Chapter 16

Animals, Birds,
Fish, and Insects

Since the beginning of recorded time, animals, birds, fish, and insects have been providing us with messages, insight, and guidance. Different cultures have endowed specific symbolic and energetic significance to all living creatures. Animals share the physical world with us, and impact and express our soulful journey as well.

Because the Living Oracle is primarily cast in urban areas, it is important to pay attention to any animals, birds, fish, or insects that you encounter. Along with living animals, drawings, signs, and symbols that illustrate animals are also signs.


Ants are a message that hard work will yield positive results. If you feel that your efforts are not seen or are disregarded, ants are a sign that this is temporary. Abundance and positive results are coming your way. Ants might also be a sign that you are capable of more than what you may think.


An alligator symbolizes raw primal strength, conservatism, and protection. If you encounter an alligator as a sign, it is a message to keep things simple and trust your instincts. You may be feeling sensitive or in a situation or condition where it is important to be sensitive to others’ needs. Be careful not to lash out, and give others the benefit of the doubt. Stick to what works as this is not a time to change or go forward with a new venture or project.


An armadillo is a sign of sensitivity and the need to protect your inner self. There may be people in your life or a situation that my be detrimental or harmful to your well-being. Practice detachment and objectivity.


A bear is a sign of strength, independence, and the need for solitude and introspection. A positive sign of renewal after challenges, the bear awakens you to your inner power and capabilities. It is time to take risks and step into the unknown.

Bee, Hornet, or Wasp

Bees, hornets, or wasps are a sign of working toward a goal, being organized, and communicating clearly. If you feel as if your goals and dreams are taking a long time to manifest, they bring you the message to jump in and make it happen. Be determined and focused. Communicate your needs and plans, especially with family and in your workplace.

A bee, hornet, or wasp may also be a sign to not take an unkind remark or action from another personally. Let it go and move on.


A beaver is a sign of productivity, teamwork, and planning. It is a message that success will come as you put your creativity and ingenuity into action. The beaver also highlights your strengths and abilities and is a sign that you are capable of more than what you may think you are.


During the Living Oracle exercise you will likely see many birds. Birds that are a sign or have a message for you will come close, follow you, sweep down in front of you, and work to get your attention.


A sign of love, happiness, and joy, bluebirds bring you the message that grace is presently at work in your life.


Bluejays bring you clarity to better understand your present situation. They may be a sign to take action on your higher truth. Because bluejays are territorial, they may be a sign to take care of yourself and be cautious.


The cardinal brings you the message to assess your positive accomplishments and achievements and celebrate your successes. Increase your confidence and trust yourself. If you are in the midst of a challenging situation, the cardinal brings you strength and courage.


The crow comes to tell you to be both adaptable and to move directly toward your goals. Think creatively, use your intelligence and whatever tools, skills, and abilities you have at your disposal. The crow is also a trickster that brings you the message of something unexpected coming your way.


The dove is a sign of higher consciousness and peace. It brings the gift of spiritual awareness and insight. Take a deep breath, release stress and tension, and know that you are bing led.


Ducks are a sign to lie low and take a more supportive role for the time being. There may be a current or coming situation or change that may be unsettling or irritating. This is a temporary issue that will pass. If you see a duck in the water, this is a positive message of manifestation and prosperity.


The eagle is a sign of spiritual power and nobility. The eagle offers you protection and insight to make good, sound judgments. You are in a time of great power; encountering an eagle is a sign to rise to the occasion and express your highest vision of self. Seeing an eagle in flight is a sign that a powerful opportunity is coming your way.


Geese ask you to be sure that the path that you are on is your own. We often compromise and allow others to sway our opinions and influence our actions. Look into your heart and feel what is true for you. A flock of geese symbolize lifelong companionship and are a message that you are never alone; your spiritual loved ones are close.


The goldfinch is a sign of positivity and joy. If you have been allowing negativity, boredom, or routine to dampen your spirits, a goldfinch brings you the message to reclaim and reignite your passion and curiosity. Encountering a goldfinch can be an invitation from fairies, pixies, and elves to become more aware of their presence.


With single-minded vision, the hawk is a sign to be aware and alert. A hawk brings you the message to let go of limiting beliefs and thoughts in order to attain a higher perspective of self and life. Encountering a hawk is a message to take action on your truth. Be bold and stay on course with what you know is right for you. Spirit guides often get your attention and bring you messages through hawks.


The pigeon brings you the message to hang in there and, if necessary, be stubborn. You can handle whatever comes your way. Don’t let your pride get in the way of getting what you want. See the positive within yourself and trust your intuition.


A robin is a sign of joy, laughter, and new growth. Open your heart and allow the energy of renewal to revitalize you. Robins encourage you to find pleasure in the mundane.


Attuned to the earth and to the sea, the seagull brings you the message to integrate your spirituality into your everyday life. Keep your eye on possibilities and on a higher vision of self and life while taking care of daily responsibilities and challenges.


The sparrow is a sign to be industrious, enjoy your friends and other social relationships, and do not underestimate yourself. Power is in small acts of kindness. The sparrow can also bring you the message to be modest. Work toward your goals, but for the time being, allow others to take center stage.


The woodpecker brings you the message to be yourself and express your own unique style and preferences. Be bold and if making choices and decisions, choose from the heart. The woodpecker can also be a sign that you may need separate from others to explore your true thoughts and feelings.


A butterfly is a positive sign that a loved one on the other side or an angel is with you. Butterflies can also be a sign of transformation and the emergence of your true self after difficulties or healing and renewed health after illness.


Cats are a sign of intuition, independence, and resistance. If you encounter a cat as a sign this may indicate a need to detach from a current situation and be adaptable. There may also be an air of mystery and the unknown in your present conditions. Listen within, trust your intuitive abilities, and know that goddess energy is guiding you.

Black Cat

A black cat is a sign of mystery and the unknown. If one crosses your path or comes toward you, it is a message to not accept surface explanations and information. Delve deeper and get to the root of current matters. It may also be a sign that someone may be trying to deceive or hide something from you.

Cat Meowing

A meowing cat who is attempting to get your attention is a message to listen within. Use your intuition and trust what feels right in your heart and gut. There is an intuitive message you are meant to hear and trust.


A kitten is a message that you are moving toward more independence and individuality. This is a transitionary phase of balancing, taking care of yourself, and allowing others to still support and care for you. Be gentle and encouraging with yourself as your true thoughts and emotions surface and are expressed.

White Cat Crossing Your Path

A white cat crossing your path or coming toward you is a message of healing mind, heart, body, and spirit. Invoke within yourself the energy of love and healing, or seek out a healer who can aid and support you in healing.

A cat of any other color crossing your path is a sign to be true to yourself and take action on what feels right for you. Trust your intuition and do not let others influence you.


A caterpillar is a sign that you are on the right path, positive change and transformation is coming. New life is unfolding from within. Be patient, you are in a process that cannot be rushed.


A cow represents nurturance and the divine mother. A cow is a message to be docile, caring, and allow others to care for you. It may also foretell a coming pregnancy or a successful creative project.


Encountering a coyote is a sign that there is something unknown or hidden in your current situation. Take a step back and be objective. It is not always easy to see our own flaws and limiting patterns. The coyote is coming to you to remind you to be honest and to be careful not to fool yourself. The coyote may also be warning you of someone in your life who is cunning and deceiving.


Seeing a cricket is a sign of introspection and protecting and respecting your innermost thoughts, feelings, and dreams. It is important to understand and accept your sensitivity. Crickets can also be a message to communicate your wants and needs and can be a sign of good luck.


A sign of feminine energy and independence, deer are a message to be gentle, kind, and compassionate with yourself and others. When you encounter a deer as a sign, its soothing energy brings you a humble and graceful strength that promises fortitude and success.


Dogs are a sign of love, devotion, joy, companionship, and forgiveness. When you encounter a dog as a sign, know that you are not alone. They represent the presence of spirit friends and companions who are always with you. Dog energy is connected to the sincere and open heart of love, which asks you to endure the injustices and unfairness of life and keep loving. Don’t let anything or anyone lead you away from the center of your most pure inner love.

Growling Dog

A growling or barking dog is a message that you may be misunderstood or betrayed by another. Be sure that it is not you who is betraying yourself or another. It may also be a message that you are not allowing yourself to be vulnerable and open-hearted with others.

Playing Dog

A dog playing in a park or yard alone or with its owner is a sign of success and rejuvenation. Enjoy yourself and have gratitude for the blessings and gifts that have come or are coming your way.

Two dogs playing together is a sign of love, companionship, and joy with another. It can be a message of a coming relationship or friendship or the healing and renewal of a present relationship.

Police Dog

A police dog is a sign of authority and protection. You may need to be alert and aware of others’ motives and intent. Expect to be treated well and with dignity.

A police dog can also be a sign that you may need to focus on how you give and express love and affection. You may have co-dependent aspects and character traits that need attention and healing.


A puppy is a sign of playfulness and joy. If you have been busy and stressed with work, relationships, or just the daily grind of everyday life, this is a message to adopt a more carefree attitude. Get out of your head, feel your emotions, and have fun. A puppy may also indicate a new friendship or enjoying the company of good friends.


A malnourished-looking stray dog is a sign that you need to develop a more loving attitude toward yourself and those around you. There is a part of you that is suffering and needs attention.

Medium or Large Dog

A medium or larger dog walking on a leash with its owner is a message to share your joy with others and to give to those in need. If you have resentments or anger toward another, or yourself, it is time to practice forgiveness. You have a big heart.

Running Dog

Encountering a dog running loose is a message to examine a situation or relationship and if necessary get away from it to gain better perspective. It may not feel natural or normal to walk away but you need more freedom, even from your own expectations.

Small Dog

A small dog walking on a leash with its owner is a sign that you have within you the qualities and attributes to fulfill your purpose. Don’t underestimate what you have to offer others and the world. You have a powerful and loving heart and soul.

Stray Dog

Encountering a stray dog is a message to get in touch with and feel your emotions. If you are feeling lost or confused look within and to those you trust for emotional support. Be careful not to run after empty dreams or relationships. Can also be a sign to give and care for another. Someone in your life might need love and attention.


A dragonfly is a message to explore your thoughts, especially your unconscious, and repressed beliefs and judgments. Let go of repressed negativity so that your light can shine through.

A dragonfly is a spirit messenger who is helping to lift your vibration so that you can more clearly know your purpose and truth. If you see a dragonfly skimming the water’s surface, this is a positive sign of prosperity, harmony, and peace.


Fish are symbolic of emotion, spirituality, and the unconscious. In many spiritual traditions they have deep mystical significance. For instance, in the Christian faith they can represent Christ energy. In the Pagan tradition they can represent the goddess, and in the Celtic belief, they represent wisdom and prophecy.

If you encounter fish as a sign, pay attention. Spirit is sending you the message that despite appearances you are undergoing a spiritual test or initiation of some kind. Listen within and take some time to contemplate your higher purpose.

Carp or Koi

Carp or goldfish bring the message of increase and abundance. They are a sign of the divine presence and a reminder to open your heart and receive blessings. The color of the fish will give you more insight into the message.

Clear Water

If the fish are swimming in clean, clear water, this is a sign of good fortune, deep insights, and the presence of positive spiritual forces.

Dead Fish

Encountering dead fish is a message to let go of negativity, illusionary beliefs, and people who make promises but cannot deliver.

Murky Water

If the water is murky, this is a sign to become better aware of your intent and expectations. Ask yourself what you truly want and desire. Unconscious thoughts and beliefs may be sabotaging what you are experiencing.

People Fishing

Encountering people fishing is a sign that you may be trying to satisfy your deeper soul needs with superficial or empty situations, people, or things. Examine your interests, routines, the people in your life, and how you spend your time, and make changes if your authentic self is not being supported and nourished. May also indicate a deceptive situation or individual.


Flies buzzing around you is a message to keep things in perspective. Do not let minor annoyances bother and affect you more than they should. Flies may also be a message of quick and rapid change. Stay alert and be responsive and ready to adapt or alter your current plans and expectations.


Encountering a fox is a message to be alert, use your intelligence, and take swift action. A fox may also be a warning for you to pay attention to shrewd or deceitful people or situations. If you are currently undergoing a difficult situation or condition, the fox is helping you to successfully maneuver your way through it.


A frog is a message to cleanse and detox and to prepare for positive change and transformation. This could be in the area of health or relationships. They can also signify coming into your power and a sign of good luck for traveling.


A grasshopper is a sign to take a leap of faith into the unknown. If you have been procrastinating or debating which way to go, the grasshopper is a messenger inspiring you to take a leap of faith. Action will break through the inertia and move you into the current of positive change.


Horses may be a sign of power, strength, and beauty. If you encounter a horse as a sign it may indicate the need to go forward with a project, new endeavor, or relationship with graceful power and strength. This may be a trying time where you have to be determined but not overbearing. A horse may also indicate sexual energy and the need to examine and possibly control your passionate desires.

Horse Race

Encountering a horse race is a sign of pride and competition, especially in relationships. Open your heart and feel your feelings. If you are feeling defensive or driven by desire, ask yourself if it is love and harmony that you are looking for, or to win at all costs. Horse racing may also be a message to be financially cautious and may be a warning that this is the not the time to take a risk.


The ladybug foretells the beginning of a cycle of ease and fulfillment. Worries and stress begin to give way and what you have worked so hard to achieve now comes to you with little effort. Take your time and enjoy this prosperous period.


A lizard is a sign of renewal and creative manifestation. Focus on what is in your heart, not in your head. If you have suffered a loss, it will be made up for in some form. A lizard brings you the power to be your authentic self.


A moth is a message to explore your authentic self. If you are not being true to yourself or not allowing others to know the true you, the moth is encouraging you to transform. Look into your heart and let it guide you.


A moose symbolizes solitude, adaptability, and camouflage. If you encounter a moose as a sign it is a message to be patient and humble. The unseen is busy at work behind the scenes. Sometimes it is necessary to build up inner power and energy before going forward. Look for inner beliefs and unconscious motives that may be creating obstacles. A moose can also indicate a visionary and the psychic skill of clairvoyance.


A mouse is a sign to lie low and subdue your ego. It may be misleading you and driving your desires. It may also be a sign to come out of the shadows and let yourself be seen.


Possums are full of energy but like to stay hidden. They are a sign to be inventive, persistent, and protective of your ideas, individuality, and creativity. Now is not the time to seek the spotlight for your achievements.


Seeing a rabbit is a sign of sign of luck, fertility, success, and financial increase. The rabbit can also be a messenger bringing comfort and the emotional assurance that you are not alone.


Encountering a rat is a message to examine yourself, others, and your current situation for the presence of negative thoughts and emotions. Let go of what no longer serves your highest good and remove yourself from situations and people who erode your self-confidence. Can be a message that you are being deceived.


A snake is a message to become conscious of your fears, worries, and anxieties and understand how they may be limiting you. Alternatively, snakes are also a sign that through difficulties and challenges you have gained invaluable wisdom.


A squirrel that runs across your path is a sign that you need to slow down and reexamine your goals and desires. You may be wasting your time and energy on a relationship or project that will not give you what you hope for.

Squirrels playing or jumping on trees or wires overhead is a sign to calm your mind through meditation or relaxation. This is a message that your mind may be jumping from one idea or thought to another and you may be unable to hear the quiet inner voice. Breathe and relax.
