Types of
You will likely encounter many different types of vehicles and modes of transportation while casting the Living Oracle. Not every vehicle that you encounter is a sign or message. Listen to your intuition and look for confirming signs and patterns. For example, vehicles with license plates that contain letters that are significant to you or a line of vehicles of the same color may be signs. If a vehicle feels like a sign to you, accept it as one.
Types of transportation are symbolic of our psyche, our ego, our physical self, and our spirit. They indicate how we move through life, our journey, and our path forward. They also offer guidance and insight into our choices and possibilities and what is to come.
An airplane can indicate rising above current problems and issues, the need or ability to see the big picture, expansion of consciousness, taking flight, or leaving your current situation. It can also be a confirming message that you are communicating and connecting to your guides, helpers, and loved ones in the spirit realm.
Air Force Jet
An air force jet is a sign of organization, a united approach, precision, and purpose. It is a message to pay attention to your current situation and approach any issues or problems with a clear plan of action. Use your intelligence and think things through with someone you trust. It can indicate the need to rise above the current problem and situation and perceive it through a higher perspective.
Small, Private Plane
A small plane is a sign of self-empowerment and using your higher thought and insights to guide you. A small plane indicates that you can rely on and trust your wisdom and higher self.
An ambulance is a message that you need to take care of yourself and heal any physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual wounds. If the lights of the ambulance are flashing and it speeds by you, it is a sign of the urgency of your situation. It may also indicate healing gifts and that your life purpose may involve healing and helping others.
Armored Car
An armored car represents locked-away abundance and inner riches. This is a sign to share, open your heart, and let go of defensiveness. If you are starting a new business, career, or project, it may indicate the need to be financially conservative and be a warning against overspending.
A bicycle is a sign of balance, freedom, and personal effort. It is a message that you are in charge of where you are going and your progress in getting there. It may also be a message to be flexible and avoid extremes in work and pleasure. If you have been pushing yourself, it may be time to take a more leisurely approach.
Broken Bicycle
A broken or old bike can be a sign to delay plans, pause, and think things over before taking action. It may also be a message to seek out the support of others and not to try to go it alone.
Chained or Locked on a Fixture
A bicycle that is chained or locked onto a fixture, like a telephone pole, is a sign of a lack of personal will. If you are feeling out of balance in your life, or that you have to do things a certain way, this is a message to take back your power and be true to yourself and what works for you.
A group of competitive riders can be a message to pay attention to the people around you—acquaintances, friends, or coworkers. Be alert in your relationships and be careful not to be overly assertive, combative, or pushy. It may also indicate that you are in a competitive environment and need to be in top form.
A boat is a sign of emotional balance, spirituality, and the ability to let go and trust unseen forces. The condition of the water must be considered an important aspect to the sign.
A boat in choppy water may be a message to keep steady during times of emotional upheaval and ups and downs. In placid, still waters, a boat is a message of peace and tranquility. If the water is dark or muddy, it is a message of emotional negativity and confusion. Clear water indicates heart-centered awareness and spiritual attainment.
A canoe or kayak is a sign of your personal spiritual and emotional journey. It is a message to listen to your heart and soul and seek what is right for you. It may indicate the need to go with the flow and to beware of any emotional upheavals or stresses and handle them with precision and care.
Car Pulling Boat
A car pulling a boat is a sign that you may need to devote time to getting in touch with your emotions and feelings and to be honest with yourself about what you want. There may be repressed emotions that are weighing you down and preventing you from perceiving and enjoying what is being offered.
Fishing Boat
A fishing boat is a message that you may need emotional and spiritual care. Take the time to understand your needs and know that there is an abundance of love and support from the spirit realm available to you. Be sincere in your efforts and patient with the results.
A sailboat is a message to take the path of least resistance. Find what works for you and go with it. Even if others do not understand, trust your sense of what is right for you. A sailboat may also be a sign to trust your intuitive and psychic insight and impressions. Your individuality and freedom is important right now.
While a car or bicycle is symbolic of going forward in an individual way, a bus represents collective consciousness or your connection with others. Buses may be a sign of your role in the family, workplace, community, or world. They indicate the collective whole rather than personal or intimate relationships.
Pay attention to any signs or billboards on a bus. It may be that the message is in what the bus is advertising.
City Bus
A city bus may be a message to focus on friendships, work relationships, and your connection with your neighbors or the community. If you have been feeling as if you do not matter or that you are not seen or known, a city bus reminds you that your presence and contribution are essential. As you contribute to others’ needs or welfare, you make progress on your life plan.
Church Bus
A church bus is a message to connect spiritually with others or to express your spirituality or be of service to others in your community. It may also be a message to practice what you preach.
School Bus
A school bus is a sign that you are learning important life lessons through your connection and relationships with others. If you are confused or unsure of how to deal a current problem or if you have a pressing decision, focus on the lesson that you are learning through it. The situation will then resolve itself. A school bus may also be a message to go back to school or a sign to teach others.
A camper is a sign of self-sufficiency and the need for independence. It is a message to let go of the past and move forward. You have all that you need to create and manifest what you desire. It may also indicate the need to take time in the outdoors and nature or to go inward and explore your individuality.
A car is symbolic of your individual path through life, your drive, ambition, and transitioning from one stage of life to another. A car may also represent your physical self.
Dents, Scratches
A car with dents and scratches or in need of bodywork may be a sign of difficulties and the stress and strain that it has had on you. A dented beatup-looking car may indicate the need to physically or emotionally heal and take better care of yourself. A car may also be a sign of a wounded ego and feeling picked on, or a message to pay attention to how you are treating others.
Compact Car
A compact car may indicate the need to downsize your expectations or goals. Be modest and content with what is and with what is being offered. Power is in the small. This is not the time to take risks; go with the practical.
A convertible may be a message to free yourself from negative beliefs, judgments, and thoughts. Open your mind to higher thoughts and allow the light of spiritual wisdom to expand your consciousness. It is also a sign of freedom and enjoyment and allowing yourself to let go.
Junk Car
A car that has been junked or is no longer operational can indicate that a present issue or concern is not viable. If you have a question about a relationship, new career path, or new undertaking, this is a warning of heartache or a disappointing outcome.
A limousine symbolizes self-worth, the ego, materialism, and superficialities. Limit your expectations of others and share the good that comes your way. This is not the time to allow pride or grandiose ideas to cloud your judgment. Be humble and accepting.
Alternatively, it may be a sign of coming success, financial wealth, or the need to celebrate a special occasion.
Luxury Car
A luxury car like a Rolls-Royce is a sign of ambition and self-worth. It is a message to be careful not to judge yourself or others by external status symbols and superficial materialism. If you have been feeling stressed about finances, this may be a message of improvement and coming abundance.
A minivan can be a sign to focus on family, coworkers, and friends and to consider their place in your life. They may be helpful in supporting you in attaining your goals. A minivan may also be a message to go along with the group and give up your personal aims and desires to support others.
New Car
A new car may be a sign of a new path, beginning, or direction. Renewal in some form is making its way into your life. The color of the car may offer more insight.
Speeding Car
A speeding car can be a symbol to get going and move forward. If the car is recklessly speeding, it is a warning of danger or a message to slow down. It can also indicate that you do not have control or that you are moving too quickly in some area of your life.
Sports Car
A sports car may be a sign that you are neglecting or sacrificing pleasure and a sense of adventure for the status quo and routine. You may need to take a little more risk and get out of your comfort zone. Alternatively, this may be a message to focus on the practical matters of everyday life.
Vintage Car
A vintage car that has been restored and is in good condition may represent healing from past issues and difficulties and overcoming illness. It is a positive message of renewal and improvement.
Encountering a vintage car that is in the process of being restored or is non-functional is a message to become aware of family and past family generational behaviors, beliefs, patterns, and habits that may be adversely affecting you in the present. Let go of and heal dysfunctional old family patterns that are holding you back.
Delivery Trucks
A delivery truck may indicate present or coming change and the arrival of a material or a spiritual gift. It may also be a sign of a relationship, project, or desire in the beginning stages of manifestation. Something is coming your way.
A beer or alcohol delivery truck is a sign that you may not be seeing something clearly. You may be in a dreamlike or delusional state or in denial about someone or what is happening in your life. It may be a message to confront and face your current situation for what it is rather than what you would like it to be. This may also be a pun reminding you of the presence of “spirits” close by.
Building Materials
A truck delivering building supplies may be a sign of rejuvenation and renewal of mind, body, and spirit. It is time to rebuild your life. You will be helped and supported by the spiritual realm and friends, family, and others in the physical world. It may also be a sign to take care of your physical health, improve your diet, and begin an exercise routine.
Flower delivery is sign of a spiritual gift of love or romance and new love coming your way.
A food delivery truck represents nourishment or something that feeds the soul and spirit coming into your life. A truck with fresh vegetables and fruit can be more literal and indicate the need to improve your diet.
A furniture or appliance delivery truck may indicate the need to adopt new attitudes and beliefs and to let go of outdated habits and limiting thoughts. It may also be a more literal message of changes in your home or home life.
Mail Truck
A mail, UPS, FedEx, or other mail or package delivery truck may be a sign that much-needed insights, information, or communication is coming your way. You may also have information or insights that others need. This may come through an intuitive or psychic gift. It might also point to your ability to intuit messages for yourself and others and communicate with the other side.
Fire Engine
A fire engine can indicate a past, present, or future troubling or intense issue or situation that may be causing worry and stress. Although you may be at a loss as what to do, there will be a positive outcome. You are being guided and helped by spiritual forces.
Speeding by with Lights Flashing
If a fire engine is speeding past you with its lights flashing, it is a sign of the urgency of your situation. You may need expert help from others to solve a problem.
Golf Cart
A golf cart may be a sign that you have a lackadaisical and leisurely approach to issues and your personal growth. If you feel that you may be procrastinating, this is a sign to get moving. Alternatively, if you have been working long hours or involved in a stressful situation this can be a message that you need to take some time for leisure and relaxation.
A hearse may be a message that a relationship, job, condition, or project is completed or coming to an end. It may also be a warning to not go forward with a relationship or venture. A loved one on the other side might also use a hearse to get your attention to let you know that he or she is with you and would like to further communicate with you.
Heavy Equipment,
Plow, Backhoe, Bobcat
Heavy equipment may be a sign of your power and ability to transform and change your current situation. If you have been sitting on the sidelines and waiting for something to happen, this is a message to take action and get involved. You have what it takes to create something positive. If you are actively pursuing change, success is coming.
A helicopter is a sign that spiritual help and assistance are close by. There are no situations, conditions, or areas that the spirit realm cannot access or influence. All you need to do is ask.
A helicopter can also be a message to not overestimate the time and energy that a new project or a current situation may take. If you are wavering over how much to give to something or someone, pull back and reassess what you will get in return.
A motorcycle is a sign of individuality and a message to be bold, take a risk, and move forward on a project, idea, or relationship. Trust yourself and go it alone if you need to.
Moving Van
A moving van is a sign that it is time to make a drastic change. This may have to do with your goals, desires, career, health, or a relationship. This may also be a sign to change your perspective or view of reality, and let go of the beliefs and thoughts that may be limiting and hindering your progress. If you are thinking of moving or selling your home, this is a positive sign.
Police Car
A police car is a sign that you have been giving your power away to an outer authority. It may also be a message that you need to become more aware of your leadership and expertise in an area that is of interest to you. This may also be a sign to pay attention to rules, regulations, and outer guidelines.
Recreational Vehicle
A recreational vehicle can represent fun, adventure, and may be a message to express personality traits, talents, and aspects of your individuality that you may normally keep hidden. It may also be a message to further explore your options before making a decision.
A scooter is a sign of balancing vulnerability and strength. You are strong enough to be yourself and express your truth. At the same time be aware that you may not receive the support and understanding from others that is due you. Although you may feel misunderstood, this is temporary. Keep moving forward.
A subway is a message that unconscious desires, beliefs, or thoughts may be motivating and driving your behavior. If you experiencing conditions and situations that are not satisfying or are confusing, look within. There is a lot going on behind the scenes that you may not be aware of. A subway may also be a message to express and acknowledge your gifts and talents.
A taxi is a sign that you may need to ask foor enlist help or guidance from another. A trusted friend, therapist, or career mentor may be able to assist you in reaching your goal or guide you. Let others in and trust their direction.
A tractor is symbolic of strength, purpose, and powerful advance. With determination and work you can succeed in whatever undertaking or area you may be interested in. Alternatively, it may also indicate heavy burdens and responsibility. While it is important to support others, be sure that you are not taking on worries and stress of others.
Farm Tractor
A farm tractor or a tractor carrying farm animals can be a message that you possess the ability to provide and care for others in a powerful way. It may also be a warning to watch your diet and eat healthy foods.
A tractor-trailer symbolizes the ability to be successful in a large-scale project or undertaking. If the tractor-trailer is carrying cars, it may be a message that your purpose may be to help others to move forward or to be a guide to others.
A tractor-trailer on the side of the road indicates a need to pause on a large-scale project or goal before going forward.
An empty tractor-trailer is a sign of confusion and not knowing your purpose and life path. It indicates that you are not fully using and engaged in your talents and abilities. You have a lot to give and the inner reserves to make it.
Trains represent steady progress, a focused mind and self-will, and predestination. They may also be a message that there is a higher power directing your path.
A speeding train is a message to proceed and trust your plans. It is a positive sign of progress.
Stopping for a train is a message that frustrations or obstacles are only temporary. Be patient as the way is being opened up for you.
Train Tracks
Train tracks suggest making conservative choices, following an accepted method, and not taking risks.
Train tracks that are obsolete and no longer used may indicate that you have a one-track mind and need to consider other options.
Train Station
Encountering a train station is a message to consider your plans, organize yourself, and get input from others. It may also indicate becoming busy and overwhelmed with options and choices. It is a suggestion to stay focused and be careful that you do not get distracted.
Train Whistle
Hearing a train whistle is a warning to review your choices and decisions and make sure that they support your highest good.
Trucks represent service to others, strength, responsibilities, the ability to work hard, or that there is work to be done. Trucks can be an omen of coming abundance and they may symbolize your career path.
Cable Truck
A cable or Internet service truck or a truck laying or repairing cable lines indicates communication, increased social interactions, and reaching out to others. This may also be a sign from the spirit realm encouraging you to develop your medium abilities.
Electrical Repair Truck
An electrician’s repair truck or a crew working on electrical lines may indicate that you have latent healing abilities, especially energy or hands-on healing. It may be a sign encouraging you to be of service to others in this way or a sign that you or someone you love may be in need of healing.
Loved ones on the other side often work through electrical energy to let us know that they are present. Electrical lines may also be a sign from a loved one, letting you know that he or she is present.
Dump Truck
A dump truck represents letting go, detoxing, and highlights the need to transform through releasing what is no longer in your highest good.
Garbage Truck
A garbage truck is a message that you may be taking on others’ negativity, problems, and worries. You may not be aware of it, but the energy of others may be affecting your mood, health, stress levels, and sense of well-being. To make it easier to fully benefit from the inherent goodness within all of life, trust in a meaningful universe that knows and cares for you.
Pickup Truck
A pickup truck is a message to get to work on those things that are most meaningful and important to you. If you have been supporting others’ dreams and goals, it is time to focus on you.
Recycling Truck
A recycling truck is a message to accept all of who you are. If you are feeling guilt or a lack of self-worth for past actions or experiences, forgive yourself. Learn from the lessons that life has sent your way and use this wisdom and awareness to create more of what you desire.
Tow Truck
A tow truck that is not pulling a car may be a sign of your ability to be of assistance to another and that you have more strength than what you are aware of.
A tow truck towing a car can be a sign that another’s burdens and responsibilities are weighing on you. It is a sign to let go of others’ negativity and opinions.
Utilities Truck
A utilities truck represents focusing on the basics, being pragmatic, and a message to get to work in practical ways on your dreams and aspirations.