Boyd R. Davis, Michael S. Moats, Shijie Wang, Dean Gregurek, Joël Kapusta, Thomas P. Battle, Mark E. Schlesinger, Gerardo Raul Alvear Flores, Evgueni Jak, Graeme Goodall, Michael L. Free, Edouard Asselin, Alexandre Chagnes, David Dreisinger, Matthew Jeffrey, Jaeheon Lee, Graeme Miller, Jochen Petersen, Virginia S. T. Ciminelli, Qian Xu, Ronald Molnar, Jeff Adams, Wenying Liu, Niels Verbaan, John Goode, Ian M. London, Gisele Azimi, Alex Forstner, Ronel Kappes and Tarun Bhambhani (eds.)Extraction 2018The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series
High Temperature Recovery of Rare Earth Ortho-Ferrites from Permanent Magnets
There is a growing interest in Magnetoelectric (ME) materials in view of both fundamental understanding and novel desirable applications. The application potential for multiferroic materials with the possibility of reversing the magnetization by applying an electric field (or vice versa) is quite promising especially in data storage application. The rare earth
ortho-ferrites (REFeO3), such as NdFeO3
, have been studied extensively in recent study in the context of discovery of magneto-electric (ME)/multiferroic nature materials. In this paper a potential high temperature
of rare earth elements
in the form of REFeO3 from waste permanent magnets
using direct oxidation
in air was investigated. It was found that REFeO3 (NdFeO3) phase can be separated from the other oxide phases by thermal treatment of NdFeB magnet
waste at 1100 °C in air atmosphere. The REFeO3 also found to have different physical characteristic (density) from the other layers and can be separated physically. This paper will include a proposed flowsheet
to recover Nd as NdFeO3 through powder separation
. The technique can be beneficial and favourable for RE recycling
and recovery
from waste permanent magnets
NdFeO3NdFeB magnet recyclingNdFeB oxidation
REFeO3 have attracted special attention and have been extensively studied for many applications due to the great deal of various phase transitions and high-frequency phenomena [1]. One of the most common perovskite oxides, NdFeO3 nanocrystal, is very well known due to having a wide variety of applications in, for instance, magnetic materials [2, 3], gas sensors for CO
[4], arsenate adsorption
[5] and H2S detection [6]. REFeO3 crystallize in the distorted perovskite structure (orthorhombic space group: Pnma) of general formula ABO3, where B is usually a 3d transition metal surrounded by six oxygen atoms in octahedral coordination and A is normally a rare earth
cation, 12-coordinate by oxygen atoms. The structure can be described as a three dimensional network of FeO6 octahedra surrounding RE atoms, where Fe–O–Fe angle deviates from 180. This angle directly depends on RE size: the larger the RE is, the more the chains of octahedra stretch, and the Fe–O–Fe bond angle approaches 180, and the lattice tends to be cubic. This angle directly drives distance between oxygen 2p orbitals and iron
3d orbitals, which are mainly responsible of electrical and optical properties [7].
REFeO3 possesses two sets of magnetic sublattices: one consists of 4f-electron of the R ions, and the other is made up of 3d-electrons of the iron
ions (Fe). The R-sublattice only orders antiferromagnetically at much lower temperature
. Meanwhile, due to the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya (DM) interaction, the Fe spins in REFeO3 are slightly canted at relatively higher temperatures and, as a result, a spontaneous weak magnetization is presented on a macro-scale [2]. This weak magnetization exhibits a combination of the static ferromagnetic properties with the dynamical antiferromagnetic properties, which consequently produces some unique magnetic phenomena, such as excellent magneto-optical coefficient and magnetic phase transition [8, 9].
The preparation of rare earth
orthoferrites have been achieved by many methods, including hydrothermal, combustion, sol-gel, precipitation
methods and sonication assisted precipitation
[6]. However, it is difficult to obtain pure-phase REFeO3 from the high-temperature
synthesis methods [10]. The change in microstructure and oxidation
mechanism of the NdFeB magnet
in air at high temperature
has been discussed by the author in previous publications [11, 12], the oxidation
resulted in the formation of an external scale (external oxidation
zone—EOZ) and development of subsurface layers containing complex mixtures of phases and solid solutions. It was observed that the oxidation
in air at temperature
range 1300–1500 K resulted in the development of a layer rich with distinct NdFeO3 phase. The layer consists of elongated NdFeO3 of around 40 µm interspersed with pockets of less than 20 µm Fe2O3. Based on the in situ XRD
and thermodynamic prediction described in the publication [13], the equilibrium product should consist of 3 phases: Fe2O3, NdFeO3, and NdBO3. The proposed mechanism [11] predicted that separate layer of NdFeO3, NdBO3 and Fe2O3 could potentially be obtained under this temperature
range (1300–1500 K), if the oxidation
is allowed to occur indefinitely thus the system is allowed to reach equilibrium, as shown schematically in Fig. 1. In this case NdFeO3 micron sized powders can be acquired through powder processing and separation
. The information of the physical properties for the possible phases in the oxidised layers that is important for separation
is listed in Table 1.
Fig. 1
A schematic diagram showing the process of morphological change as the NdFeB oxidised in air with time at temperature
range 1300–1500 from Firdaus et al. [11]. The figure is not to scale
Table 1
Physical properties of the possible phase in the oxidised layers
Density (g/cm3)
Magnetic Properties @25 °C
Hardness (Mohs scale)
χm (cm3/mol)
+3,586 × 10−6
Layer 1
Weak ferromagnetic
Layer 2 and 3
+10,200 × 10−6
Experimental Methods
In this study, the samples were prepared from new and clean magnet samples. The sintered N45-NdFeB magnets
were supplied by Alpha Magnetics Ltd. The magnet was thermally demagnetised at 573 K for 30 min in a Nabertherm TR 60 oven furnace
and bulk samples (10 × 5 × 5 mm) were cut from the magnets
by Struers Secotom-15/-50 high performance cutting machine. The coating was removed manually from each sample by peeling or grinding the surface. To quantify the chemical elements and composition of the sample, an inductively coupled plasma—atomic emission spectroscopy
(ICP-AES) was used. The ICP-AES analysis was conducted at Spectrometer Services Pty. Ltd. Coburg, Melbourne. The sample was dissolved in a mixture of three parts HCl to one part HNO3. The resultant solution was analysed using a Varian 730-ES Optical Emission Spectrometer. The power used was 1.20 kW with a Plasma Flow of 15 L min−1 Argon. Calibration curves were generated for each element analysed using primary stock solutions. The bulk composition of the prepared magnet samples, determined using inductively coupled plasma (ICP-AES) is shown in Table 2.
Table 2
Chemical composition of clean REPM sample (mass%)
Typical commercial range
Sample used in this study (by ICP-AES)
8.5 (Pr)
More than 30 g of clean magnet samples were oxidised in air atmosphere at 1373 K for 27–30 h using a Nabertherm LT 15/13/P330 muffle furnace
under air atmosphere. Some of the oxidised samples then crushed using a hammer to separate the oxidised layers.
High resolution EPMA (a Field Emission Gun (FEG) EPMA-JEOL 8500F Hyperprobe) was used to evaluate the topography and elemental distribution
within the samples. The standards used to calibrate the EPMA WD spectrometers prior to mapping were Fe metal (Fe), synthetic neodymium phosphate (NdP5O14), praseodymium silicide (PrSi2), lanthanum hexaboride (LaB6) and hematite (Fe2O3). Elements that were not directly measured by WD detectors were measured using two additional energy
-dispersive (ED) detectors operating in parallel. After mapping, the element distribution
data were processed using the software package CHIMAGE [14] to construct the appropriate metals and possible compounds (e.g. oxides, borides) map.
The oxidised sample were found to have about 30% increase in mass from the original and estimated to have around 80% conversion based on the kinetics described by Firdaus et al. [13]. The microstructural change of the oxidation
layer were found to be similar to that described in Firdaus et al. [11]. Figure 2 show the sectioned oxidised sample showing the different layers developed after partial oxidation
Fig. 2
Section of oxidised waste NdFeB magnet
in air at 1373 K for 27 h showing the formation of different oxide layers
Three different layers can be recognized visually with the middle layer around 1.28 mm thick found to contain high amount of elongated NdFeO3 phase as shown in the EPMA coloured map in Fig. 3. Image analysis of the layer using ImageJ show that the NdFeO3 occupies about 62.02% of the layer followed by 22.23% of Fe2O3 and the rest (15.75%) are pores. It can be assumed based on the calculated area and the densities in Table 1 that about 78.80 mass% of the layer is NdFeO3 and the rest (21.20 mass%) is Fe2O3.
Fig. 3
EPMA coloured map showing the phases formed in the NdFeO3 rich layer
The layers were found to have different hardness, with the EOZ far more brittle under constant hammering than the others and inner core being the toughest. The particle of each layer can be differentiated by the difference in size with EOZ particles comes as the smallest (less than 150 µm). Figure 4 shows the crushed particles which were then categorized via visual inspection and sieving. The mass distribution
of the separated EOZ, NdFeO3 rich and the inner core layer particles were 28.20 mass%, 44.90 mass%, and 26.90 mass% with an average apparent density, determined by pycnometer analysis, of 2.17 g/cm3, 4.08 g/cm3, and 2.5 g/cm3 respectively. These suggest that the particles from the NdFeO3 rich layer can be separated by the others through size and density separation
Fig. 4
Crushed particles of the separated layers using hammer showing a the inner core of the magnet Layer 2 and Layer 3; b the NdFeO3 rich—Layer 1; and c the External oxidation
results in Fig. 5 indicate the major phases in the separated particles. The data for the EOZ contain peaks of mainly of Fe2O3, with minor NdFeO3. The presence of minor NdFeO3 in the analysis mainly due to some of the NdFeO3 rich layer particles reports to the undersize of 150 µm sieve. As predicted the NdFeO3 rich layer particles contain peaks of mainly of NdFeO3, with minor Fe2O3. The peaks of Fe2O3 indicate the presence of the phase in the inclusions, implying further size reduction
is required to liberate the Fe2O3. The XRD data for the inner core layer particles contain peaks indicative of α-Fe with traces of NdBO3, Fe2O3 and NdFeO3. There was indication of a small amount of neodymium oxide (Nd2O3) and praseodymium oxide (Pr2O3) however the spectra might overlap with spectra of NdBO3 and NdFeO3.
Fig. 5
spectra collected for the visually separated oxidised sample. Significant peaks for the oxidisation phases are labelled in the plots of different layer
The results show that the NdFeO3 phases are concentrated in the NdFeO3 rich layer and in the EOZ, consequently the NdFeO3 powder can be recovered by removing firstly the inner core particles. Figure 6 presents the proposed flowsheet
to recover Nd in the permanent magnet as NdFeO3. The oxidised magnet is firstly crushed in a hammer mill (crusher) to break up the samples into smaller particles and separate the layers. The crushed particles then screened through a 250 µm sieve and due to the different hardness most of the inner core particles will be removed at this stage by reporting to the oversize stream before then sent to the dense medium separator. Various dense liquid such as bromoform, tetrabromoethane (TBE) or Methylene iodide
can be used but non-toxic liquid such as sodium polytungstate (SPT), lithium
metatungstate (LMT) or lithium
heteroplytungstate (LST) is much preferable to achieve 2.8 g/cm3 density cut point. Most of the NdFeO3 rich powder in the separator will report to the underflow (sink) stream, these will then be ground before recycled back to the 250 µm sieve screen. The undersize stream will mostly be comprised of particles from the EOZ and NdFeO3 rich layer, consisting of NdFeO3 and Fe2O3. The particles from this stream will then be screened using the 150 µm sieve and the overflow will be sent to the second dense medium with cut point of 2.5 g/cm3. The underflow from this separator will consist mainly NdFeO3 and combined with the underflow from the 150 µm screen, the stream then will go through the magnetic separator to separate the paramagnetic Fe2O3 to the ferromagnetic NdFeO3. In this flowsheet
, it is also proposed that the oxidation
is carried out in air (in an open type furnace
) using a concentrated solar energy
. This will avoid the need to generate heat for high temperature
by combustion of fuel. It will also allow the process to be carried out in multiple days.
Fig. 6
Proposed flowsheet
for recovering
the Nd as NdFeO3 through powder processing and separation
Permanent magnet oxidised in air at 1100 °C for 27–30 h show formation of separated layer rich of NdFeO3. This layer was found have different hardness and density from the other layers, and that it can be separated physically from the other layer. The mass distribution
of the separated EOZ, NdFeO3 rich and the inner core layer particles were found to be 28.20 mass%, 44.90 mass%, and 26.90 mass% with the average density determined by pycnometer analysis were 2.17 g/cm3, 4.08 g/cm3, and 2.5 g/cm3 respectively. The estimated NdFeO3 in the NdFeO3 rich layer was 78.80 mass%. A flowsheet
to recover Nd as NdFeO3 using series of density and magnetic separation
after oxidation
in air using concentrated solar energy
was developed and the estimated NdFeO3 powder recovered based on mass balance
was 35.38 mass%. This study is a preliminary work for the development of a more comprehensive approach in recovering
Nd in the form of NdFeO3. It is hoped that this work will stimulate others to refine the process.