Author’s Note

This book owes much to a city, to a particularly cold winter and to a window. Writing it did not bring me an inordinate amount of levity. All the same I observed that the older one gets the more one tends to laugh on one’s own; and that seems to me a step forward towards a more composed and somehow self-sufficient sense of humor.

Spino is a name I invented myself and one I have grown fond of. Some may point out that it’s an abbreviation of Spinoza, a philosopher I won’t deny I love; but it signifies other things, too, of course. Spinoza, let me say in parenthesis, was a Sephardic Jew, and like many of his people carried the horizon with him in his eyes. The horizon, in fact, is a geometrical location, since it moves as we move. I would very much like to think that by some sorcery my character did manage to reach it, since he too had it in his eyes.
