Chapter 19


You likely will notice many numbers on homes, buildings, street signs, license plates, and other signs, structures, and vehicles. Not all of the numbers you see are signs and messages. Recurring numbers, number synchronicities, or numbers that have personal significance to you are significant. Numbers contain important messages and may also confirm and support other signs and messages. For instance, a significant number on a building or on a license plate can be a sign that the building or car is a sign.


Zero is a sign of wholeness, completion, nonphysical energy, and indicates the presence of spirit. If you encounter a 0 as a sign, it is important to listen within for guidance and the voice of spiritual presence. This is a sign of unity with all of life and elevates you to a higher wisdom and awareness. Alternatively, it can signify going back to the beginning and letting go of what you desire and what you have been trying to make happen.


A sign of the leader, the number 1 is a message of new beginnings, going it on your own, and taking action. If you encounter a 1, you have the presence and power of clarity and clear awareness. Trust yourself, and if need be, separate yourself from group consciousness and thinking. Be original and authentic.


The number 2 is a message that the focus is on relationships, harmony, duality, and partnership, and may be a sign of competition. If you encounter the number 2 as a sign, it may indicate that it is important to give of yourself to others or to something that you believe in. A number of coupling, it also may be a message of a coming relationship or a healing or an improvement in a relationship.


The number 3 is a sign of coming joy, success, creativity, and connection to the spirit realm. Three is a spiritual number in that it highlights the trinity. Mother, Crone, Maiden; father God, son, and holy spirit; and mind, body, spirit, are three example of the divine trinity. The number 3 may also indicate the need to unite with those of like mind and can be a message to join with others, but be careful not to form separate and exclusive relationships.


The number 4 is a sign of the need for stability, becoming centered, and being practical. Encountering a number 4 as a sign can indicate the manifestation of an idea, project, or desire. The number of the formless becoming form, it is a powerful number if you wish to see something come into fruition. It is also a sign of stability and strengthening of a current project or for something already in manifest form. The number 4 is in many ways a pat on the back from the spirit world, letting you know that your imaginative powers and physical application is bringing success.


The number 5 is a sign of present or upcoming unpredictability, change, and the need for adaptability and a new perspective. If you encounter the number 5 as a sign, it is important to pay attention to your thoughts and actions. This is a time of change and fluctuation, and the outcome is dependent on how you confront the current conditions and proceed. Take time to listen within and go forward one step at a time.


The number 6 is a message to practice compassion and forgiveness with yourself and others. Encountering a 6 as a sign is a message to be aware of others’ needs and communicate with patience and understanding. The number 6 indicates that you are at the turning point of a significant shift. You are about to step into something new. Take a look back and bless all that has supported your journey.


The number 7 is a message of the hidden and unknown. If you encounter a number 7 as a sign, it is important to take time for yourself in solitude and introspection. 7 supports intuition, wisdom, and can reveal information that you have not been aware of. 7 also highlights the need to be careful to not mistake illusion for reality. When the number 7 is present, you are deepening your soul wisdom with new insights and new awareness.


The number 8 is a message of achievement and success through application and power from within. When you encounter the number 8 as a sign, the issue is power in some form. It is up to you how to proceed. The energy of the 8 encourages you to draw from the higher spiritual forces and use power wisely and for good. Eight can also signify coming success in the areas of business and finance.


The number 9 is a sign of attainment, accomplishment, and the ability to influence others. If you encounter the number 9 as a sign, your current magnetism is drawing others to you. The divine may be channeling love and wisdom through you for the betterment of others. Practice altruism and express your passion. The number 9 is drawing something to closure and bringing you further into the spotlight and increasing your effectiveness in the world.


The number 10 can be interpreted as a number 1 (1 + 0 = 1). It can also be taken as a 10, which is a number of completion and a sign that a new beginning is on the way. If you encounter a clear number 10, pay attention to detail and complete any projects and take action on something that you have wanted to do. If you have been procrastinating, 10 is telling you to complete the cycle and celebrate.

Number Combinations

Number combinations are interpreted by combining the digits until you reach a single digit.

For instance, 378 equals 3 + 7 + 8 = 18 then 1+ 8 = 9. However, 18 can also be a sign of both the number 1 and the number 8. Use your intuition, past personal association with the number, and other confirming signs to discern the interpretation method.

For example, the number 78 is of personal significance for me. It is a positive symbol of my connection with my daughter. I have come to this interpretation after many years of experiencing synchronicities related to this number and my daughter. The number 36 has no personal meaning for me. If it frequently appears I would interpret it as the number 9, as 3 + 6 = 9.

Repeating Same Digits

When you notice the same number recurring, it can be interpreted as a very potent aspect of the single digit number or a higher vibration portal.

The numbers 11 and 22 are especially significant as they are master numbers.


The number 11 is a message from your angels inviting you into a higher divine angelic vibration. Many people who are on a spiritual path and opening to an increase in connection with the spirit realm begin to encounter the number 11 or a combination of this number, 1:11 or 11:11. If you encounter this number as a sign, the gates of spirit are opening for you.


The number 22 is a sign of power and indicates that you are working in unison with the divine forces to manifest and create on the earthly realm. If your question or concerns have to do with a relationship, the number 22 is an auspicious and positive sign. It indicates that it is important to form and focus on a spiritual connection with another or that a soul mate is coming into your life. In other areas, the number 22 is a sign of strength and the manifestation of your dreams. It is the master builder number.


The number 33 is a sign of compassion, healing, and the ability to teach and uplift others.


The number 44 is a sign of creating stability and opportunities for others. It can point to a business or enterprise that will benefit many.


The number 55 is a sign of changes and possible confusion. Look within and listen to your intuition. Trust yourself and be aware of how your choices affect others.


The number 66 is a sign that divine wisdom and love is seeking to work through you. This is a calling into divine service.


The number 77 is a sign of the mystic and rapid awakening. It is a separating of paths and leaving worldly consciousness for the inner solitude of spiritual ascension.


The number 88 is a message to be assertive, authentic, and confidently walk your most true path. In doing so you pave the way for others.


The number 99 is a sign of the visionary and the assurance that you have the ability to inspire and enlighten others. It can also be a caution to not be too idealistic and expect too much from others.
