
There are so many people who made this book a reality. First of all to every reader who’s asked for more Royals at signings, over emails, online, thank you for loving these characters as much as I do! This book is for you!

To Louise Fury, thank you for standing by me through the last few years as I’ve navigated new waters. I couldn’t ask for a better business partner. A big shout out to Victoria Capello and the team at The Bent Agency for all their hard work. Thank you to my foreign agents for helping bring my words to readers all over the world!

This book wouldn’t be here without the support, encouragement and friendship of Audrey Carlan. Thank you for helping me trust the journey even when the road got dark. Brighter days are ahead for us, my friend.

There are a lot of people who have helped lift me up over the course of writing this book and the last few years. I’m not going to get them all but I want to say a special thanks to Jeananna Goodall, Jessica Laws, Selina Washington, Camille Newman, Kimberly Newman, Christina Brame, Shana Gray, and Trish L. McHugh. Thank you to Elsi Gabrielsen for giving me the stars!

To my author friends—there are too many of you to name—a thanks. Some of you are about to see your first movies come to the screen, others of you are just getting started. You are ALL an inspiration to me with your words and your stories. I am so blessed to know you and learn from you. Thank you

It takes a village to write a book and to keep me sane, thank you to my family and friends for understanding when I miss a call because “I’m in London.” But a village needs leaders and mine wouldn’t function at all without Elise Lee. You are my best friend, my business partner, my sister. I see more wild adventures ahead!

Thank you to my editor Tamara Mataya for gleefully converting Alexander’s chapters to British English. You are the best.

To the kids, thank you for sharing your mother with her other family—and for learning how to load the dishwasher.

And to Josh, thank you for always reading, for always taking Clara’s side, for always being there. In other words, for always.