Building and
Home Construction
Building Construction
Building construction is symbolic of our progress and obstacles in our career, creativity, and in our purpose and aspirations. They can also represent how others perceive us, our public image, and what we may need to know to achieve our goals and experience success.
As with the other things you may encounter in the Living Oracle, not every building that you encounter is a sign; pay attention to your intuitive feelings and confirming signs.
Construction Crew
A building construction crew represents the need to work with others to achieve your goals. This is not the time to go it alone and be the lone wolf. Instead, it is a sign to join with others of like mind and to seek out those whose skills and abilities complement your own. It may indicate that help is on the way and to accept it when it arrives.
A building that is being demolished is a sign of impending change on a large scale. The past is over and it is time to move on to new ideas, aspirations, and dreams. If you accept that it is time to change, you can go with the flow into the new. If you resist it, you could find things falling apart around you.
Large Machinery
Encountering large construction machinery is a sign that you are about to receive help and support on a large scale. This is likely in the area of a career and life purpose, and it may indicate your ability to influence and support others. Positive energy may be coming your way from the celestial realm; pay attention to new ideas and people who come into your life.
New Signage Installed
New signs are a message that it is time to change your perception of yourself in the world or to examine what are you broadcasting out to others and the universe. Examine your thoughts and attitudes, eliminate the negative and replace it with positivity.
Revolving Door
An out-of-order or newly installed revolving door in the entrance of a building is a sign that projects, career goals, and activity with others may be slowing down. It may also be a sign that you aregoing in circles and may need to get out of the loop of old patterns and behaviors. It may be time to reflect on recent progress and rejuvenate. Seek quality and not quantity.
Steel Beams
Exposed steel beams in a building is a sign to look deeper into yourself as it relates to your goals, life purpose, and career issues. It is a message to get to the truth and go back to basics. It may be time to rebuild and seek a fresh start.
Storefront Windows
Storefront windows that are under construction or being worked on is a sign to examine personality traits, habits, or practices that may need to be improved and changed. This is a message to become more aware of what you are presenting to others and how others perceive you. It can also indicate feeling exposed or not being ready to go public with an idea or project. Don’t rush, be patient, and continue to work or improving yourself and clarifying your goals.
A skyscraper being built is a sign to think big and follow your dreams. The spirit realm is watching over you and assisting you in fulfilling your purpose. It can point to a life purpose of helping others to achieve their dreams and highest aspirations.
Windows Being Cleaned
Seeing windows being cleaned on a building indicates a need to achieve clarity on your self-image, especially as it relates to your career, life purpose, or activity with others. You may not perceive your true gifts and abilities. Take some time to focus on what you truly want and be true to yourself. It may also indicate that you are not seeing another or a situation objectively. Your perception is clouded.
House Construction
Houses are highly symbolic. They represent our physical self and different aspects of our personalities and overall sense of self.
Seeing a fence being built is a sign that you may need to break free, try new things, or take a risk. You may be walling yourself off from others and opportunities. Alternatively, it may also be a message to create better boundaries. If you feel that others infringe on your privacy or take advantage of your generosity, you may need to allow yourself more personal space.
Seeing work being done on the foundation of a house or someone building a foundation is a sign of the need to ground yourself and pay attention to the practical aspects of day-to-day life.
Finances, career, relationships, and your health, especially your lower back and lower organs, may need your attention.
Front Door
Work being done on a front door is a message to focus on whether or not you allow others to know the true you. If you are closed down or overly protective, it is time to let others in. Alternatively, it can be a sign to become aware of your tendency to allow others’ negativity and criticism to affect you. You may need to eliminate from your life those who bring you down and rob you of your joy.
New House
Workers building a house is a sign of potential and possibilities and the start of a new life or a new orientation to life. It may also be a message to take care of your health and follow through with medical treatments or a plan for rejuvenation and healing.
Seeing a house being painted is a sign of changing moods, emotions, and attitudes for the better. It can also signify improvement in a condition or situation.
Seeing work being done on a roof is a sign of your need to review your spiritual beliefs and ideals. You may need to open your mind and accept new realities and new ways of thinking that you may not be comfortable with. It may also indicate a period of consciousness evolution and divine healing.
Encountering windows being replaced, repaired, or cleaned on a house is a sign that it is time to alter your perception of reality and question your world views and your judgments and thoughts about others. How you see the world and others may be limiting your emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical well-being. It’s time to see the beauty and happiness that life is offering you.