Chapter 18


Feeling Mary’s body spasm around his questing finger as he uttered a declaration he had in no way planned, Rex had no regrets. He meant every word, even though the depth of the feelings running through him were somewhat disturbing. With Mary laid out naked before him, finally his to touch, explore, and conquer, he was feeling positively primitive.

It was a wholly new experience, which he had not expected. In this arena, he considered himself an expert, but once again, his reactions to Mary confounded him.

Watching her squirm, her breasts wobbling, pink nipples pointing at the ceiling, Rex swirled his finger inside her, brushing his thumb over the swollen nub of her clit. She whimpered, and his cock ached, pushing against the bed beneath him. The urge to bury himself inside of her was strong, but more so, he wanted to ensure Mary enjoyed her defloration.

It was not only a point of pride. If she enjoyed herself, she should be amiable to repeating the undertaking and letting him introduce her to whatever wicked desires he wished to inflict on her. She had enjoyed being spanked, but there was so much more he could show her, and trust was needed for much of it.

Moving his finger back and forth inside her, enjoying the wet clasp of her pussy, he flicked out his tongue to tease the sensitive folds of her cunt. The damp curls fringing its sides were dark with her honey, but those on her mound were a dark, pretty red, easily visible now that he had her laid out in the light.

Mary shuddered, crying out as he pushed a second finger inside, stretching and readying her for his cock. He expertly licked around his slowly thrusting fingers, and her hands came down to grip his hair, tugging in a manner that fueled his ardor. Feeling how hot and wet she was, he ground his cock against the bed, easing some of the ache in his own loins.

As a virgin, she was not exactly what he was used to, and he wanted to be sure she was absolutely ready to take him. After all, he was not small, nor was he particularly good at being gentle, but he would try—for her. ‘Gentle’ was not a virtue in the circles he inhabited. Arousing her to a fever pitch before breaching her should help. Though he knew she liked a bite of pain, he had no real insight how much being deflowered actually hurt a woman. Since, unlike the pain he enjoyed inflicting, he had no way to control it, he thought it best to circumvent it as much as possible.

As Mary’s pussy grew hotter, wetter, and softer around his fingers, her moans louder and more impassioned, Rex knew it was time. Giving her swollen clit one last lick, he unsheathed his fingers from the clasp of her cunt and moved up so his cock was nestled between her legs.

Skin flushed, nipples peaked, lips parted, and eyes glazed, she stared up at him, still holding onto his hair.

“Please,” she begged sweetly.

Rex smiled.

The head of his cock pressing against the scalding heat of her pussy, he felt her tense slightly as he began to push in.

The initial breach was an exercise in patience and erotic torment since he could not bury himself immediately in her cunt the way his body urged him to. He rocked his hips back, pushing into her, feeling the slight resistance give way as she uttered a little cry and her eyes unfocused. Rex gritted his teeth against his anguished groan.

Stretching her with his fingers had helped, but she was still tight, and her slick heat threatened to undo his composure. Sliding into her, rocking back and forth and slowly working himself deeper, was a torturous pleasure, enhanced by watching the expressions flitting across her face as she took his cock for the first time. When he was finally able to sink his full length inside her, he held himself still, allowing her to adjust around him and allowing himself to revel in the triumph of claiming his wife.


When Rex had first started to push into her body, Mary’s breath had seized up. The stretch of his fingers was not even close to how it felt to have his manhood, his cock, slide into her. Finally, the needy ache inside her was truly being filled, and the slight sting of pain she felt was inconsequential compared to that.

Rex turned his head, so her left hand slid from his hair along his cheek, and he kissed the palm. His own hand moved up, sliding up her arms and pushing them down on either side of her head. Threading his fingers through hers, his forearms braced on either side of hers.

Then, with her arms pinned down on either side of her head, he flexed. Mary sucked in a breath at the sensation, wriggling slightly, which rubbed her sensitive flesh against his body and increased the stimulation. The wiry hairs on his chest abraded her nipples, the hard bone of his groin pressed against her swollen pleasure bud, his cock throbbed inside of her, and all of it came together in a chorus of pleasure that kept growing.

It felt different from before when he had used his tongue and fingers. Fuller. Deeper. As if her entire body was now affected.

She was aware of Rex’s intense scrutiny, his face only inches from her own, but she was too distracted by all the new sensations to be embarrassed. Then he moved, pulling away and thrusting back in—not fully, but enough that her lips opened, and she cried out, arching beneath him at the ripple of pleasure. That was the moment she realized how trapped she was beneath him, his hands holding hers down, his weight atop her, his cock inside her.

Clenching around him, she whimpered, squirming uncomfortably at the revelation and how it affected her. Mary had never been at someone’s mercy in this manner—should she not be frightened? Worried? Yet her very helplessness only added to her growing passion.

Rex thrust again, a longer stroker this time, his cock dragging out of her, then pushing back in, filling her all over again.

“Oh… oh, that feels… oh, Rex!”

“Michael.” He said the name demandingly, his voice low and husky.

Blinking in confusion, Mary stared up at him, meeting his hypnotic, golden gaze. She felt even more vulnerable, more exposed, as though he had stripped her down more than physically, and all of her thoughts and feelings were completely bare to him.

“Call me, Michael,” he said, bringing her attention back to his demand.

“Michael,” she repeated without thinking because he had told her to. He groaned, his hips pulling back, then slamming forward again, filling her with a hard, rough stroke that made her yelp and wriggle. There was a bit of sting, but she was so slick, it was easy for him to move inside of her, even as she spasmed around him.



Hearing his Christian name, a name he had not given anyone leave to use in over a decade, uttered from his wife’s lips as he took her for the first time had a more profound effect on him than he could have ever imagined. She undulated beneath him as he began to move, no longer able to hold back from the need riding him. Soft breasts brushed against his chest, her wet clasp tightening around his cock as he thrust in deep, her soft moans filling the air.

Rex held to the reins of his control as tightly as he could, keeping his strokes slow, measured, taking her along with him as his pleasure mounted.

To help distract himself, he dropped his head and lavished kisses over her collarbone, throat, and lips. She moved beneath him, trying to meet him kiss for kiss, hampered by his arms holding her in place. Rex enjoyed her small struggles, her little whimpers of frustration. Married to him, she would have to become used to such things.

The thought of all the things he would introduce her to drove him to thrust harder, faster, increasing both of their pleasure.

“Mary,” he growled her name in return, pressing her hands into the bed.

Moving his lips over her throat as her head fell back, he found a spot at the sensitive point between her neck and shoulder and sucked. Rex had never been one to leave such marks upon his lovers—welts from whips and crops, bottoms turned red, impressions of rope left behind on wrists and neck, but never something from his mouth—never something so intimate, so personal. He had been careful to avoid doing any such thing, not wanting any lady to feel she had a claim on him.

With Mary, he no longer needed to consider such things. He could explore his desires, completely unfettered, and he found the urge to mark her in some manner to be overwhelming.

Her cunt throbbed around him as he sucked, the taste of her flesh changing slightly against the assault, and she writhed in erotic abandon.


With a groan, he pulled his head away, positioning himself so he could thrust freely between her thighs. The slick channel welcomed him, her hips coming up to meet him, legs wrapping around his body and urging him on. She began to quiver, and his own self-control finally slipped completely, just as the first shudders of her climax began.


The hot bliss consuming her senses was too much to bear. Mary felt as if she was unraveling, her entire world dwindling down to one narrow point—the delicious ecstasy rising as Rex… Michael buried himself inside her. They were so intertwined, she could no longer tell where she left off and he began.

The press of his body against hers, into hers, was overwhelming. Pleasure soared higher as he picked up his pace, thrusting hard and fast, filling her completely. She sobbed at the intense sensations that felt almost too good. With every stroke, his body rubbed over her throbbing pleasure nubbin, driving her that much closer to penultimate ecstasy.

“Michael…” she cried out, her voice the only release valve for the pressure building inside. Another hard stroke, his groin pressing against hers, rubbing, circling, Mary screamed as the immense rapture crashed over her. There was no surcease. He rocked, fully buried, using his body to stimulate her netherlips and clit, driving her wild with passion.

She fought against his hold as the ecstasy became exquisite agony, tears sliding down the sides of her cheeks. The sensations were too much, the climax too intense as the powerful waves flooded her senses, wreaking havoc on them.

A second, stronger climax buried her in fevered passion, and Michael finally moved again. Two hard thrusts and she felt him slide home again, a deep groan swelling up from his chest. The shaft inside, harder, thicker, throbbed against her tight walls, warmth spreading through her lower body as he emptied his seed into her.

They panted for breath, each shocked by the fervor of their consummation, the pleasure slowly curling away in little eddies and currents, leaving Mary limp and spent beneath her husband. Closing her eyes, he relaxed atop her, his hands no longer gripping hers so tightly, then she felt the soft press of his lips against her temple.

Mary smiled. Turned her head. Met his lips with her own.

These were softer kisses… gentler. The passion was not gone but muted, tamed after their mutual satisfaction. It wasn’t until he lifted his head, smiling drowsily down at her, and her heart stuttered, she realized these kisses were far more dangerous than any kisses they had exchanged before. That was also when she realized he was still inside of her, although slowly shrinking and slipping away.

Blushing hotly, she dropped her gaze, which meant she was looking at his bare chest, at the broad muscles, the curling gold and brown hairs… She closed her eyes, feeling her cheeks burning up.

Chuckling, Michael turned onto his back, pulling her with him, so she ended up curled on her side with her cheek on his chest. Holding her hand, he rested her palm against his chest. It was the first she had really been able to touch him, but even now, he was controlling.

She yawned, wincing slightly when her legs shifted. He lifted his head, frowning down at her.

“Does it hurt?”

“Not exactly. I feel a little sore.” Well-used. That was how she felt, but she could not bring herself to say it aloud. She felt thoroughly rumpled and used, but in a wonderfully delicious manner. Fully sated. The bits between her legs were still tingling in the aftermath.

“Hmm.” His response was not very revealing. Dropping his head back on his pillow, his fingers idly played with hers, stroking and intertwining above his chest.

“Is that usual?” she asked curiously and felt him stiffen in disapproval.

“You are asking me?”

“Well, you have more experience with this sort of thing than me,” Mary said, exasperated. Had he expected her to be missish?

A moment passed, then he relaxed, letting out a slow chuckle.

“I suppose I do, at that.” The shoulder beneath her head lifted slightly. “Sore, yes. If anything hurts, you will tell me.” It was not a question. Mary hid a smile, even though he could not see her expression. A very protective lion, he was.

Still, she was a bit perturbed by his disapproval at her question. Mary was well aware he had far more experience at lovemaking, and it seemed silly to pretend otherwise. She had many more questions, even with Arabella and Cynthia’s detailed explanations. Perhaps she should ask some of the other women who were part of the Society.

“When is the next Society event?” she asked idly, not really thinking about it. She was far too muzzy, too happily lazy to be on guard. That was a mistake.

Rex sat up, and Mary found herself dropping back onto the bed, summarily evicted from the nice little nook under his arm.

“Why do you need to know?” He sounded downright affronted. Staring up at him, confused, her bewilderment was quickly wiped away by his next words. “You will not be looking for someone else to satisfy you this Season, if ever.”

Suddenly feeling naked in a way she had not before, Mary scooted away, aware of the liquid seeping out from her private area. Grabbing hold of the sheet, she pulled it over her nudity, which caused Rex to frown even harder. She scowled back at him. He was not going to accuse her of unfaithfulness and get to look at her naked body.

“I was hoping to talk to some of the other ladies.” She pulled the sheet around her tighter. “I thought they might be able to answer some questions.” Belatedly, she also remembered her mission. Questioning ladies for her own edification, but also looking to see who might be a traitor—she had multiple reasons for wanting to attend another Society event.


Rex was startled by the hurt and jealousy sitting like a lead ball in the center of his chest. He did not like the idea of his wife joining in the Society’s activities. The expected abatement of his possessiveness had not been realized—if anything, he felt more jealous at the very idea of her being entertained by another man.

He had only had her once, and he had done a very good job of it. There should be no reason for her to hurry to another’s bed.

Strangely, he did not like the idea of her talking to the Society’s ladies, either. While Rex had always felt secure in his own position among the Society, he was aware the ladies… compared. Would speaking with them make Mary even more curious about other gentlemen?

Still, he did not like to see his wife pulling away from him or covering herself. Doing his best not to scowl at the offending sheet now hiding her delicious curves, he tugged at it, leaning forward.

“I can answer your questions,” he said, letting his voice lower seductively.

Mary, unmoved by his sudden change in tone, her brow furrowed in a ferocious scowl. She rather looked like an angry kitten, though he knew better than to voice the comparison. She was so petite and prim, made to look even smaller by the heavy furnishings in his room. With her blonde hair tousled and falling around her shoulders, she looked delightfully rumpled. Rex already regretted his previous tone. He should have cuddled and coddled her from the moment she started speaking, then demonstrated why she did not need the Society at all.

“You did not even want to tell me whether being sore is usual.” Tilting her nose up haughtily, the effect was ruined when the sheet slipped about her breasts, and she had to yank it back into place. Inwardly, Rex sighed. The question had bothered him, but he did not know why. Maybe because it brought others into their bedroom.

While he was certainly not ashamed of his past or his liaisons, he did not want them to be a part of his and Mary’s experience. Having her remind him of the many women who had come before her had felt… wrong. Invasive to the little cocoon he had mentally wrapped them in.

“I apologize.” Leaning forward, even more, he tugged harder on the sheet, giving her the option of coming with it or letting it fall from her breasts. Still scowling, she chose to scoot closer, though she leaned away from him, holding even tighter to the sheet. “It was an unexpected question, and I do not like to think of anyone else while I have you beside me.”

Her expression softened. Rex smiled and tugged again, pulling her forward, even more reluctantly. He could not ever remember trying to seduce a woman into cuddling with him, but he desperately wanted to get back to where they were a few minutes ago. To his relief, Mary allowed him to reel her in, and he settled them back down.

Stroking her hair, he found some of his happy calm had evaporated. The question kept ringing around his head.

What was he going to do about his wife and the Society?