Chapter 18

The Skies, Rain,
Water, and Wind

Signs that come through the skies and the weather are often sent to you from nature spirits and your angels. They are usually of spiritual significance or indicate thoughts, ideas, and communication. Clouds also imply a transitory situation or condition.

Changes in weather that occur while you are actively engaged in a sign oracle exercise are significant. If you previously planned to do an oracle exercise on a specific day, the weather on that day is also a sign or message.

When casting an oracle if you suddenly feel inclined to look up at the sky, pay attention to what you see. Your spirit guides or angels may be trying to get a message to you.

Clear and Still Sky

A clear sky with no breeze is a sign of inner clarity, wisdom, and a clear mind. It can be a message to trust your intuition and ideas; you are a clear channel for deeper awareness to surface.


Angels often communicate through clouds. If you notice wispy, white, fluffy clouds, watch how they change and form interesting shapes. The message may be in what you see within the cloud.

Dark Storm Clouds

Dark, stormy clouds are often a sign of setbacks, moodiness, confusion, or not perceiving events or conditions clearly. Conditions may become more intense before they are resolved.

Dense Solid Clouds

A dense cloud covering is a sign of fixed thoughts, judgments, and ideas. It is a message to open your mind to possibilities and let go of your expectations. Sometimes we need to walk away from a problem to receive the solution. Your intuition will get you further than logic and reasoning.

Grey Clouds

Grey clouds can indicate mental chatter, doubt, or confusion. This may be a message to be patient. Whatever is causing confusion is temporary and will pass.

Small Cloud

A small cloud covering the sun is a sign that the difficulties or challenges that you may be experiencing are temporary.

Sun Peeking through White Clouds

The sun peeking in an out of clouds can indicate new ideas, increased knowledge, and divine wisdom. Confusion and uncertainty is temporary and will soon dissipate.

Sun through Dark Clouds

The sun breaking through dense, dark clouds, is a sign of a positive breakthrough in what may appear to be a dismal or confusing situation. Your angels and loved ones on the other side are watching over you. A sign of joy and coming happiness.

White Clouds

White, large clouds with a spattering of grey clouds indicate thoughts, ideas, and insight. This may be a message to recognize and distinguish between higher thoughts and thoughts that are generated from the ego and from fear. Focus on the thoughts that induce feelings of expansion and inspiration.


Fog is a sign of the unknown, confusion, and lack of focus. Someone is not being honest or is hiding important information from you. It might also indicate that you are in denial and not accepting the truth about someone or something. Sometimes we become confused and do not know which direction to take; the fog is a sign to slow down and wait for clarity before making a decision.

Jet Trail

Seeing a white, long, straight-line jet trail is a sign of spiritual activity and an affirmation from the spirit realm that you are being guided and led. A jet trail asks you to lift your consciousness and remember that even though you are in a physical body, you can commune with higher levels of wisdom. However, remember that you must come back down to earth and share what you receive.


The moon is a sign of feminine energy, mystery, intuition, and emotion, and is often associated with the goddess. The moon brings insight into the depths of the unconscious and our soul awareness. It may also indicate the possibility of deception and the surfacing of the shadow side of our or someone’s personality.

Crescent Moon

If there is a crescent moon in the sky while you are casting an oracle, this is a sign to be cautious and to not take on new projects or take chances. In relationships, balance your emotions and be kind and forgiving. In this way you can increase intimacy and come to a better understanding of another and of yourself.

Crescent Moon and One Close Star

If there is a crescent moon and a close star in the sky while you are casting the oracle, it is a sign of spiritual attainment and good fortune. Pay attention to new ideas and chance encounters with others or opportunities that come your way. This can also be an indication that you’re going through a spiritual transformation.

Full Moon

A full moon is a sign to express your feminine energy, intuition, and creativity. It a message to feel the depths of your emotions and soulful desires, and allow the mystery and power of the divine mother to heal you.

Moon and Clouds

The moon breaking through clouds is a sign of increasing intuitive awareness and the emergence of healing abilities. It may also announce a coming pregnancy, or spiritual rebirth and renewal.

Sun and Moon

Seeing the moon when the sun is in the sky is symbolic of the balance between male and female energy, and conscious and unconscious awareness. It can be a message to delve into the unconscious and allow any repressed emotions to surface. It can also point to the need to bring balance to your own male and female energy.


Rain indicates emotional and spiritual cleansing and clearing. It can also be a symbol of prosperity, abundance, and love coming your way.


Drizzle or mist is a positive sign of gentle spiritual nurturing and inner peace. It may be a message to meditate, spend time alone in contemplation, and listen within.

Heavy Downpour

A sudden, heavy downpour is a message to open your heart, let go of past emotional wounds, forgive yourself and others, and prepare to receive. Abundance, prosperity, and new love are coming your way.

Sun Shower

A sun shower is a special divine blessing. Your prayers are heard and being answered.

Steady Rain

A long, steady rain and dreary sky is a sign of a surge of emotions. Many illnesses and depression have their roots in unacknowledged and suppressed emotions. Feel and express your feelings, even the uncomfortable ones, in a safe and supportive environment. This is a time of deep emotional clearing and detoxing.


A sign from ascended masters and angels of coming joy, abundance, hope, and fulfillment. Rainbows also bring the message of a happy family and could indicate a coming marriage or pregnancy.

Sleet or Ice

Sleet is a sign to be cautious and careful. It is not the time to move forward with a plan or enterprise. It may also be a message that your true feelings may be frozen and suppressed. Take some time to allow your emotions to surface and to become aware of them.


Falling snow is a sign from nature spirits and angels, reminding you of the magic of life. It may indicate the need for solitude, inner peace, and time away from stress and worries. Alternatively, it may also indicate something hidden or unknown; be patient and wait before taking action.

Snow in Sunlight

Snow falling in the sunlight or the sun shining on the snow may be a message that you are undergoing a purifying and spiritual healing.


Seeing a star during the day is a sign to be true to what inspires you and to follow your heart, no matter how impractical or nonlogical it may seem.

A falling star is a sign of hope, optimism, and a message that a wish or blessing is being fulfilled

Seeing a meteor shower is a sign of divine, angelic, and higher-self activity. Change and transformation is taking place and will soon manifest. This is a message letting you know that you are seen and loved. The spirit realm is showering you with love.


A sudden storm or thunder and lightning foretells the breaking up of existing tension and may be a message that you need to release emotional stress, frustration, or anger in a healthy way. Although storms are a message of unstable and changing conditions, they may indicate positive improvement and renewal.


The sun symbolizes male energy, activity, assertiveness, happiness, and extroversion. The sun is a sign if you notice anything unusual connected with it.

Clouds Covering Sun

Clouds covering the sun is a sign that the difficulties or hardships that you are going through are temporary. There is light behind the darkness. It may also suggest that future plans or desires may not manifest in the way that you hope for. It may also indicate that you are blocking your own light from shining.

Sun Rays

Being able to visually see the sun’s rays and the spectrum of light within them is a sign of spiritual illumination and psychic abilities. If you encounter this as a sign, it indicates that you have gifts to give to others and to the world. You will have increasing influence with others and in the public. It can also indicate that your perception is clear, and to trust your intuition.


Water is highly symbolic and often used by the spirit realm to convey messages about love, emotions, prosperity, and spirituality. The form and purity of the water you encounter will give you clues as to its significance.


Floods are a sign that you are being swept away by cultural norms and societal expectations. You are losing touch with your authentic feelings and sense of self. It is time to listen within to your personal truth.


Encountering a fountain with clear water is a positive sign. There is good reason why people throw coins into fountains while making a wish. They are a magical sign of fulfillment and blessings coming your way.

A fountain with no water or water that is stagnant and murky symbolizes feelings of emptiness and the need to renew yourself emotionally and spiritually. It may also indicate financial lack or loss.


Ice on your path is a sign of frozen emotions and a hardened heart. However difficult they may be, allow conditions to soften you. Listen within and accept all that you are experiencing and feeling. Let yourself feel.

Irrigation Ditch

An irrigation ditch is a message to further develop your intuitive ability to channel and communicate with the spirit realm. It may be a sign of coming abundance and positive outcomes. It might indicate your ability or your need to channel your emotions in positive ways. If you are feeling uncentered or unsure, an irrigation ditch is a sign to focus your energy and reign in your emotions.


Mud or muddy water is a sign of confusion, indecision, and procrastination. It is a message that even though you may not be sure of what to do or how to proceed, take some form of action. Move forward in some way, even if you lack confidence, and clarity will follow.


A tranquil pond or lake is a sign to avoid overreaching. This is not the time to make plans or focus on the future. Success will come as you stay in present time and attend to what is happening right now. A pond can also be a calming message to be still and listen within.

A pond or lake that has choppy or dark muddy water is symbolic of minor irritations and frustration. It is a message to not allow problems or issues to overwhelm you. What you are experiencing is only temporary. It may also be a message to keep your expectations reasonable. Change is coming and bringing improvement and clarity.

A recreational lake with boats and/or people swimming can be a message to enjoy and have fun with others. It may also signify satisfying spiritual and emotional interactions with others and companionship.


A pool with people enjoying themselves is a sign that success will come as you socialize and network. It may also be an indication of increasing and positive emotional connections with others.

If the pool is empty, it is a message that your emotional life may be out of balance, especially as it relates to friends and family.

A pool full of children is a message to get in touch with your childlike nature, innocence, sense of wonder, and curiosity. Approach others and your present conditions with an uncomplicated and nonjudgemental attitude. A sign of spiritual rebirth and renewal, open your heart and mind and see with fresh eyes.

A lap pool is a sign of contemplation and meditation and the need for quiet time in reflection.


A puddle is a message to pay attention to your communication with those close to you. In doing this you will keep potential problems, especially relationship issues, small and manageable.


A reservoir is a sign of purity, vitality, and the ability to nurture and be of service. The divine is flowing through you, so that you can be a source of healing to others.


Encountering a swift moving, clear river is a sign of making progress and a suggestion from the spirit realm to go with the current. This is not the time to be stubborn, overly individualistic, or try to get your way.

A slow moving, muddy, or dark river is a sign that you may be over-compromising in some area of your life. It is a message that going along with others’ plans and desires will not get you what you want.


A stream is a sign to trust your instincts and intuition. This is a message that success and abundance will come as you listen within. It also indicates that you are on track; keep going forward as your ideas, plans, and new projects or relationships will continue to grow and expand.


A water tower may be a sign of higher spiritual forces that you can draw spiritual guidance from. It may also indicate spiritual or emotional insight and help that you can offer others. You have more wisdom and strength to draw from than you may know.


A waterfall is a message of coming change that may feel tumultuous and out of your control. It may indicate that you are experiencing a karmic situation or condition that does not make sense or one that you feel powerless to resolve. Release and let go; calmer times will follow.

Alternatively, a waterfall may also indicate a powerful spiritual and emotional healing is or is about to take place.


The wind is a sign of an increase in energy, new ideas, and may be a push from spirit to move forward or take action. It may also indicate our thoughts and our ability to go with the flow.

Gentle Wind

A gentle wind is a touch from the spirit realm. Someone or a loving higher power is reaching out to you. If you have been stressed or rushing about this is a message that all is in order. Take your time and have gratitude for the positive.

Strong Wind

A sudden strong wind suggests new ideas and innovative thoughts. It may also be a sign that it is time to let go of something and be open to a new way of thinking.

Walking against Wind

If you are walking against the wind, this is a sign of possible resistance and going against the current. If you are trying to make something happen, this can be a message to explore another direction.

Walking with Wind

Walking with the wind at your back suggests divine support and possibly the support of others. You are on track and going with the flow of your higher self.

Wind Gusts

Wind gusts suggest that your thinking may be scattered and you may need to focus your ideas and thoughts. Wind gusts may also be a message to pay attention to intuitive insights.
