Chapter 9

Divination Methods

If you have cast the Sign Walkabout, Sign Vision Quest, or the Sign Sanctuary oracles, there are several different divination methods through which you can interpret and gain insight and a more complete understanding of your oracle.

Similar to tarot card spreads, oracle divination methods provide you with a format to further discern and gain deeper understanding from your signs. After reading over the different divination methods, choose the one that best addresses your concern or issue.

If you receive more signs than the divination method requires, or you are not sure of the placement of each sign, there is an exercise at the end of this chapter to guide you in determining the signs to use and their placement within the divination method of your choosing.

Three Sign Guidance

The Three Sign Guidance method can be used for many common issues such as finance and career, or for more specific personal issues. It brings clarity to confusing circumstances and helps you to have a better grasp of how to resolve or move on from a perplexing situation.

Sign 1: Situation

Helps to clarify the conditions that you are currently experiencing and what may be hidden.

Sign 2: Challenge

Defines the inherent lesson within the situation or what you may need to focus on and confront within the current situation.

Sign 3: Guidance

Provides direction and possibilities for the current issue.

Alternative Three Sign Guidance

This method provides insight into a current situation or issue and shows how it has progressed and its possible outcome.

Sign 1: Past

This sign expresses what has led to the current situation or issue; where you are coming from.

Sign 2: Present

Illustrates the current condition and what you may not be aware of; what is behind the appearances.

Sign 3: Future

Describes what is coming and how the current issue or situation may evolve.

Four Sign Life Purpose

This method is best used if you cast the oracle to better understand your pupose or destiny.

Sign 1: Your Connection to Your Life’s Purpose

This sign will help you to recognize if you are in sync with your overall purpose or if you are struggling against it.

Sign 2: Purpose with Other Relationships; Family, Friends

Provides you with insight into your purpose with others, and your relationships with family and friends. What you are learning and what you are receiving. The role that you play in the lives of others.

Sign 3: Purpose in the World: Community, Service

Sheds light on your purpose with issues and concerns that affect the larger community and your gift to the world.

Sign 4: Soul Purpose, Evolution, Lessons

Reveals what your soul has come here to express, learn, and give to others.

Five Sign Guidance

This divinition method is a good one to use to gain deeper insight into your question or area of concern. It covers a wide range of areas and topics.

Sign 1: Your Concern or Issue

Describes influences related to the current question.

Sign 2: The Unconscious and Unknown

Reveals unconscious influences affecting the concern.

Sign 3: Advice

Provides guidance as to how to proceed.

Sign 4: What Is Coming, the Near Future

This sign gives insight into what may soon manifest.

Sign 5: Overview Unifying Sign

The Overview and Unifying Sign is the most influential sign in this oracle.

Six Sign Relationship Guidance

If your questions have to do with a relationship, use this divination method.

Sign 1: You

Describes your hopes, expectations, feelings, and attitudes.

Sign 2: The Other

Reveals the other person’s hopes, expectations, feelings, and attitudes.

Sign 3: Connection

Provides insight into what has brought you both together.

Sign 4: Strengths

Reveals the positive potential of the relationship.

Sign 5: Challenges

What you may need to work on and issues to be addressed.

Sign 6: Potential for Long-Term Future

This sign influences the other signs.

Six Sign Spirit Divination

This divination method allows spirit beings to communicate with and guide you. Use it if you cast the oracle to receive guidance from the spirit realm or a specific spirit being, angel, spirit guide, or loved one.

Sign 1: Where You Are Now

This first sign describes the issue that the sprit realm would like to address and where they perceive you to be at this time.

Sign 2: Your Next Step or Lesson

Reveals your next step or lesson in consciousness development.

Sign 3: Challenges

Helps you become aware of what you may externally or internally need to confront.

Sign 4: Strengths: What You Have Mastered

Illustrates what you have already learned and what you can now draw from.

Sign 5: Guidance

Suggestions and advice from your higher self and the spirit realm; may involve a choice or further effort on your part.

Sign 6: Outcome, Future

Reveals what may manifest from the actions and lessons that you are currently learning.

The following chapter illustrates examples of oracles that have been interpreted through these different divination methods.

Sign Determiner
and Placement Exercise

The number of signs that you receive through these oracles are random. Because of this you may receive more signs than the divination method calls for. When you have more signs than you need or if you want to better discern the placement of the signs, use the following system before interpreting them.

Begin by cutting up small strips of paper in the same amount of signs that you have received. Write down one sign on each slip of paper. One sign on one strip of paper.

When you have written down all the signs, turn the strips of paper over on a flat surface so you cannot see what is written on them.

Choose your divination method and the number of signs that you will need. Depending on what you choose, this may be three, four, five, or six signs.

Close your eyes and focus on the question or area of concern that you cast the oracle for. Move the palm of your hand over the strips of paper and pick up the strip of paper that you feel drawn to. This is sign one. Continue this process and pick up sign two. Continue until you have picked up the number of signs that you will need for your divination method. Place them in the order that you have picked them up.

If you use a divination method that requires the exact number of signs that you received you can use your signs in the order that you received them. The first sign is sign one, the second sign you encounter is sign two, etc. Or you can use the above method to choose their placement.

How to Work with a Double Sign

There will be times when you encounter a sign that is a combination of more than one sign.

For instance, encountering sparrows drinking from a small pond. Both the sparrows and the pond are signs and should be written down as one sign on one slip of paper. When you interpret this sign, look up the meaning of sparrows and the meaning of small pond in the glossary.

The interpretation of sparrows:

The sparrow is a sign to be industrious. Enjoy your friends and other social relationships and do not underestimate yourself. Power is in small acts of kindness. The sparrow can also bring you the message to be modest. Work toward your goals, but for the time being, allow others to take center stage.

The interpretation of a pond:

A tranquil pond or lake is a sign to avoid overreaching. This is not the time to make plans or focus on the future. Success will come as you stay in present time and attend to what is happening right now. A pond can also be a calming message to be still and listen within.

Then look for commonalities and connections within the signs.

Both of these symbols have to do with staying in present time, being modest, and focusing on small actions. This can also be interpreted as a message to be industrious, enjoy what is in front of you, and avoid overreaching.

Look for what stands out to you and trust your intuitive sense when interpreting a double sign as one message.
