of their past, the Myad will grant permission to tame.


Pronunciation: na-ga-kor-ee

Rank: B-Class

Description: Nagakori mate for life at a young age and, as such, are always found in pairs. They are twin serpents that float in the air with dragon-like heads and whiskers that trail the length of their bodies. Females are electric-blue in coloring and can spew water from their unhinged jaws, while males are snow-white and shoot frost. When tamed, they must both be summoned at the same time, as they refuse to be separated.

Taming: Pairs can be found in cold areas near bodies of water. They’re attracted to pleasant sounds, so Charmers should lure them out with a musical instrument or by singing. While maintaining the music, the Charmer must then perform a ribbon dance. The Nagakori will begin to mimic the flourishes of the ribbons, eventually surrounding the Charmer and allowing charm to be initiated. The Charmer cannot falter with the music, as this will cause the Nagakori to freeze them and flee.


Pronunciation: nawt-bird

Rank: C-Class

Description: These small, sparrow-like creatures have hundreds of tiny iridescent feathers. When they’re in flight, their wings move so fast they’re hard to pinpoint, and their tail feathers resemble that of a boat’s rudder, angling from left to right to help steer. They have long, needle-shaped beaks that can pierce nearly any hide. When that happens, their saliva infiltrates the target’s system and places them in deep slumber.

Taming: Naughtbirds live in hives. To lure one out, create a trail of flower petals that lead to a small bowl of nectar. If interested, the Naughtbird will follow the trail and drink from the bowl. Once the nectar is gone, initiate charm.


Pronunciation: nez-bit

Rank: C-Class

Description: Nezbits are small, have rabbit-like builds with brown fur, and are coated with teal feathers. Exceptionally rare, they’re near impossible to find because of their low numbers and their preference for living underground. They form small colonies and create large networks beneath the soil, only poking their wing-like ears up once every few days to absorb nutrients from the sun. Their ears can hear sounds from miles away, and they track reverberations in the earth to avoid danger. When tamed, they’re used to listen to people’s hearts and determine lies from truth. Their opal eyes flash green for truth and red for lies.

Taming: As they live underground, the Nezbits have no known preferred environment. Finding a colony involves luck and careful examination of the earth, because Nezbits leave behind small mounds after sticking their ears up from the ground. Once a possible mound has been sighted, the Charmer should remain still for several days until the ears appear. The Charmer should then quickly yank the beast up from the dirt and immediately initiate charm. It’s important to note that the mounds in question are extremely similar to those left by prairie dogs, and because of that, reports of colonies are often inaccurate.

Nix Ikari

Pronunciation: nix ih-car-ee

Rank: A-Class

Description: One of the large legendary feline beasts, Nix Ikari are known as supreme hunters given their ability to completely mask their presence and teleport. They have snow-colored fur covered with dark, royal-blue spots with indigo inlays. When their power activates, glowing orchid light streams from their eyes and the spots, indicating they’re about to teleport. They have elongated canines, twin curling horns behind their ears, and a thick, bushy tail twice the length of their bodies. They can travel great distances, though they normally only teleport in short bursts when hunting. The greater the distance required for teleporting, the longer it takes the Nix Ikari to recover.

Taming: Nix Ikari are fierce predators and will not be tamed without first deciding whether or not the Charmer in question is willing to fight. As such, very few Charmers have ever tamed this beast. After a Nix Ikari has marked a Charmer for a potential master, it will follow them unseen, judging their actions for an undetermined period of time. Once the decision has been made, the beast will appear and either kill the Charmer or allow itself to be tamed. Nix Ikari live in cold, near-inhospitable climates, and to start the taming process, the Charmer must provide prey, encircle it in the Charmer’s blood, and decorate the area with fire opals.


Pronunciation: nigh-neev

Rank: C-Class

Description: A Nyneve is a medium-size aquatic lizard. It can be identified by its bright blue tongue, translucent body, and large luna moth–like wings. They are primarily found in large lakes. The Nyneve gains its energy from the sun, so during the day they can be found sunbathing. Under the sun, their skin hardens into scales for protection and turns a light-brown color. Their wings are fully formed but they are unable to fly. If attacked, the wings may be used to glide or propel an escape to the water. At night, the Nyneve glow a phosphorescent bright blue and travel in large groups to form beautifully intricate patterns in the water. The Nyneve’s wings also glow, and they are used like fins to glide through the water. Finding a group of Nyneve is extremely rare and auspicious.

Taming: Once the Charmer has spotted the nighttime phenomenon of the Nyneve group, they must toss a shiny object—preferably something of great value to the Charmer—into the lake. If the Nyneve accept the offering, the Charmer must enter the water and follow the group, as they will lead the Charmer to the location of a long-forgotten sunken treasure. If the Charmer is unable to secure the treasure before sunrise, they must try again the following night. Once the Charmer has successfully retrieved the treasure, the leader of the Nyneve pack will present itself for taming. Once tamed, the Nyneve can successfully locate a new hidden treasure once every few months, which the Charmer can sell or keep, making taming this beast a lucrative path.

Charmed by: Anna Hampton


Pronunciation: ock-no-log

Rank: Unknown

Description: Ocnolog was the first beast ever to be tamed by the goddess Celeste. He is the only dragon beast known to Charmers, and his immense power nearly turned all of Lendria to ash. Larger than Hireath’s mountain, he can fly at incredible speeds and destroy entire cities with his endless fire. He has gleaming, alabaster scales and ruby-red eyes, and until former Crown Yazmin awakened him, slumbered beneath the keep in Hireath.

Taming: Yazmin awakened Ocnolog by performing a forbidden dark magic ritual involving bones of a tainted Charmer, blood of an undead prince—recognized by the gods—and her heart. While this resulted in Ocnolog rising from his crypt, Yazmin couldn’t fully control him. It was not until Leena Edenfrell, current Queen of Lendria and Crown of the Charmers Council, used her ability to break taming bonds and sacrifice her heart that Ocnolog found peace in the beast realm at Celeste’s side.


Pronunciation: oss-eh-lix

Rank: A-Class

Description: While Ossilix are the smallest of the legendary feline beasts, they exude a calm fury and are lethal, using size to their advantage to outmaneuver prey. Slightly larger than an ocelot, they have lithe bodies coated in metal, giving the appearance of silver and making their hide near impenetrable. They’re known to be incredibly intelligent, displaying exceptional tactical thinking and striking only when they see the possibility of a killing blow. Ossilix saliva is a potent healing balm with the capability of bringing someone back from the brink of death. However, accepting this gift requires the recipient to sacrifice a sliver of humanity in exchange. The effects vary from person to person, but largely involve a physical transformation to that of a beast.

Taming: After finding an Ossilix, the Charmer must allow it to inflict a life-threatening injury and then accept its healing balm. If the Charmer does not accept, it will kill them quickly. If they do accept, the Ossilix will retreat and watch from a distance as their humanity slips away and they transform into a beast. This transformation represents the constant fury the Ossilix feels and, as such, is incredibly difficult to control. The Ossilix will study the Charmer’s behavior, killing them if they’re unable to withstand the burning rage, or accepting them as its master if they’re able to revert back to human form.


Pronunciation: poy

Rank: B-Class

Description: Poi are solitary creatures that often establish territories over small clearings in the woods. They have fox-like bodies with white fur and a single black stripe running the length of their spines. Their most identifiable feature is the jewel-like amethyst orb nestled between their ears, which turns cloudy when a prediction is brewing and clears once the future has been set. Poi bites are venomous and will slowly kill, but the poison can be removed by the beast if tamed. Their saliva can close minor wounds and alleviate burns, though their true power lies in their ability to predict outcomes two minutes into the future. When tamed, the Poi can share its visions with its master.

Taming: No additional requirements are needed outside of standard charm, but the Charmer must hold their charm for several minutes while making no sudden movements, allowing the Poi to perform a series of predictions and determine the outcome of being tamed.


Pronunciation: pren-tiss

Rank: S-Class

Description: The Prentiss is a ferocious, serpentine beast with an arrow-tipped tail, bat-like wings, and monstrous claws at its first wing joint. Its fangs are longer than elephant trunks and twice as thick, but its most devastating attack involves its normally deflated belly. When it inhales, it creates a vortex that disrupts magic and devours anything. Once the creature’s belly is full, it releases violent tornadoes from its maw. The beast lives in the Gaping Wound and only stirs when someone other than the royal family crosses to Tyrus’s Ruins. It will attack intruders and feed on them, only returning to hibernate in the canyon’s depths once it deems the area safe again.

Taming: Unknown.


Pronunciation: qoh-lint

Rank: D-Class

Description: These small, frog-like beasts are the size of one’s finger, with bright-green skin and red spots. They have tiny, see-through wings, allowing them to glide short distances while hunting for flies. Their skin secretes a viscous poison that has memory-altering powers. In the wild, this acts as a defense mechanism, causing a predator to pause and forget its actions if the poison touches its mouth. When tamed, Charmers can wear gloves to safely siphon some of the secretion and brew memory-altering concoctions that are tasteless.

Taming: No additional requirements are needed for taming other than to initiate charm, but it’s important to note that the Charmer must not touch the Quolint during the process. While ingesting the poison will cause more lasting memory loss, touch can still cause temporary amnesia. Thus, if the Charmer grazes the Quolint while taming, they will forget why they’re there, and the beast will escape.


Pronunciation: rev-man-dra

Rank: A-Class

Description: One of the most formidable water beasts, the Revmandra is a solitary creature that travels the ocean in search of treasure, which it affixes to its hide via a sticky secretion from its skin. It has a salamander-like body and three moose antlers that grow from the base of its skull. The Revmandra is the size of a whale and remarkably fast, and because of its ability to produce air bubbles which can be caught on its antlers, Charmers often seek out this beast as a means for safe underwater travel.

Taming: Taming and locating a Revmandra is exceedingly difficult, though sunken ships and areas with invaluable treasures are generally considered the best place to start. Once a Charmer has spotted a Revmandra, they must prepare some bait: fish, seashells, a pirate’s treasure, and a pearl. After acquiring the needed ingredients, the Charmer should carry the bait into the ocean, drop beneath the surface, and initiate their charm. As Revmandra are called to treasure, it is highly likely that multiple beasts will appear. They will then battle for the right to claim the treasure. If for any reason someone interferes with the taming, the Revmandra will view the new person as a competing beast and attack. If the person survives, the Revmandra will consider the bait claimed and disperse. If the person dies, the Revmandra will continue to fight to claim the treasure. Once there is only one remaining beast, it will approach the Charmer. After the Revmandra inspects the bait and deems it worthy, the Charmer can then tame the beast.


Pronunciation: scor-pex

Rank: B-Class

Description: The Scorpex is a dangerous beast that can grow to roughly thirty feet in length. Its wormlike body is plated in thick orange scales and coated with a shimmery mucus. It has four legs, each ending in hooked fingers, and a barbed tail with a stinger like that of a scorpion. Its poison is painful but not incurable. With six eyes, three on either side of its mandibles, the Scorpex is difficult to catch off guard. It is carnivorous and uses its eight tongues to strip carcasses down to the bones in a matter of minutes.

Taming: Scorpex are rarely owned, because taming one requires collecting carcasses for weeks to accumulate enough food to entice the beast. The smell alone dissuades most Charmers, not to mention the danger of the Scorpex itself. After presenting the pile of carcasses, the Charmer should wait until the beast has finished eating to initiate charm. If the Charmer has not provided enough to satiate the Scorpex’s hunger, it will strike. A relatively “safe” number of carcasses to present is somewhere in the high twenties.


Pronunciation: song-bloom

Rank: D-Class

Description: The Songbloom is a relatively harmless beast found in rosebushes in remote parts of Lendria. The lower half of their bodies mimic the petals of a flower, and their human-like torsos bloom out of the center of the bulb. They can detach and float from plant to plant, reattaching via miniscule roots at the base of the petals that allow them to pull nutrients from the plant. Male Songbloom are ivy-colored and camouflage with the leaves, whereas females take after the actual roses. Both male and female Songbloom spend their days singing in an unknown language. There are a variety of tunes, and each one has a unique effect on the listener, ranging from feelings of elation to causing temporary slumber. Charmers frequently use Songbloom to elicit feelings of joy and love during ceremonies between mates.

Taming: Find a Songbloom colony by listening for their voices while searching through rosebushes. Once found, the Charmer must seat themselves before the beast and listen to a song of the Songbloom’s choosing. Once the tune is complete, they should offer applause and then initiate charm. If the Songbloom elects to perform a sleeping tune, the Charmer will fall into slumber and be unable to offer applause, and the taming will fail. As the effects should only last a few minutes, the Charmer is free to try again once waking, assuming the Songbloom has not fled.


Pronunciation: sparkle-ayn-uh

Rank: C-Class

Description: A ferocious-looking, but ultimately amiable, marine predator, the Sparklainha has glittering pink skin and makes quick work of its prey (smaller marine creatures and ill-prepared Charmer) with its seemingly infinite rows of razor-sharp teeth. This shark-like beast has the ability to swallow its enemies whole when threatened, though as it lives far out in remote depths of the ocean, this is a rare occurrence.

Taming: Finding a Sparklainha can take a great deal of time, as they have no singular home and are constantly on the move. The best thing to do is wait for weeks on end in the deepest part of the ocean and hopefully spot one. To tame a Sparklainha, the Charmer must source the Sparklainha’s favorite snack—namely, tacos, cheesy crackers, and the flesh of its enemies—and then present it calmly. Once the Sparklainha has eaten its fill, the Charmer can initiate standard charm to tame the beast.

Charmed by: Lindsay Landgraf Hess


Pronunciation: sun-are-ee

Rank: A-Class

Description: One of the larger feline beasts, the Sunnari looks like a tiger that glows, its fur filled with light. It has pure white wings that are tipped in sunlight. It is said to live above the clouds, and gets its glow from the sun. As such, it has the ability to summon and control pure light.

Taming: To tame the Sunnari, a Charmer must first find a place with very thick clouds of the purest white. Then they must lay down a circle of gold and wait for the Sunnari to appear, which can take minutes to hours. If the beast appears, it will sit outside the golden circle and wait as the Charmer summons their strongest or most-prized beast within the circle. The Sunnari will examine it, mentally and physically. If it finds it to be in a strong and healthy condition, then the Charmer must also summon their weakest beast. The Sunnari will once again assess the beast, ensuring the Charmer cares for all beasts fairly, regardless of strength, shape, or size. If so, it will allow itself to be tamed. If the Sunnari determines the Charmer’s beasts have been mistreated, it will attack.

Charmed by: Sophia Pyper


Description: tell-eh-sav-rah

Rank: D-Class

Description: The Telesávra is a lizard the size of a small boulder and has a rocky hide. It can detach its jaw to suck in air and summon a flickering white portal that will transport any beast or person with Charmer’s blood to a designated location, referred to as a hearth point. The Telesávra can only remember one hearth point at a time. Many Charmers set Hireath as their hearth point for efficient and safe travel home.

Taming: No additional taming requirements are needed aside from standard charm.


Description: oo-locks

Rank: C-Class

Description: The Uloox is a black snake found in caves with yellow eyes and three fangs. It can eat prey up to five times larger than its body size, thanks to its unhinging jaw and fast-acting digestive system. Tiny ducts are found along the roof of its mouth, just behind its fangs. Uloox venom is dangerous, and is known to cloud the mind and cause hallucinations, as well as weaken the body. Muscles will seize and become nearly immobile until the venom fades. Very few Charmers own one, as they’re known to be temperamental and find little joy in being summoned from the beast realm.

Taming: To tame an Uloox, a Charmer must allow themselves to be bitten as many times as the beast deems fit. This is highly dangerous, as multiple bites can result in death. Once the Uloox is satisfied that the Charmer has become immobile, it will wait until its venom has cycled out of the Charmer’s system. Only then will it allow itself to be tamed. However, if the beast becomes hungry during the taming process, it will slowly devour parts of the Charmer, such as fingers or toes, until it is either full or the Charmer is able to move. It’s recommend that several field mice are brought along to the taming to prevent this.


Pronunciation: vee-sah-vem

Rank: E-Class

Description: A Visavem is a small, flightless, spherical bird the size of a yarn ball with one spiral-shaped leg. They live in grassy plains and travel in herds by bouncing on their oversized foot. When they bounce, they produce a dust that can be collected and used as a preserving agent.

Taming: No additional taming requirements are needed aside from standard charm.


Pronunciation: vis-sy-reen-ah

Rank: B-Class

Description: Vissirena have human torsos and fishlike lower bodies that end in long, colorful tails. Iridescent scales varying in color cover the entirety of their figure, and their hair is a mixture of seaweed and tentacles. Their faces also share similar structures to those of fish, and additional fins often develop along the forearms. Vissirena live in schools in the waters to the west of Hireath. The fleshy voids on their palms can open and close, altering currents to bring prey in their direction. When tamed, they can channel powerful streams of water with immense force. Vissirena can only be summoned in bodies of water.

Taming: Do not attempt to charm a Vissirena underwater. At the first hint of danger, they will send the threat to the bottom of the ocean via an unforgiving current until drowning has occurred. Likewise, do not attempt to catch from a boat, as they’ll simply destroy the ship. Instead, a Charmer should fish for one from the shore. Only a magically reinforced pole, coupled with fishing line made from Fabric Spinner silk, will hold the Vissirena’s weight. Preferred bait is tuna wrapped in orange peel. Once the Vissirena is hooked, the Charmer should prepare for a fight that could last several days. After the Charmer has reeled one in, they should initiate charm.


Pronunciation: vrees

Rank: S-Class

Description: As one of the five known S-Class beasts, the Vrees’s power exceeds that of all A-Class beasts. Normally, the beast is massive in size with burning, white eyes. It has a fox-like head with the body of a wolf and three foxtails. Its form is more like a sieve with cutouts and negative space that mist passes through. In its center, a ball of blue electricity sparks and summons lightning. Weapons cannot scathe its hide, and only the right type of magic can harm this beast. When summoning a bolt of lightning, it takes a few minutes to charge prior to striking. When there are no threats around, the Vrees will shrink in size, reaching about midthigh in height.

Taming: The exact number of Vrees in the wild and their breeding habits are entirely unknown, as they are thought to live in storm clouds. Tracking this creature takes years and can span many continents, as they have no set home. To start, the Charmer must first find a lightning storm and look for a storm cloud in the shape of a wolf. Then, they must follow the storm until the clouds reach a sandy area. If it strikes, the lightning will petrify, creating an object that looks similar to a tree branch. Once cooled, collect the petrified lightning. If the bolt came from a cloud other than the wolf-shaped one, it won’t work. If the Charmer is lucky enough to collect petrified lightning from the wolf-shaped cloud, they must then wait again for the storm to reappear, sometimes years later in an entirely different location. When this happens, the Charmer must present the petrified lightning. The Vrees will sense the offering and strike it, shattering the object and manifesting before the Charmer. It will then strike the Charmer with a bolt of lightning, and if they survive, allow itself to be tamed.


Pronunciation: vie-pray-elle

Rank: A-Class

Description: With a snakelike body and the head of a falcon, the Vyprale is a stunning flying beast covered in shimmery, reflective feathers. Its lion’s mane trails the length of its extensive form, and its wingspan can cast several houses in shadow. The creature is so bright it’s often mistaken for the rising sun or a shooting star, and it never lands. It pulls power from the sun’s rays and can shoot blasts of pure light in the shape of arrows from its wings.

Taming: Vyprale are migratory and near impossible to track, as they never touch the earth and instead hover in the clouds to recharge when they’re not flying across the globe. If a Charmer is lucky enough to discover a Vyprale, it is solely because one has descended from the clouds in search of mate. They do not wish to compete with the sun’s brilliance, and in fact, if the Vyprale finds a mate while high in the sky, they often do not couple, as they’re both distracted by the beauty of the sun. In order to grab the Vyprale’s attention, the Charmer must adorn themselves in bright feathers and gold paint to rival the beast’s luminous coat. Then, the Charmer must shimmy and move in a jerking, circular pattern, paying mind to angle their body toward the sun to reflect the most light. When the Charmer glimpses the beast, they must emit a suitable birdcall to lure it down. If the Vyprale is pleased, it will attempt to snare the Charmer with its teeth in a display of affection. This often ends in injury due to the size difference, but if the Charmer is able to withstand the pain, they can initiate charm and the Vyprale will accept.


Pronunciation: wet

Rank: B-Class

Description: Whets are owl beasts that lead solitary lives and can only be found in high treetops at night. They have three gleaming ocher eyes, bark-colored feathers, and twin branch-like horns that stretch outward on either side of their head. In the wild, these horns embed themselves into trees and telegraph information to the Whet about where their prey are, making them expert hunters. Once tamed, they can be used to record information into tomes based off what they hear.

Taming: Whets are extremely difficult to locate, as they can sense when another being is in their territory and will flee. However, if they have recently eaten and are sated, they’re less likely to fly away and will instead survey the approaching Charmer. The Charmer must then sit on the forest floor and read to the Whet for hours. As the Whet will likely get hungry during this process, it’s necessary to bring small game to keep them in place. Once the Charmer has finished reading at least a minimum of three hundred pages, the Whet will be open to taming. Initiate charm.


Pronunciation: zy-fos

Rank: A-Class

Description: Because of its replication magic, the Xifos is regarded as one of the most difficult legendary feline beasts to tame. It has a slender, slate-gray body with twin tails that form sharp arrowheads. When the Xifos is activating its power, all the hair on its body stands on end, solidifying into fine needles, and then it shudders, creating an exact replica of itself. The number of copies one Xifos can maintain varies, though the recorded high is two hundred and three. Each copy can attack with the full strength and force of the original. If a copy is injured or otherwise incapacitated, it will dissolve into smoke. Xifos are solitary, yet they usually have a pack of copies flanking them for protection.

Taming: A Xifos will only bond with a master cunning enough to separate the original from the copies. Simply approaching the beast and initiating charm will cause the beast to activate its power, surrounding the Charmer with copies. After the copies have shuffled, the Xifos will wait until the Charmer touches the one they believe is real. If they’re wrong, the copy disappears, and all remaining forms attack. No one has ever guessed correctly via this method. Instead, after locating a Xifos, the Charmer should study it for several months to ensure they have the original version pegged. Charmers should find a cavern that can be used as a den, and construct an elaborate display of mirrors. They should then lure the Xifos to the cavern with the mating call of a pheasant, their preferred prey. If arranged correctly, the mirrors will trick the Xifos into thinking it has already summoned copies of itself. While it’s searching for the pheasant, the Charmer should slowly approach. Thinking the Charmer is already surrounded by copies, the beast will sit and wait for them to choose. Touch the original Xifos, and initiate charm.


Pronunciation: yim-lit

Rank: B-Class

Description: Yimlets are beetle beasts with iridescent orange hides, barbed horns, and pincers larger than their heads. The size of a small dog, these beasts are surprisingly fast and can fly short distances, making it easy to snare their prey. When they bite their target, a toxin secretes from their mouths, deteriorating the skin of their prey immediately upon impact. The toxin will spread, eventually killing the target and allowing for the Yimlet to eat in peace. They can ingest up to five times their body weight in one sitting.

Taming: The only way to tame a Yimlet is to capture it with a net made of Fabric Spinner thread. Any other material will dissolve with the Yimlet’s venom, and they will attack the Charmer in a rage. Because Yimlets eat so frequently, they will soon become hungry after capture and allow for the Charmer to tame them, simply so they can be sent to the beast realm to hunt.


Pronunciation: zah-val-loo-nah

Rank: A-Class

Description: Zavallunas are incredibly rare horse-like beasts found only in foreign lands near places of highly concentrated magic. Auroras of varying colors, ranging from emerald to fuchsia to turquoise appear across their ink-black hides as they move. They have large feathered wings and a single blade-like horn that glows white. When their power is activated, they produce a dome of magic in a small radius that amplifies the abilities of any beast. This can only be done for a short amount of time, though, as extended use may cause permanent damage to the Zavallunas’ horns.

Taming: Zavallunas are extremely selective when it comes to choosing a Charmer. As such, many become family beasts that are passed down from one generation to the next. To tame a wild Zavalluna, the Charmer must first travel to mage lands and partner with a mage in order to summon the beast. Once the beast has appeared, the mage must make a case on behalf of the Charmer, attesting to their magical prowess and kindness. Zavallunas will only agree to a taming if the mage and Charmer have been true friends for several years. The stronger their relationship, the more likely the taming will be a success.


Pronunciation: zy-stream

Rank: A-Class

Description: The Zystream is the only legendary feline beast that prefers water to land, though it’s capable of breathing in both environments. Liquid-blue, its coat is a mixture of water-resistant fur and scales. It has a long tail that ends in fins, as well as finned whiskers lining its jaw and throat. Fluid in nature, it’s nearly impossible to pin and can shoot immensely powerful jet streams from its mouth. It’s stronger in water and can summon small rain clouds to follow it when on land.

Taming: The Zystream can be found in fresh or salt water during the warmest month of summer. A Charmer must approach while the beast is swimming, where it will assess the Charmer by circling them several times. At some point, it will dive beneath the surface and snare the Charmer’s foot, dragging them into deep water. It’s imperative that a Charmer does not resist. If they do, the beast will become irritated and either kill them or release them and flee. If the Charmer remains calm, it will continue to swim until it senses the Charmer’s lungs giving out. At that point, it will leap out of the water and place the Charmer on the bank. Then, it will press its snout to their chest and use magic to coax any water from their lungs and encourage them to breathe. Now that the Charmer has become one with the water in its eyes, the Zystream is ready to be tamed.

A Note on Honorary Bestiary Entries

While these beasts do not appear in the main plot of the Beast Charmer series, these wonderful creations were dreamt up by fans of the books, and I wanted to share their ingenious ideas with all my readers. All honorary beast entries have a Charmer’s name included at the bottom.