Depending on the sign casting location, you may encounter a few or many buildings. Not all of the buildings that you observe are significant. Intuitive and symbolic awareness will help you to discern if a building is a sign or message. It is also helpful to look for a confirming synchronicity. For instance, does the number of the building have a personal or symbolic meaning to you? Is there a feather, coins, or other personal symbolic signs close to or near the building? Do you observe any patterns or repeating signs connected to or close to the building? Does your intuition tell you that the building is a sign?
In general, buildings represent our perception of ourselves in the world, how others perceive us, finances, work, and practical and material concerns.
Accountant Office
Encountering an accountant’s office, may be a message to pay attention to details, especially with finances. It might also be a reminder that you are responsible for what you say and do. All things come to us in the karmic equal measure of what we put into motion.
An apartment complex may be a message to consider how much others influence your decisions and sense of self. If you are overwhelmed with responsibilities and feeling pressure to please others, this a sign to focus on your individuality and true self.
This may also be a sign to create balance with others. If you are a loner or currently at odds with someone, this can be a message to focus on what you have in common and what connects you to others.
A highrise apartment building is a sign to become aware of the influence that others have over you. If you feel that your inner light is being blocked, let it shine.
Art Gallery
An art gallery is a message to focus on your creativity, free your mind and heart, and open to greater possibilities. Success will come as you create a vision of your life that is based on your authentic self.
Art being sold on the street or in a park is a message to express and share your unique and creative self with others and the world. It is also a message to let go of your criticism and judgments of self and others. Celebrate and enjoy your individuality and allow others to freely express their truth in the ways they choose.
Attorney Office
An attorney office may be a message to pay attention to loose ends, processes, and details, especially in legal, property, and business issues. It may also indicate the need to seek the advice of another for direction and to help you to decipher a confusing situation. If you are currently involved in a legal situation, look for confirming signs to better foretell the outcome.
A bank is a sign to focus on finances, abundance, resources, or self-worth. The message may be to become more conscious and aware of spending, saving, and sharing, or receiving money or other resources. It may also point to less tangible material finances and instead be a sign to become aware of and improve or heal your personal sense of worth and value.
A bar is a sign to make sure that your connections and relationships with others are based on integrity and authenticity. You may need to get away from the pressures and stresses of daily life. Just be alert to falsities and deceit in social situations.
A bookstore is a message to explore new ideas, be creative, and welcome new possibilities into your life. You may need inspiration to get out of a rut or routine. A bookstore may also be a sign to write and may be announcing literary success.
Encountering a church is a sign of spirituality, divine presence, and sharing your spirituality with others. It can also be a message of group spiritual activity or the beliefs and dogma that are imposed on ourselves and others.
People going in or out of a church is a message that now or in the near future you will experience an increase in spiritual activity with others or with a group.
Clothing Store
A clothing store is a sign of changing attitudes, ideas, and opinions. It is a message to be flexible, open to change, and to allow others to be who they are. It may be time to try new things and express new aspects of your authentic self.
Convenience Store
A convenience store is a sign of a quick and easy solution to a current concern or problem. What you need will be provided and it may come to you through another. It can also be a message to be careful to not simply skim over issues and difficulties. Look deeper into yourself and what is happening in your life.
A courthouse is a message to be up front and honest in your dealings with others. If you feel as if you have been dealt with unfairly or misjudged, this is also a sign that justice will come to you in some form.
A daycare is a message of innocence and the happiness that comes from the small things in life. Allow your inner child out and experience more playfulness and whimsy. A daycare can also be a message to let go of an immature and self-centered perspective.
Dentist Office
A dentist office is a message to improve communication and be careful with what you say to others. If you are in a relationship, it may indicate verbal abuse and painful criticism. A dentist office may also be a direct sign to see a dentist or take better care of your teeth.
Department Store
A department store is a sign to carefully review your available choices and options before making a decision. If you are tempted to act impulsively, be sure that your wants and desires serve your highest good.
Dilapidated Building
When you encounter a dilapidated building, this is a sign that you or someone you know is in need of physical, emotional, or mental help and healing. There may be long-ignored issues and pain that is causing current health, and other, issues.
Fire Station
A fire station is a message to be aware, alert, and cautious when dealing with small problems. This is not the time to provoke or add fuel to existing issues and problems. Be a calming influence in the midst of tense and stressful situations.
Funeral Home
A funeral home may be a message that your current plans are not viable. Honor your past; it is over. Even though you may not know what the future holds, a new you is emerging. Direction may be disguised as loss. May also be a message of completion and a suggestion to honor and celebrate the past and how far you have come.
Furniture Store
Furniture is symbolic of your conscious self and outer personality. A furniture store is a message that your day-to-day habits, routines, and outer life may not be expressing your true self and core values. You are going through a period of change. Allow aspects of your personality that better express your true self to surface.
Gas Station
A gas station is a sign of the habits and unconscious beliefs that may be either beneficially increasing or robbing you of energy and stamina. If you continually feel tired or drained, it may be due to repressed feelings of fear or worthlessness. To go forward with your goals and desires, you may need to let go of negativity and generate more positive life-giving energy. This may also be a sign that you may be exerting effort and energy with people or in a situation that is draining your resources.
Grocery Store
A grocery store is a sign to nurture others and receive nurturing and care from others. If you have been feeling restricted or in a rut, a grocery store is a message that the universe operates through abundance and possibilities. A grocery store can also be a message to pay better attention to your dietary needs and how what you eat and drink affects your health.
Health Club/Gym
Encountering a health club or gym is a message to focus on yourself and your health and emotional, mental, or spiritual well-being. It may also be a sign to take disciplined action and steps in reaching your goals. If you have been lazy or procrastinating, this is a motivating sign to put effort into creating what you desire.
A hospital can be a sign from the spirit realm encouraging you to get a health checkup or that you are in need of mind/body/spirit healing. This is a sign that you may need professional or expert help or support.
It can also be a message that you have a gift for healing and helping others, especially in the area of health and well-being. A hospital may also indicate the need to take a bigger role in contributing to the betterment and improvement of local and global issues.
A hotel is a sign of a temporary situation, a transition, or a reawakening that results in a new sense of self. Whatever you are currently experiencing is soon to change. Resist holding on and go with the flow. Now is the time to think positive thoughts and perceive what is happening through a clearer lens.
Passing a jail or prison is a sign of being restricted, confined, stifled, or controlled. It is important to let go of any inner beliefs, feelings, or old wounds that may be limiting and controlling you. If there are any situations, people, or expectations that are keeping you from living authentically and joyfully, free yourself.
A jail or prison may also be a sign to release unconscious feelings of guilt or harsh or critical judgments of self or others that may be blocking you from receiving love and joy.
Jewelry Store
Encountering a jewelry store may be a sign that a gift from nature spirits and the heavens has come or is coming your way. It may also be a message to commit and devote yourself to another or to a higher service or cause.
Liquor Store
A liquor store is a message to keep things in perspective and balance. If you are stressed and anxious, loosen up and relax. If you feel a little lost without direction, establish step-by-step goals. It can also indicate that you or someone close to you may have a problem with alcohol.
A museum is a message to perceive the value and worth of your past, even the challenging and difficult times. Have gratitude for and become aware of how the past has benefited you. Alternatively, if you are over-idealizing and clinging to the past, let it go and be in the present.
Office Complex
An office building is a sign to be practical, organized, and create order in your life. This may have to do with work, finances, or your home environment. It may also be a sign that the spirit realm is aligned and supporting your efforts to bring peace to chaos and emotional stress.
Parking Garage
A parking garage is a message that you may need to wait before moving forward with plans or desires. There are outer forces that are influencing what is possible right now. Be patient, rest, and take some time for yourself.
Pawn Shop
A pawn shop symbolizes self-worth and is a message not to compromise who you are or what you value for immediate pleasure or need. It may also imply that there is an imbalance in a current issue or condition that will eventually result in loss.
Police Station
A police station is a message to be honest, truthful, and come clean to yourself and others. Forgive yourself and forgive others for any intentional or unintentional slights or hurtful words or actions. This may also be a message to be cautious with authority figures. If you are an authority figure of some kind, this may be a message to be firm but benevolent.
Public Restroom
A public restroom is a sign to let go of cultural standards, beliefs, or expectations that may not be supportive and aligned with your true self. This may also be a message that you are able to help others to let go of and release their negative thoughts, emotions, and beliefs and to detox their body and improve their health and well-being.
Symbolic of the quality of your relationships with others, a restaurant is a message to evaluate the care and nurturing that you receive from friends, family, and loved ones, and to become more conscious of the nurturing and care that you provide to others.
A fast-food restaurant can be a message that your relationships are shallow and lack substance. It may also imply casual sexual relationships that have no depth and may ultimately be to your determent. Seek quality and satisfying connections with others.
Encountering a school may be a message from your higher self. Our challenges and daily situations and conditions contain important soul lessons that we have come here to learn. Schools are a sign to consider the current lessons in your present experiences. Once you learn the lesson, difficult situations and problems fall away.
An elementary school is symbolic of past childhood lessons that you may need to revisit. Issues from the past may be affecting your current situation. It can also be a message to rekindle your child-like spirit or alternatively to quiet the impulsive inner child and act with maturity.
Middle or High
A middle, junior high, or high school may symbolize that you are rebelling against what life is trying to teach you. This is a message to listen within for your truth. Let go of others’ expectations. Can also indicate a period of challenging growth. However, this is only temporary. This too shall pass.
A college indicates higher-level ideas, concepts, and expanding your consciousness. This may also be a sign to further your education or learn new skills. It may also indicate that you are currently learning important lessons. You are acquiring knowledge and wisdom.
If your area of concern or question involves your career or finances, a school may also be a more literal sign directing you to learn or attend school.
Sewer Plant
A sewer plant is a sign that you may be the recipient of others’ negativity and toxic attitudes and beliefs. It is a wake-up call to examine the negativity in your life. Let go of it and purify your mind, body, and spirit. A sewer plant might also be a message that you have a purpose and mission to help and heal others physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Strip Club
A strip club or nude bar is a sign of empty hopes and dreams, sensuality, and sexuality. Your desires may not be anchored in your most authentic self. Become aware of any repressed feelings or thoughts that may be getting in the way of true intimacy with yourself or with another.
A theater may be a message encouraging you to take a break from life and observe what is happening around you. It is a sign to be objective, remove yourself from the center of attention, and take a backseat for the time being. Detach from your present situation and you will gain a new perspective.
Truck Stop
A truck stop is a sign that you need rest and recuperation during or after a trying time of hard work, burdens, and responsibilities.
Urgent Care/Medical Offices
Encountering an urgent care or medical office may be a sign to pay attention to specific issues and areas of your health and well-being. Examine your life and focus on understanding what is and what is not working. Get input and advice from someone you trust. An urgent care or medical office may also indicate that in some area of your life there is something that needs your attention. Take the time to look within and enlist the help of others if needed; don’t disregard or dismiss what you may think is insignificant.
Vacant Building
A vacant building is a sign of creativity, new beginnings, and a fresh start. What you focus on will have an impact on and affect others. This is a positive sign of expansion and influence. Alternatively, a vacant building can also indicate the need to change and let go of something. In this way it can be a message to accept loss and move forward.
A veterinarian office is a symbol of unconditional love and healing. It is a sign to love all of who you are, even your primal instincts and unconscious drives. A veterinary office or hospital can be a message that you or someone close to you may need emotional healing. Forgive yourself and others and practice compassion.
Animals and birds are often nature spirit messengers who reflect our own inner or dormant qualities and gifts. Loved ones on the other side, spirit guides, angels, and archangels often use animals and birds as signs. A veterinarian office can be a sign to focus on improving your connection to the spirit realm. They are helping you to heal.