As with other cultures, Africa is not without its share of mythological saviors.

These gods and goddesses were once believed to be responsible, not only for

the earth’s survival, but for man’s continued existence. Despite the horrors that rained down with

heated anger and little warning, these powerful entities remained feared and revered.

Still, their actions remained both questioned and criticized. Speculation might suggest

That even gods and goddesses sought the advice of others before moving forward with

their decisions to delight or to destroy.

What of these advisors? Little is known of the Gods’ Court or the priests and priestesses

whose knowledge of much older galaxies surpassed even that of those they served.

This magical race possessed an understanding second only to The Creator-the supreme force

of the universe. The gods made their rulings by the council of these superior entities.

The worlds of the elders do not lock all the doors,

they leave the right one open.

-Zambian Proverb