Chapter 10

Examples of Cast and Interpreted Oracles

Casting and interpreting the Living Oracle is a new way to perceive yourself and the world around you, and to receive guidance. Symbolically interpreting the everyday and common things and activities that you regularly encounter shifts your perception and assumptions. As you perceive the spiritual magic hidden and encoded within, new insights are revealed and your connection with the unseen realms of wisdom and love becomes stronger.

While developing the Living Oracle I was fortunate to have friends and clients willing to enthusiastically jump in and experience this unique system for themselves. This chapter includes examples of some of their interpreted oracles. Reading through them will give you a sense of how to approach and symbolically interpret your signs within the divination methods.

It may take some practice and trust in your intuitive insights and feelings to become fully comfortable interpreting sacred signs, messages, and synchronicities. Most of the common signs that you may receive are listed in the glossary. Reading their symbolic interpretation will help you to better understand and interpret them. If you have a different interpretation or association, or if you have an intuitive sense of what a sign or message personally means to you, go with your interpretation. If the sign or message that you encounter while casting the oracle is not in the glossary, use your intuition or symbolic association to interpret the sign. Be flexible in your approach to interpretation and allow yourself to be guided throughout the process.

How to Approach Sign Placement

It is important to note that when working with certain divination methods, a sign may not seem to make sense within the context of its placement.

For instance: Let’s say that you cast the oracle to receive guidance and direction on whether or not to leave your current job. You choose the three-sign divination method to interpret your signs. In this method the first sign represents the past, the second sign represents the present, and the third sign represents the future.

Perhaps your second sign is a dented and scratched car. Given that your question involves a career decision, the dented car may not seem to make sense to you. The second sign placement symbolizes the current condition and what you may not be aware of or what is behind the appearances. If this happens and it likely will, look up the glossary interpretation of your sign. Then perceive the events of your life symbolically and draw associations between this and the sign or message that you received.

The glossary interpretation of a dented car:

A car with dents and scratches or in need of bodywork may be a sign of difficulties and the stress and strain that it has had on you. It can also be a sign of a wounded ego and feeling picked on or a message to pay attention to how you are treating others.

While initially this may not appear to provide you with guidance on your question about your career, look at the events of your life through a symbolic lens.

For instance: Ask yourself if you feel like this dented car in any way. Have you been feeling pushed or not respected in your current job? Are you reacting from your ego in wanting to leave and go to another company?

Symbolically interpret the glossary definition in the broadest way possible. Look for connections in your present experiences and conditions. Signs are often the jumping-off point to becoming more aware of other factors and influences as well as feelings, thoughts, and unconscious drives that may be affecting your question or present conditions.

Three Sign Guidance Divination

Nora cast the Sign Walkabout oracle. Instead of walking, she decided to ride her bike on a bike path on the outskirts of a city. Married for a little over two years, she was contemplating having children. Her husband was undecided about becoming a father and he wanted Nora to be sure that she wanted to be a mom before becoming pregnant. She cast the oracle to become more clear and gain insight and guidance on this big decision. She received three signs within the thirty-minute casting time period.

Sign 1: Current SituationRecycling Truck

Sign 2: ChallengeA Butterfly

Sign 3: GuidanceA Crew Working on the Sewer


Sign 1: Current SituationRecycling Truck

Glossary definiton: A recycling truck is a message to accept all of who you are. If you are feeling guilt or a lack of self-worth for past actions or experiences, forgive yourself. Learn from the lessons that life has sent your way and use this wisdom and awareness to create more of what you desire.

This message had a profound effect on Nora. When she read it, she acknowledged that motherhood was highly prized by her family. It was always assumed that she would have a baby. She felt guilty and wondered if something was wrong with her for focusing more on her career than on creating a family. This sign helped her to realize that she had to accept her feelings about her personal desire to be a mother and not judge herself.

Sign 2: ChallengeButterfly

Glossary definiton: A butterfly is a positive sign that a loved one on the other side or an angel is with you. Butterflies can also be a sign of transformation and the emergence of your true self after difficulties or healing and renewed health after illness.

The second sign represents challenge. While it may not appear that a butterfly can indicate an issue to be overcome and worked through, for Nora, her challenge was to allow herself to transform and let her true desires emerge. The butterfly inspired and gave her hope that an angel was watching over this process as she grappled with this important decision.

Sign 3: GuidanceCrew Working on the Sewer

Glossary definiton: Work being done underground or in a sewer or subway is a sign that something in the past or something you have left behind needs to be revisited. The past holds the key to understanding and moving forward in the future.

As Nora contemplated the message of this sign, she remembered how from a young age she had always wanted to care for wounded, ill, and lost animals. Although she rescued dogs and volunteered at an animal shelter, she wanted to do more. She realized that, for now, animals were her passion and in her heart she had always wanted to go to veterinary school. She had thought that she was being selfish by not focusing on creating more of a family. However, she now realized that before she became a mother she wanted to explore this goal.

Alternative Three Sign Guidance

Eric cast the Sign Walkabout oracle and decided to interpret it with the Three Sign Guidance method. Although he was satisfied with his current job, he had recently been contacted by a job recruiter about an open position in an area that he was interested in exploring. He did not know whether to pursue the new position and decided to cast the oracle for guidance. He received a total of six signs. After writing them all down on slips of paper, he picked out the three signs needed for this divination method. They were a car repair shop, a magnolia tree, and a bookstore, in this order.

Sign 1: PastCar Repair Shop

Sign 2: PresentMagnolia Tree

Sign 3: FutureBookstore


Sign: PastCar Repair Shop

Glossary definiton: A car repair shop is a sign to seek guidance, advice, or insight from another, possibly a professional. This may be a message to fine-tune your skills and abilities and be at your optimum mind, body, and spirit.

This sign indicates that the current career opportunity has come to Eric from his past desire to seek out opportunities to develop and refine his skills and abilities. Advice from business associates or mentors have also influenced his desire to advance his career.

Sign 2: PresentMagnolia Tree

Glossary definiton: Magnolia trees are a sign of nobility and the ability to confront obstacles with a calm and centered will and determination. Magnolia blossoms or flowers are a sign of beauty and grace, a divine kiss of kindness.

Even though Eric is satisfied in his current profession, he is most happy when he is learning new things and personally and professionally growing. This sign is a confirmation that the present opportunity may be an answer to this wish and desire, a gift and opportunity from the spirit realm.

Sign 3: FutureBookstore

Glossary definiton: A bookstore is message to explore new ideas, be creative, and welcome new possibilities into your life. You may need inspiration to get out of a rut or routine. A bookstore may also be a sign to write and may be announcing literary success.

This sign indicates that the possible job in question offers Eric the opportunity to be creative and explore new ideas. It is another confirmation that this is a good time to further his career and follow up on this opportunity.

Four Sign Life Purpose Guidance

With an interest in all things Native American, Jessica decided to cast the Vision Quest oracle. In keeping with the spirit of this oracle, she wanted to know more about her life purpose. Because her workplace tended to be hectic and busy, she decided to start the oracle casting on Saturday and end on Monday morning. To get the most from the oracle she did not turn on her computer or television and spent limited time on the phone during this period.

The signs that she encountered during the weekend of the Sign Vision Quest included an owl on a tree outside her bedroom window, a couple kissing in the park, a small white poodle, people going into a church, a small fountain with crows drinking from it, a mother pushing a stroller, kids riding their bikes, and a billboard advertising an insurance company with the words, “You Are in Good Hands.” Jessica also had a dream on Sunday night that she was flying an airplane alongside a flock of geese.

After writing her signs down on slips of paper, the four signs that she picked in order were the billboard, the dream of flying the plane, kids riding bikes, and people going into church.

Sign 1: Your Connection to Your Life’s PurposeBillboard

Sign 2: Purpose with Other Relationships: Family, FriendsDream of Flying the Plane

Sign 3: Purpose in the World: Community, ServiceKids on Bikes

Sign 4: Soul Purpose, Evolution, LessonsChurch

Use Sign 1 in relation to the other signs. It will give you insight as to the interconnection of your overall purpose.


Sign 1: Connection to Life PurposeBillboard with the phrase, “You Are in Good Hands”

This billboard phrase is a clear message that Jessica is being watched over and guided. After she read the interpretation of this sign, she told me that she felt this was a sign letting her know that God was directing her purpose. As long as she listened within and trusted where she felt led, Jessica believed that she would stay on track with her higher purpose.

Sign 2: Purpose with Others: Friends, FamilyDream of Flying in Plane with Geese

Dreams that you have while casting the Vision Quest oracle are interpreted as a sign.

Glossary definiton: An airplane can indicate rising above current problems and issues, the need or ability to see the big picture, expansion of consciousness, taking flight, or leaving your current situation. It can also be a confirming message that you are communicating and connecting to your guides, helpers, and loved ones in the spirit realm.

Geese ask you to be sure that the path that you are on is your own. We often compromise and allow others to sway our opinions and influence our actions. Look into your heart and feel what is true for you. A flock of geese symbolizes lifelong companionship and is a message that you are never alone; your spiritual loved ones are close.

Flying the airplane may be a sign that Jessica has the ability to help others to see beyond their challenges and difficulties and gain new insight. The flock of geese might also indicate that Jessica may be able to guide others to express their true selves and to look into their hearts. It may be that Jessica’s purpose with others is to share her individuality, higher consciousness, and perceptions. She might also be able to communicate with the spirit realm and provide messages of guidance and comfort to others.

Sign 3: Purpose in the WorldKids Riding Bikes

Glossary definiton: A bicycle is a sign of balance, freedom, and personal effort. It is a message that you are in charge of where you are going and your progress in getting there. It may also be a message to be flexible and avoid extremes in work and pleasure. If you have been pushing yourself, it may be time to be take a more leisurely approach.

Glossary definiton: Children playing can be a sign of happiness and simplicity, and a message to adopt a carefree attitude. It may also be a message to reclaim an aspect of yourself from the past that may have been forgotten or left behind. This may be a personal truth, a belief in what is possible, or your innocence.

Both children and a bicycle are signs of taking a leisurely and lighthearted approach. It may be that Jessica’s gift to the world manifests through purity, innocence, and in helping others to discover these qualities in themselves. She brings the gift of fun and lightheartedness to the world.

Sign 4: Soul PurposePeople Going Into a Church

Glossary definiton: People going in or out of a church is a message that currently or in the near future there will be an increase in spiritual activity with others or with a group.

This sign suggests that Jessica’s soul purpose is to be actively engaged with others in some form of spiritual practice. This may be through a specific belief system or through a more open and fluid spirituality. This is a sign to Jessica that her soul growth and spiritual development will be best supported and enhanced through her connection to others and in her relationships.

The first sign, the billboard message, “You Are in Good Hands,” influences the other three signs. In relation to her purpose with others, the billboard emphasizes that Jessica is meant to share her personal insights and possibly share divine message of guidance and love. For her purpose in the world, the billboard affirms that Jessica maintain her childlike innocence and lighthearted approach. Because of the spiritual nature of the billboard, this may further indicate that her soul purpose is to spiritually grow and connect with others and that she is being guided. Through this lens it becomes apparent that Jessica’s overall purpose is to maintain a conscious connection with the divine and to be a conduit of this joy and pure presence.

Five Sign Divination

Emily cast the Sign Sanctuary oracle and interpreted it through the Five Sign Guidance method.

A single woman in her late fifties with grown children who no longer live at home, Emily was contemplating moving to the mountains. She had always wanted to get out of the city and live closer to nature. Yet, she felt stifled with inertia and did not know what to do. She cast the oracle for guidance and to gain clarity about this issue.

Emily received five signs when she cast the oracle whie sitting on a park bench in a city park. Her signs in the order that she received them are a red convertible, a liquor store, a mud puddle, a robin, and ants.

Sign 1: Your Concern or IssueRed Convertible

Sign 2: The Unconscious and UnknownLiquor Store

Sign 3: AdviceMud Puddle

Sign 4: What Is Coming, the Near FutureRobin

Sign 5: Overview Unifying SignAnts

The Overview Unifying Sign is the most influential sign in this oracle. The other signs should be interpreted with this sign in mind.


Sign 1: Your Concern or IssueRed Convertible

Glossary definiton: The color red can be a message of empowerment and assertiveness or a warning to subdue your anger or passion. It may also be a sign to stop before going ahead with a project, relationship, or venture.

A convertible may be a message to free yourself from negative beliefs, judgments, and thoughts. Open your mind to higher thoughts and allow the light of spiritual wisdom to expand your consciousness. It is also a sign of freedom and enjoyment and allowing yourself to let go.

The red convertible symbolizes Emily’s situation quite well. While moving offers her the freedom to create a new life, explore new options, and the joy of being in a location where she has always wanted to live, she may need to examine any beliefs and judgments that are holding her back. The color red may be a message to be assertive in taking action on what she desires.

Sign 2: The Unconscious and UnknownA Liquor Store

Glossary definiton: A liquor store is a message to keep things in perspective and balance. If you are stressed and anxious, loosen up and relax. If you feel a little lost and without direction, establish step-by-step goals. It can also indicate that you or someone close to you may have a problem with alcohol.

This sign suggests that Emily may need to approach her possible move one step at a time. She may also need to become aware of any hidden tension or anxiety that may be affecting her clarity of mind and preventing her from connecting with her heart’s desire. Because this sign is in the position of the unconscious, it indicates that there may be past experiences and fears that are unknowingly affecting her decision-making.

Sign 3: Advice How to ProceedMud

Glossary definiton: Mud or muddy water is a sign of confusion, indecision, and procrastination. It is a message that even though you may not be sure of what to do or how to proceed, take some form of action. Move forward in some way, even if you are unsure, and clarity will follow.

This sign is a message to Emily to continue to investigate and explore a move. She may want to visit the location where she is considering moving and become more familiar with the community and what it has to offer. Consulting a financial advisor and real estate agent might also give her much-needed information to make a decision.

Sign 4: What Is Coming, the Near FutureRobin

Glossary definiton: A robin is a sign of joy, laughter, and new growth. Open your heart and allow the energy of renewal to revitalize you. Robins encourage you to find pleasure in the mundane.

This sign confirms that Emily is moving in the right direction. The robin is an auspicious sign foretelling that she will soon experience joy and feelings of renewal and positivity.

Sign 5: Overview Unifying SignAnts

Glossary definiton: Ants are a message that hard work yields positive results. If you feel that your efforts are not seen or are disregarded, ants are a sign that this is temporary. Abundance and positive results are coming your way.

This sign influences all of the other signs. It is a message for Emily to become active and work toward her goal of moving and fulfilling a life-long desire. Sometimes taking a step back and waiting is necessary. This is not the case for Emily. It is made clear in the oracle that action is needed to accomplish this goal. Her efforts will pay off in positive and joyful ways.

Six Sign Spirit Divination

Kristi did not have a question in mind and cast the Walkabout oracle for general guidance. During an hour walk, she received many signs including a green moth on her front door; a mail truck; laundry on an outdoor clothesline; a little girl playing; a foot bridge; a large black dog; a man with a cast on his leg; wind gusts; an aggressive dog; a large fallen tree limb; road construction; a backhoe; yellow daisies; and people doing yard work.

After writing the signs down of slips of paper and folding them in half, Kristi randomly picked out six signs in this order: wind gusts, yellow daisies, yard work, clothesline with laundry, road construction, mail truck.

Sign 1: Where You Are NowWind Gusts

Sign 2: Your Next Step or LessonYellow Daises

Sign 3: ChallengesYard Work

Sign 4: Strengths, What You Have MasteredClothesline

Sign 5: GuidanceRoad Construction

Sign 6: Outcome, FutureMail Truck


Sign 1: Where You Are NowWind Gusts

Glossary definiton: Wind gusts suggest that your thinking may be scattered and you may need to focus your ideas and thoughts. Wind gusts may also be a message to pay attention to intuitive insights.

Kristi knew that her chattering mind created confusion and indecision. She would go from one thought to another and another. Although she felt that she received intuitive messages she would often overthink them and talk herself out of trusting them.

Sign 2: Your Next StepYellow Daisies

Glossary definiton: The daisy is symbolic of purity, innocence, patience, and simplicity. Encountering daisies is a message to draw from these qualities and let go of expectations. Something may be coming your way or will be offered to you that might not initially seem to be what you want or what you are looking for. However, in time you will recognize this as a true gift.

The color yellow is a sign of happiness, energy, intellect, and mental stimulation. Yellow may also be a message of betrayal, deceit, and indecisiveness. Along with orange, yellow is associated with the sun.

When Kristi read the symbolic interpretation for yellow daisies, she told me that it described how she wanted to live: simply, happy, and without expectation. She felt that this sign, which represented her next step, was indicating what she was feeling, but she was having a hard time putting into words. She wanted to move forward in a more positive way in life and she felt that the yellow daises were a sign from her angels letting her know that this was possible.

Sign 3: ChallengesYard Work

Glossary definiton: People doing yard work, gardening, or farming is a message to take action and root out negativity and habits that are not supporting your higher aims and desires.

Along with chaotic thinking, Kristi was a constant worrier and often feared the worst. This sign helped her to become aware of how her habitual thoughts were affecting her outlook and the quality of life. She felt motivated and determined to let go and change her perspective.

Sign 4: Strengths, How to ProceedClothesline
with Laundry

Glossary definiton: A clothesline with laundry hanging from it is a sign of clearing the mind and emotions of any negative, judgmental, and stressful thoughts and feelings. Focusing on what may appear to be small and insignificant personality deficits and weaknesses and releasing them allows the light of your soul to shine through. A clothesline may also be a message to be honest and open and allow others to see the true you.

Kristi was surprised that the interpretation of the clothesline seemed to reinforce the previous signs and further motivated her to become more aware of the negative and stressful thoughts that she was prone to and let them go. As she contemplated this sign she became aware that she often hid her true feelings and thoughts from others. Maybe, she thought, this sign is letting me know that positive things will come from letting others see the true me.

Sign 5: GuidanceRoad Construction

Glossary definiton: Encountering construction workers, working on roads or in other public places, is a sign that you may need help, guidance, and support from others to move forward in creating and fulfilling your dreams and desires. This may also be a sign to be there for others and help them to build their dreams.

For several weeks, Krista had contemplated working with a life coach. She knew that another’s support would help her to move forward into the happiness that sign 2, the yellow daises, spoke of. This message gave her the push she needed.

Sign 6: Outcome, FutureMail Truck

Glossary definiton: A mail, UPS, FedEx, or other mail or package delivery truck may be a sign that much-needed insights, information, or communication is coming your way. You may also have information or insights that others need. This may come through an intuitive or psychic gift. It might also point to your ability to intuit messages for yourself and others and communicate with the other side.

Krista found this sign to be helpful and comforting. Both of her parents had passed over and were now on the other side. She often felt their presence and hoped that they were watching over her. She also found it encouraging to know that new insights and information would emerge as she was better able to focus on the positive and trust her intuitive insights.

“Maybe as I do the inner work that the other signs are pointing to, my intuition will become stronger and I will be able to connect more clearly with my mother and father. Who knows,” she said, “maybe one day I can give messages to others. I would love to do this.”

Six Sign Relationship Divination

Derek met Carrie at a friend’s wedding. They both felt an immediate attraction and after a night of laughter and dancing they exchanged phone numbers. In the first few months of their relationship they saw one another three or four times a week. The relationship was easy and they shared a common passion for long-distance cycling and cooking. After about six months of dating, Derek began to feel that Carrie might be too controlling and she seemed to need to have things her way most of the time. Although he still had feelings for her, he began to question if the relationship was positive for him. Confused and not sure of what to do, he cast a Sign Walkabout to gain insight and guidance. During the walkabout he encountered six signs that he used in the order that he received them: a park; safety cones; a restaurant; a small brown dog; a junk car; and a cactus.

Sign 1: Your Hopes Expectations, Feelings, and AttitudesA Park

Sign 2: The Other’s Hopes, Expectations, Feelings, and AttitudesSafety Cones

Sign 3: Connection, What Has Brought You Both TogetherRestaurant

Sign 4: Strengths, The Positive Potential of the RelationshipSmall Brown Dog

Sign 5: Challenges, What You May Need to Work On and Issues to Be AddressedJunk Car

Sign 6: Potential for Long-term Future. This sign influences the other signsCactus


Sign 1: Your Hopes, Expectations, Feelings, and
—A Park

Glossary definiton: A park is a message to take it easy, contemplate the simple beauty of life, and refresh your spirit. A park may also be a sign of a romantic relationship coming your way or being rekindled.

Derek felt that this sign represented his desire to be in a romantic, casual, and easygoing relationship. His hope was that Carrie felt the same way.

Sign 2: The Other’s Hopes, Expectations, Feelings, and AttitudesSafety Cones

Glossary definiton: Orange safety cones symbolize the need for you to be cautious, alert, and pay attention to details. They are a message to focus on what may appear to be minor and small issues. In this way you are able to circumvent challenges and difficulties.

When Derek read the interpretation of this sign, he realized that what we he believed to be controlling behavior by Carrie might simply be her more cautious and detail-oriented personality. She seemed to notice everything he did and he found himself frequently annoyed by this personality trait.

Derek also wondered if this sign was telling him to pay attention to his feelings about the difference between his and Carrie’s personalities. Even though they were minor issues, ignoring them may not be the right thing to do.

Sign 3: Connection, What Has Brought You Both

Glossary definiton: Symbolic of the quality of your relationships with others, a restaurant is a message to evaluate the care and nurturing that you receive from friends, family, and loved ones, and to become more conscious of the nurturing and care that you provide to others.

Derek wondered how much emotional depth he and Carrie would be able to share. He knew that he was not opening his heart and giving in the way that Carrie needed him to. He also felt that he was not receiving the positive support from her that he longed for.

Sign 4: Strengths, The Positive Potential of the
RelationshipSmall Brown Dog

Glossary definiton: A small dog is a sign that you have within you the qualities and attributes to fulfill your purpose. Don’t underestimate what you have to offer others and the world. You have a powerful and loving heart and soul.

Brown is associated with nature spirits. It is a message to connect with the earth, be practical, and trust your instincts.

Derek knew that he truly wanted a loving relationship and he knew that this was what Carrie also wanted. Part of his initial attraction to her was her strength and her deep, soulful nature. Yet, when he contemplated the signs and their interpretation, he realized that he had to trust his instincts. When he listened within, he felt that they would not be able to make the relationship work.

Sign 5: Challenges, What you May Need to Work On and Issues to Be AddressedJunk Car

Glossary definiton: A car that has been junked or is no longer operational can indicate that a present issue or concern is not viable. If you have a question about a relationship, new career path, or new undertaking, this is a warning of heartache or disappointing outcome.

Although this sign was discouraging to Derek, he felt that something or someone really wanted him to get the message that he and Carrie may not be compatible. As much as he wanted the relationship to work the signs seemed to telling him that it might not.

Sign 6: Potential for Long-term FutureCactus

This sign influences the other signs.

Glossary definiton: A cactus symbolizes emotional hurt, feeling slighted, or feeling that you have been treated unfairly. It is a message that you have the inner resources to go it alone if necessary and to heal.

When Derek read the interpretation of this sign he felt that it was a confirmation of his gut feeling and the other signs. The relationship with Carrie was not viable. Although he felt sad, he knew that the kindest thing to do was to end the relationship and at some point try to build a friendship. He was also aware that they would both in time find the soul mate that they were looking for and be able to get through the breakup.


Through these examples you can begin to get a sense of how to interpret the Living Oracle. Be flexible and listen within to the interpretation that feels right for you. If you find yourself frustrated or unsure of how to proceed, take a break and focus on something else. When the conscious-thinking mind is engaged elsewhere, your intuitive knowing will more easily surface and offer you the clarity and interpretation that you have been looking for.

Conclusion: Going Forward, Being Led

This morning I did my normal Monday morning routine. I woke up early and headed to the pool. On my way there I passed through several green lights with ease. Once at the pool my preferred locker, number seven, was available. Even though the pool tends to be crowded in the early morning, I was able to find an empty lane with no wait time. As I swam my first laps, I smiled. This was going to be a good day, all the signs were there.

Not every morning is like this. There are days when things do not line up quite so easily. Traffic is heavy, I hit the red lights, and there is no hot water in the showers. When I encounter these kind of signs, I know not to take things too personally and get bogged down with frustrations. This is just how the day is flowing. I might need to better pay attention to detail or perhaps check my attitude and be honest about any negativity that I may be harboring.

Through actively pursuing signs and omens, and over the course of writing this book, I have become more intimately familiar with the symbolic and metaphoric nature of everyday things and activities. Signs have become a natural part of my day-to-day life and I find myself noticing and tuning in to the messages that always seem to be present.

As you invoke signs and messages and develop your own internal code to understanding the meaning within them, you begin to freely dialogue with the world around you. What was once mundane transforms into the meaningful.

At first glance, discerning a sign from the many things and activities that you encounter on a daily basis may seem to be a guessing game. However, your intuitive muscle will eventually strengthen and you will hear, feel, know, and become aware when you encounter a sign and be able to discern its message. At times the meaning of a sign or synchronicity will be clear and you will be able to sense who has sent it to you. At other times, you may feel challenged and not sure how to penetrate the meaning hidden within the language of a sign.

Signs and messages speak to us through a code that can at times be frustrating and difficult to decipher. They break through our linear and logical way of thinking and speak to our heart and soul. Making this shift from the rational to the intuitive is not always easy. Instead of receiving clear guidance, you may at times find yourself more perplexed and confused. If this happens, I encourage you to hang in there and not give up. If you notice a sign, but are just not sure if it really is one, stop the inner back-and-forth debate and overthinking and simply accept that it is a sign and that its meaning will be revealed. Whatever you notice and gets your attention is speaking to you.

If you receive a sign and it is not included in the glossary, trust your feelings and inner sense of knowing as to its meaning. If you are not sure if you are interpreting a sign correctly, don’t worry. The universe is quite repetitive. It will let you know over and over again in various creative ways if there is a message for you.

Signs change us. On a daily basis we tend to scramble about trying to get everything done and attended to. We become stressed, anxious, and unconscious of the unseen influences and support that is always available. Becoming aware of signs can be a meditation that wakes you to your connectedness with all of life and helps you to be in the present moment. As you allow your creative soul forces to empower you to better notice and decipher the meaning of signs and message, your perception of reality evolves.

We have been led to believe that the finite world of matter and material things is inert and incapable of conveying wisdom and love. However, as you work with the Living Oracle, the innate ability to notice and decipher signs and messages will rise from the depths of your soul knowing and become natural. One day you may notice a bird that has landed on your windowsill and without thinking recognize it as a hello sign from a loved one on the other side. Or perhaps you take a wrong turn down a dead end street and instead of becoming frustrated you realize that this is a sign that a recent idea you have been contemplating at work may not be viable.

When encounters such as these begin to happen you slowly become aware that you are no longer living in a meaningless and impersonal world. You wake to the presence of an unceasing divine and holy communion where you are loved, guided, and tended to, and you realize that you are held within the embrace of a mysterious and all-encompassing web of life.

A greater presence and power is calling to you and reaching out to offer you support, comfort, laughter, direction, and enlightenment. How can you refuse?
