Chapter 7

Casting Methods

The following Living Oracle rituals provide you with a few different options for invoking and eliciting sacred signs and messages. Although all of them will provide you with beneficial guidance and direction, you can choose the best one for you based on your available time, circumstances, urgency, and the type of guidance you desire.

A few of these oracles were created from ancient rituals and practices. Although they have been adapted for the Living Oracle, their timeless energy of strength and wisdom still supports and guides them.

The following three oracles generate and utilize a specific number of signs.

Sign Signature

Do you sometimes wonder who or what may be sending you a sign or who is behind the waves of love, warmth, and comfort you are experiencing? Do you ever want to connect with a loved one on the other side or an angel or guide, but are just not sure who is close and when they are near? With this oracle exercise you can invoke the presence of a specific spirit being and form a stronger, more reliable bond.

Use the Sign Signature to ask for an identifying sign from a loved one on the other side, an ascended master, an angel, an archangel, a spirit guide, or a nature spirit. This is their signature sign and they will use it to let you know when they are present.

The Sign Signature can be practiced as often as you like; however, focus on invoking a sign from only one spirit being at a time.


Find a spot in your home, office, or outdoors that is tucked away from traffic and noise and devise a simple altar. It can be as uncomplicated as a shelf on the top of a cabinet or a circle of stones in your backyard or a natural area. Place a piece of fabric in this spot. On the fabric place any objects or photos that represent or are connected to whom you would like to contact. If you want to connect with a loved one who is one the other side you can use their photo or a personal item. To invoke a spirit guide, your higher self, angel, archangel, or ascended master, you can use a picture, pendant, crystal, gemstone, seashells, or flowers associated with the spirit being. It is also helpful to write the name of whom you would like to invoke on a piece of paper and place it on the altar. If you do not have a specific name, you can write down, “my angel,” “my spirit guide,” or “my higher self.” Light a white candle and place it in or near the altar.

Breathe a few deep, clearing breaths and imagine white light energy completely surrounding you. Ask for the presence of whom you would like to contact to come close.

You can say something like this:

Mother Father Divine, surround me with the white light of your love and protection.

I ask for the presence of [name], loved one in spirit, my angel [or other spirit being or presence] to come close and bless me with a sign that you are near.

Repeat this or another invocation a few times. Meditate and send love and gratitude for the fulfillment of your request.

Once you have sent the message and spent a few minutes focused on the presence of whom you would like to connect with, you have completed the oracle casting. You can either leave your altar as is or wrap the objects and photos in the fabric.

Types of Signature Signs

The next step in this oracle is to be alert and patient. You may quickly become aware of a sign or it may take some time to appear. Go about your normal routines, staying alert and aware of the appearance of a sign. Try not to have an expectation as it can come to you at anytime and any place.

Common signature signs include items such as: a bird, butterfly, dragonfly, flower, gemstone, and stones and coins. Some signs are less tangible. These include such things as repeatedly hearing a favorite song or hearing soothing music, wind chimes, or your name being called. Smelling tobacco, a favorite perfume or the scent of flowers, or feeling a sudden and unexpected cool or warm breeze that is not in synch with the current weather are also common. A signature sign can also be the sensation of being touched or embraced, the flashing of lights, clocks that stop and start, phones ringing with no one on the line, or televisions or computers acting oddly.

You may receive more than one sign. This is not unusual. Sometimes the spirit realm overdoes it a bit just to make sure that we are paying attention. When you encounter what you believe to be a sign, send gratitude as an acknowledgment.

It is likely that once you identify a sign and acknowledge it, it will reappear from time to time. Each time you become aware of it, be alert to the presence of other signs. Review what is happening in your life and listen and be open to receiving guidance and direction. It might be that a loved one on the other side or a spiritual presence is seeking to assist you, or it may be simply a sign of their presence and continued love and protection.

Sign Signature Interpreted

The Sign Signature is straightforward: The sign you receive is the calling card of a spirit being and does not need any further interpretation. It will continually reappear as a sign of their presence. Over time you will likely begin to gain more meaning and guidance from this sign as it becomes an energetic portal through which you can receive messages and form a stronger connection to the spirit realm.

Heather, a twenty-five-year-old graduate student, was excited to cast the Sign Signature oracle. Her mother passed over to the other side when Heather was just sixteen and she often thought her mother was close, but she was not sure. She felt this oracle might help her feel closer to her mother and be better able to detect when she was near.

While driving to the store soon after reaching out to her mother through the Sign Signature ritual, Heather encountered ducks crossing the road. While she waited for the ducks to waddle past her, she felt that this was more than a coincidence. When Heather was young her family lived in the country and had a pond in their backyard. One summer her mother surprised her with some ducklings. As the ducks crossed her path, she recalled the laughter and joy that the ducks brought her and her mother over the years. Later that afternoon when walking into the store she spotted a bright yellow t-shirt imprinted with an image of a duck with its wings spread open and a happy look on its face. She bought the shirt, knowing that with her mother’s light-hearted humor, ducks were her signature sign.

Temple of Spirit

At times you may want to invoke just one sign for guidance, comfort, or connection with a higher power and presence. The Temple of Spirit is a one-sign oracle. It is reminiscent of the ancient oracle temples of Greece who were devoted to the Mother Goddess. The goddess was said to speak through the oracle, giving direction and guidance to those who had waited in long lines to enter the temple.

In the Temple of Spirit exercise there is no predetermined amount of time for the casting of the oracle. It begins when you make the request and ends when you receive a sign. Similar to the other exercises, begin by becoming aware of the area of concern or question that you would like addressed. Keep it simple and open-ended. Do not ask for a yes or no answer. With a one-sign oracle, a more direct request will invoke a more clear response. You can also cast this oracle for general guidance or to deepen your connection with the goddess or a higher power.

Similar to the Sign Signature oracle, it can be helpful to create a small altar indoors or outside to help you focus your intent and request. Place on the altar any objects or pictures that represent a higher loving presence or the goddess. You might also want to place flowers or a candle on the altar. With an open-hearted request for assistance, send a loving and thoughtful message into the spirit realm. Let go of your expectations and ask for guidance that is in your highest good.

When you feel as if your request is complete, send gratitude for the guidance soon to come your way and gather the altar.

After you have completed the request, be aware and alert to the emergence of a sign or message. Go about your normal routines, being mindful of the presence of a sign. Although you may not be completely certain when and if what you perceive is a sign, trust your first impression.

Temple of Spirit Interpreted

You may quickly understand the sign that you receive in the Temple of Spirit oracle. In an ahhh moment of understanding and intuitive insight it might make perfect sense. However, it might not. You may need some help to further interpret it. If this is true for you, consult the glossary for additional insight. If the glossary interpretation does not seem to make sense, interpret your concern, question, and current situation symbolically and look at how the meaning of the sign describes or connects to it.

For instance, Rita cast the Temple of Spirit for financial guidance. Although she worked full-time and had a well-paying job, she found that she often worried about her financial future and was concerned about the “what ifs.” What if she got laid off, or what if an unexpected expense came her way. These doubts and fears seemed to creep up out of nowhere, causing stress and worry.

Soon after casting the Temple of Spirit, Rita encountered people dancing at an outdoor concert while on her way to visit a friend. Although she felt that this was her sign, she was unsure how to interpret it.

Looking up the glossary definition of dancing, she read: Encountering people dancing is a sign to loosen up and release stress and tension in the body and feel joy. You do not need to dance, but do something that brings you pleasure. Dancing can also be a message to allow your spirit and heart to lead you. If you have been holding back or approaching life in a more logical and rational way, people dancing is a suggestion to let go, feel the joy of life, and trust your heart.

When Rita read this interpretation she realized that her attitude about finances and money was far from joyful and free. She became aware that for her, finances symbolically represented safety and security. She believed she had to be vigilant and watch every penny and guard against loss. She realized that the sign of people dancing was a message for her to lighten up and feel more of the joy in life. In her heart she knew that she would always have enough and that enjoying her abundance would attract more of it.

Sign Medicine Wheel Oracle

The Sign Medicine Wheel has its roots in the Native American practice of placing stones in a circular pattern to honor the four directions: north, south, east, and west. This practice is a healing rite that promotes peace and harmony among all living beings.

In the Sign Medicine Wheel, the oracle is cast to receive guidance from the four directions. There are two ways that the Sign Medicine Wheel can be cast. The first method does not require a specific area of concern or question. Each of the four directions represents and is symbolic of a specific area of your life. If you have an area, condition, concern, or question that you would like to be addressed, use the second method. In this method the four directions address the different aspects of your concern.

Although traditional medicine wheels are often located in rural areas, this oracle should be cast in an urban or residential area. Remember to have a voice recorder or journal and something to write with to record the signs.

Bring a compass to an outdoor location (many phones now come with a compass)a street, park, parking lot, or similar area works well. Go to a spot that feels right, stand there, and send a heartfelt request for the presence of a higher power to bless you with guiding signs. Send gratitude for the messages coming your way.

The Sign Medicine Wheel yields spontaneous signs and messages. In some of the other oracle casting exercises you may have to discern signs from everyday activity. In this oracle, whatever you first encounter and feel a connection with is your sign.

With your compass, turn to the north. Notice what draws your attention. This is your sign. Write it down or voice record it. Once you have documented your sign from the north, turn to face the east. Write down the sign that you receive from the east and turn to the south, document the first sign you notice, and turn to the west and document this sign.

Send a message of gratitude. The casting is complete.

Sign Medicine Wheel
Oracle Interpreted

The Sign Medicine Wheel oracle yields four signs, one for each of the four directions. In this oracle you cast and then interpret it through a specific format. The first sign you encounter is the north, sign 1, the south is sign 2, the west is sign 3, and the east is sign 4.

Sign Medicine Wheel for Overall Guidance

Here is a guide for what each direction represents.

North: Practical Matters

Represents finances, current needs and material concerns, and the current physical situation.

South: Career and Creativity

Represents what you are creating within your job, career, school, aspirations, and potential.

West: Love and Relationships

Includes feelings and relationship with your partner, friends, family, and your connection with others.

East: New Beginnings, Growth, and Future

Represents what may soon manifest or what is coming your way and the areas of your life where you may experience increase or growth. Allow the east sign to influence the interpretation of the other signs.

Example: Grace cast the Sign Medicine Wheel oracle for general guidance and did not have a specific question or concern in mind. Here are the signs that she received and their interpretation.

North: Practical Matters and Finances

Grace: I saw a large red truck pulling around the back of a building.

Glossary definition: Trucks represent service to others, strength, responsibilities, the ability to work hard or that there is work to be done. This may be in the area of your spiritual, mental, physical, or emotional health and well-being. If you stay focused you can make significant progress Trucks can be an omen of coming abundance and also symbolize your career path.

The color red can be a message of empowerment and assertiveness or a warning to subdue your anger or passion. It might also be a message to stop and assess where you are going before going any further.

Interpretation: A red truck in the north may indicate that there has been or is currently a focus on work and accomplishment in practical matters and finances. Although this is a strong and solid sign, it might be necessary to slow down and review how money is being spent and future plans.

South: Career and Creativity

Grace: I saw large berries on a plant, I am not sure what kind. They were green and not ripe.

Glossary definition: Encountering berries on a vine is a message of abundance, prosperity, and plans coming to fruition. Green, unripe berries are a sign to wait and be patient; a positive outcome is on the way.

Interpretation: Recent ideas and efforts related to career will soon come to fruition and be recognized.

West: Love and Relationships

Grace: A long path, the one I had been walking on.

Glossary definition: A walking path is a message that to make progress toward your desires and goals you need solitude and to listen within. A path in the woods or through trees and vegetation is a sign of entering into the unknown and inner mystery of self. This journey can only be undertaken solo. You may need to go it alone, at least for a while.

Interpretation: If you are in a relationship it is necessary to focus on yourself and your inner growth for the time being. As you understand and love yourself you are more able to give of yourself and be there for others. If you are single, embrace your aloneness: You are in the midst of discovering and developing your inner richness and reclaiming your authentic self.

East: New Beginnings, Future, Growth

Grace: I saw a light blue pickup truck.

Glossary definition: A pickup truck is a message to get to work on those things that are most meaningful and important to you. If you have been supporting others’ dreams and goals, it is time to focus on you.

The color blue is a sign of peace, truth, and tranquility. Darker blues may indicate depression or feeling down. Light blues can be a message of hopeful new beginnings, new life, or a fresh start.

Interpretation: The solitary and hardworking path that Grace is on is leading to a renewed sense of self and individuality. She has every reason to feel positive and hopeful for what is coming her way.

Alternative Four Direction Oracle

If you did the Sign Medicine Wheel oracle for guidance on a specific question or area of concern, here is an alternate divination method and meaning for the four directions.

North: Current Issue

Provides insight into the present situation or condition. This often reveals what is underlying the appearances.

South: Positive Potential

Reveals positive influences that may be hidden or unknown and what to put more energy and effort into.

West: Challenges

Describes influences and conditions that may require attention and effort. This may also indicate a lesson that you need to learn.

East: Outcome

Reveals what may manifest from the current conditions.

Cast and Interpreted Four Direction Oracle

Liza cast the Sign Medicine Wheel oracle for guidance on a specific issue. Here is her question and the interpretation of the oracle.

Liza: I strongly considering going to a writer’s retreat for the first week of September. Is this a good idea? What will I gain from it if I go?

North: Current Issue

Liza: My sign for the north was a tall, old tree that looked huge and regal. No breeze, it was very still, almost like a painting.

Glossary definition: A single tree represents a single individual or situation. A healthy tree with full foliage is a positive sign of good health, strength, and may be a message to claim your inner power and stand tall and be you.

Glossary definition: A clear sky with no breeze is a sign of inner clarity, wisdom, and a clear mind. It can be a message to trust your intuition and ideasyou are a clear channel for deeper awareness to surface.

Interpretation: The current issue behind the question of whether to go to the retreat is Liza’s need to perceive her true self with clarity and tap into her inner wisdom.

South: Positive Potential

Liza: I saw two guys exercising. One ran up the hill to benches, as the other ran down. They kept alternating; one ran up as the other ran down.

Glossary definition: If people are running or jogging in opposite directions it may be a sign of an inner conflict. If you seem to be confused or not sure of what you want, look deeper, there may be unacknowledged feelings or desires. If two or more people are running together this may be a sign of cooperation and working with others toward a common goal.

Interpretation: As these runners were practicing running drills together this may indicate that the workshop will provide a supportive group environment.

East: Challenges

Liza: I saw large white clouds from the horizon up to the sky above my head. In front of the clouds was a grey cloud bank, not clearly defined. The gray clouds reminded me of the clouds that I often saw at the beach.

Glossary definition: White, fluffy, large clouds are a sign of peace, serenity, and spiritual insight. It may be a message to contemplate, meditate, and listen to your innermost truth. The angels are talking to you.

Grey clouds can indicate mental chatter, doubt, or confusion.

Interpretation: The white fluffy clouds indicate that if Liza is able to quiet her doubting mind, she will experience spiritual insight and attain a deep, reflective state. The challenge will be to not allow herself to become confused by the chattering mind.

The clouds stimulated Liza’s memory of the beach. This may be a message to relax and adopt a leisurely approach to the workshop as these are the feelings that she most experiences while at the beach.

West: Outcome

Liza: My sign for the west direction is a jet trail (there’s no jet in the sky) that intersected the blue sky like a clearly drawn white line. It ran right down between two treetops.

Glossary definition: Seeing a white, long, straight-line jet trail is a sign of spiritual activity and an affirmation from the spirit realm that you are being guided and led.

The oracle indicates that the spirit realm is guiding Liza to participate in the workshop. With the support of the other participants she has the opportunity to quiet her mind and access her higher self and inner voice. This will empower her to write from an inner place of authenticity.
