Chapter 12


Roads are a common and important bearer of signs and messages in the Living Oracle. They symbolize your current path, your past, and where you are going. They also foretell the ease, obstacles, and twists and turns that you may encounter in the future.

While casting an oracle, you will likely encounter many roads. Those that embody signs and messages will draw your attention and may have other confirming signs associated with them. Trust your intuition and gut feelings.


A crossroad indicates that you need to make a conscious change. You cannot stay on the path that you have been on. New opportunities and possibilities are present; be willing to accept them.


A crosswalk is a sign that there are outer influences that you need to be aware of. Be careful in your dealings with others. People may not act in predictable ways or do or say what you expect them to.


A cul-de-sac or fork in the road is a message that your current path may not be rewarding or provide you with the opportunities or outcome that you hope for. It may also be a message to find and stay in your comfort zone for the time being.


A gravel road is a sign of minor irritations and slow going in the present and near future. It is a message to take your time and not become discouraged. It may also be a message to try something new.


A highway is a sign that you will soon be making progress and building momentum. It is a message to follow convention and go with the flow.

A highway underpass indicates overthinking and chaotic thoughts. It is a message to listen to your heart, not your head.

A highway exit ramp is a message to veer away from the accepted norm and take a more creative approach. If you have been indecisive it is time to make a choice or decision and commit. An exit ramp may also be a sign that you are about to reach a goal.


Potholes are a sign to be aware of detail and what appear to be minor irritations. Although the issues you are confronting are not necessarily significant, they still have the ability to cause stress and setbacks. Don’t just let things go, follow up on issues as they arise.

Road Construction

Encountering construction workers, working on roads or in other public places, is a sign that you may need help, guidance, and support from others to move forward in creating and fulfilling your dreams and desires. This may also be a sign to be there for others and help them to build their dreams.


A roadblock can be a warning sign. The spirit realm may be trying to give you the message to reconsider your plans. Stop and assess your situation, relationship, career plans, or whatever your concern may be. You may need more information before going forward.

Speed Bump

A speed bump is a sign of an unexpected obstacle or hurdle. It is a message to slow down and be attentive to what is in front of you. As you take care of details and minor problems, you gain clarity and go forward with ease.

Traffic Circle

A traffic circle or roundabout is a sign of options and easy transition onto a new path. If you feel that you are going in circles, it is temporary. Be alert to possibilities and choose the path of least resistance.

Walking Path

A walking path is a sign to make progress toward your desires and goals you need solitude and to listen within. A path in the woods or through trees and vegetation is a sign of entering into the unknown—the inner mystery of self. This journey can only be undertaken solo. You may need to go it alone, at least for a while.

Winding Road

A winding road is a message of slow progress and twists and turns along the way. Whatever your concern may be, the outcome will not be straightforward.
