Estimated lithium quantities [1]
Region | Thousand tonnes Li | |
Brine | Ore | |
South America | 8800 | 4 |
North America | 2588 | 327 |
China | 2000 | 500 |
Australia | – | 160 |
Europe/Middle East | 2000 | 10 |
Russia | – | 130 |
Africa | – | 368 |
The annual demand for lithium , expressed as lithium carbonate equivalent (LCE—the lithium content of a lithium product expressed as lithium carbonate), is forecast to be over five million tonnes by 2025 [2]. The numbers in Table 1 add up to a total of 90 million tonnes of LCE, about 90% of which is contained in the various brine resources. This would be enough to sustain an annual demand of five million tonnes for 45 years before we exhaust the reserves, assuming no more are found, leaving us plenty of time in which to develop a robust recycling industry once the quantity of lithium in spent lithium -ion batteries becomes large enough. On the face of it, that would appear to make the supply of lithium less of a problem than is actually the case. The reality is that the established technology cannot economically process all of the known brine reserves.
Brine compositions [1]
Assay | Geothermal brine | Salar brine | Oilfield brine |
Fe | 1200–3700 | – | 35–41 |
Mn | 1000–2000 | – | 25–30 |
Zn | 800–700 | – | – |
Mg | 700–5700 | 2–9650 | 2900–3500 |
Ca | 22600–39000 | 300–530 | 29100–34500 |
Na | 50000–70000 | 65000–910000 | 54900–67000 |
K | 13000–34200 | 18500–31300 | 2400–5900 |
Li | 100–400 | 1500–2420 | 146–386 |
Cl | 142000–209000 | 159000–189500 | 144500–171700 |
SO4 | 42–50 | 8000–19000 | 375–450 |
B | 400–500 | 400–685 | 123–366 |
Si | 40 | – | 90 |
Current Chemistry
Halite (NaCl);
Halite and sylvite (KCl) as a mixture of NaCl and KCl called sylvinite;
Halite, sylvite and potassium lithium sulphate (KLiSO4);
Halite, kainite (KCl·MgSO4·2¾H2O) and lithium sulphate (Li2SO4·H2O);
Halite, carnallite (KCl·MgCl2·6H2O) and lithium sulphate;
Bischoffite (MgCl2·6H2O);
Bischoffite and lithium carnallite (LiCl·MgCl2·7H2O).
Precipitation of salts containing lithium would reduce the ultimate recovery of lithium . In cases in which the incoming brine contains enough magnesium or enough sulphate for lithium losses to precipitating salts to occur, the magnesium can be precipitated as magnesium hydroxide via the addition of lime , either before solar evaporation or at some point in the evaporation sequence.

Adding lime to a salar brine, therefore, does not reduce the concentration of cations in the brine; it merely replaces whatever ions are precipitated with divalent calcium ions.
Some salar brines also contain boron , which needs to be removed before the recovery of lithium because lithium metal is made by electrolysis in a eutectic bath of LiCl–KCl [3]. Non-volatile anions such as sulphate and borate accumulate in the electrolyte , resulting in rapid short-circuiting of the electrolysis cells [4]. When the level of calcium is sufficient, much of the boron in the brine precipitates as calcium borate salts as the evaporation proceeds [6]. Whatever boron is not precipitated can be removed by solvent extraction and ion exchange [5, 6].
Divalent cations, particularly Ca2+, precipitate ahead of lithium when carbonate is added to the system. This is exploited to purify the concentrated brine after solar evaporation . The pH is raised with sodium hydroxide to above the maximum level (about pH 10) that Mg(OH)2 can achieve and a slight stoichiometric excess (based on the Ca2+ in the solution) of sodium carbonate is added. This causes most of the Mg2+ in the brine at that point to be precipitated as magnesium hydroxide and most of the Ca2+ to be precipitated as calcium carbonate .
The solution after this step can be treated by ion exchange using a sodium-loaded strong acid resin to polish out essentially all of the residual divalent cations, and then again using a boron -specific weak base anion exchange resin to remove essentially all of the boron . The chemistry of these two ion exchange steps would depend on the resins selected.

Solubility in water and in water/CO2
Ca(OH)2 + Mg2+ → Ca2+ + Mg(OH)2 | for the bulk of the magnesium |
2NaOH + Mg2+ → 2Na+ + Mg(OH)2 | for the remaining magnesium |
Na2CO3 + Ca2+ → 2Na+ + CaCO3 | for the calcium (brine and added) |
Na2CO3 + 2Li+ → 2Na+ + Li3CO3 | for the lithium |
If the resulting lithium carbonate is not pure enough, it can be purified by re-dissolution in water and carbon dioxide [7]. The carbon dioxide converts the carbonate to bicarbonate, thereby dissolving the lithium carbonate. In Fig. 1, the right-hand graph shows the solubility of lithium in water over a range of pressures of carbon dioxide at ambient temperature .
Calcium carbonate does not re-dissolve and can be filtered out before the solution of lithium bicarbonate is depressurised and heated, causing it to release CO2 and re-precipitate purified lithium carbonate.
The ion exchange steps would also consume small amounts of HCl and NaOH for elution and regeneration. As an overall approximation, every mole of divalent cation in the brine is replaced with two moles of sodium, from NaOH or Na2CO3. The amounts of NaOH and Na2CO3 required are therefore set by the composition of the salar brine, which needs to carry enough lithium relative to the other cations to more than carry the cost of the NaOH and Na2CO3 needed to displace the other cations from the brine. This approximation ignores the other reagents and utilities (such as hydrochloric acid , power, water) required by the process.
Major Reagent Costs—Established Chemistry
Calculated major reagent requirements
Reagent | Requirement, kg/kg LCE | Cost, $/kg LCE | |||||
Reagent | US $/t | Geothermal | Salar | Oilfield | Geothermal | Salar | Oilfield |
CaO | 150 | 9.0 | 1.1 | 5.3 | 1.4 | 0.2 | 0.8 |
NaOH | 560 | 0.1 | 0.02 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.0 | 0.2 |
Na2CO3 | 370 | 69.5 | 1.8 | 61.2 | 25.7 | 0.7 | 22.6 |
Sub-total | 27.1 | 0.8 | 23.5 |
The unit costs for CaO, NaOH, and Na2CO3 in Table 3 were taken from the NI 43-101 technical report on the Cauchari–Olaroz project [8], rounded to two significant figures. The reagent costs calculated for geothermal and oilfield brines are more than an order of magnitude greater than that of the salar brine because of the amount of Ca2+ that has to be replaced with Na+ from Na2CO3.

Price of lithium carbonate, $/tonne LCE
Prior to 2016 the price was below $7.5/kg and in 2017 it was $13.9/kg. Unless and until the price of lithium carbonate rises substantially higher than approximately $30/kg, the established chemistry used to extract lithium from salar brines will not be applicable to the other brines.
Solar evaporation loses most of the water in the brine to the atmosphere, thus the aquifer is depleted of its water. While it could be argued that this does not matter because the water will return as rain, that rain is unlikely to occur at the salar concerned, because salars are by nature found in arid regions.
Solar evaporation of the brine generates large amounts of chloride salt that must be disposed of in large dumps, precluding other uses for the land area concerned. Again, this may not matter because the salar is in a sparsely populated, arid region. Even so, increasingly stringent environmental constraints could mitigate against new projects using the established chemistry to extract lithium from salar brines.
Chemistry Using Lithium-Selective Solvent Extraction
Clayton valley feed brine and permeate, mg/L
Brine | Mg | Ca | Na | K | Li | SO4 | B |
Feed brine | 409 | 796 | 38400 | 3850 | 209 | 4740 | 26 |
Permeate | <3 | <3 | 35900 | 3670 | 210 | <3 | 21 |

TOPO means trioctylphosphine oxide and HDMB means dibenzoylmethane (1,3-diphenyl-1,3-propanedione). The above stoichiometry could equally well have been written without the OH− ion on the left and with a proton on the right instead of water. The proton released by the extraction has to be neutralised, and sodium hydroxide is the most convenient base. That means that the selective solvent extraction of lithium replaces each Li+ cation extracted with one Na+ cation. The membrane separation ahead of the solvent extraction stage removes the need for other reagents ahead of solvent extraction . Anions are not extracted, therefore there is no need to remove boron or sulphate from the feed to the solvent extraction step, although the membrane step ahead of that does reject sulphate.
In the chemistry selected for the Clayton Valley Project, the loaded organic phase is stripped with sulphuric acid in the anolyte from electrochemical cells with cation-selective membranes between the anode and cathode compartments. The stripping step, of course, removes the lithium from the loaded organic phase, replacing it with protons from the anolyte. The stripped organic phase and the lithium -replenished anolyte are recycled.
Minor amounts of sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate are used to precipitate the very small amounts of divalent cations that leak through the membranes in the preceding step, plus a polishing ion exchange step between the stripping and electrochemical steps. The only reagent used in significant quantity in the overall chemistry is sodium hydroxide.
Established and new chemistry applied to Clayton valley brine, $/kg LCE
Reagent | Cost, $/t | Established chemistry | New chemistry |
CaO | 150 | 0.1 | 0 |
NaOH | 560 | 0 | 0.6 |
Na2CO3 | 370 | 1.3 | 0 |
Electricity | – | 0.4 | |
Sub-total | 1.5 | 1.1 |
Chemistry Using Lithium-Ion Sieves
Published selectivity values for of LIS materials
Sea water | mmol/kg | Selectivity Li/Other | ||
Ion | mg/kg | Dissolved | Adsorbed | |
Li+ | 0.18 | 0.02593 | 1982.4 | – |
Na+ | 10561 | 459.38 | 235.3 | 149242 |
K+ | 380 | 9.72 | 135.3 | 5491 |
Mg2+ | 1272 | 52.33 | 94.1 | 85012 |
Ca2 | 400 | 9.98 | 94.1 | 16212 |
The literature reports that protons expelled from the H2TiO3 in the loading step limit the amount of Li+ that can be loaded, and that a high pH needs to be maintained for the maximum loading. If sodium hydroxide is used to maintain a high pH in the loading step, the loading chemistry exchanges lithium ions for protons that are in turn neutralised with NaOH, effectively replacing Li+ with Na+ in the feed solution. The great advantage of the LIS materials is that, unlike the lithium -selective solvent extraction , lithium can be selectively removed from solutions that also contain divalent cations such as Ca2+, Mg2+, etc. That removes any need to remove those ions ahead of the lithium extraction step. Anions like sulphate and borate are not extracted, therefore sulphate and boron do not need to be removed from the feed brine.
Lithium -ion sieve chemistry producing Li2CO3 or LiOH, $/kg LCE
Reagent | Cost, $/t | Li2CO3 | LiOH |
HCl | 240 | 0.1 | 0 |
NaOH | 560 | 0.6 | 0.6 |
Na2CO3 | 370 | 0.5 | 0 |
Power | – | 0.5 | |
Sub-total | 1.3 | 1.1 |
At this level of analysis, the LIS-based chemistry gives the same calculated major reagent (and power, in the case of making lithium hydroxide) costs, regardless of the type of brine, thus this approach would seem to be applicable to high-calcium brines that are not amenable to the established chemistry.
The established chemistry for producing lithium carbonate from salar brines would appear to be applicable only to salar brines. Extracting lithium from other brines will need new chemistry, two variations of which have been presented.
At the calculated reagent cost of about $0.8/kg LCE, the established chemistry appears to have an economic edge over the other two, but only for salar brines. As can be seem from Table 3, the established chemistry is clearly not applicable to non-salar brines because they carry so much more calcium.
This paper presents an extremely “high-level” overview of the technology for extracting lithium from brines. Minor reagent costs, utility costs, fixed operating and maintenance costs etc., have been ignored. While it does uncover some differences between the established and the new chemistry and indicates that the new chemistry may well be amenable to brines that the established chemistry cannot process economically, this paper is not meant to denigrate or endorse either the established or the emerging chemistry for lithium extraction from brine.