Chapter 22

Smells and Sounds

Not all smells and sounds are significant. Those that stand out and that persist may be a sign.



The smell of something burning is a sign of the beginning of a new path. Forces are clearing the way for a fresh start; you cannot go back to the old ways. Smells of burning may also be a warning to not push to try to make something happen. Practice patience.


Food smells are a sign that the spirit realm is offering you nurturance and love. Open your heart and allow yourself to be cared for.


The smell of garbage is a sign that you need to let go of something or someone. This may be a desire, an expectation, or another person. Something has outlived its usefulness. It may also be a message to question others’ motives and possibly your own.


If there is a pleasant scent in the air from no known source, it is a sign that the heavens and divine presence are watching over you.



Hearing arguing or fighting can suggest an inner conflict or indecisiveness. It can be a message to pay attention to your self-talk and to be kind and accept yourself for who you are. If there is an inner struggle or battle that you are experiencing, acknowledge it and focus on loving yourself and being compassionate instead. As you do this, new insights and awareness will surface.


Hearing live music from a band is a sign to express your emotions and your true self. The world needs to hear what you have to say. If you like the music this can be a sign to relax and enjoy yourself and others.


Hearing birds singing is a message from the higher spheres of love and divine presence. It is a sign of coming happiness.

Car Alarm

Hearing the sound of a car alarm can be a message to stay on your path and stick to your goals. Trust that you know what is right for you. There may be someone or a condition that may be trying to deter or hijack your plans or aspirations.


Hearing people cheering is a sign of accomplishment and coming success. If nothing comes to mind, you may have achieved a goal or learned a soul lesson. In some way you are a winner. Imagine all of your loved ones on the other side, your angels, and your spirit guides sending you joyous applause.


Hearing crickets is a sign of good luck. Listen within to your inner voice, your angels, loved ones on the other side, and spirit guides. You will be lead to an opportunity to increase abundance, love, and joy.

Crying or Screaming Child

Hearing a crying or screaming child is a sign of pent-up emotional stress, frustration, and the need to feel nurtured and cared for on a deep level. Treat yourself lovingly and compassionately. There is a child within you that needs your love and care.

Fire, Police, Ambulance

Hearing the siren of an emergency vehicle is a sign to take immediate action in a current condition or situation. Sometimes doing something, even if you are not sure it is the correct action, creates momentum and the opportunity for spirit to step in and bring healing and improvement.


If you hear laughter, it is likely someone in the spirit realm reminding you not to take things too seriously. The spirit realm loves to laugh. Loosen up and enjoy.


If you cannot help but overhear a conversation, there may be a message in it that you are meant to hear.
