I have listed only sources that were particularly useful as well as a select bibliography for further reading. I relied on numerous translations from Tuol Sleng Museum; many were supplied by Stephen Heder. Much of the rest of the material comes from magazines and newspapers as well as a number of confidential debriefing notes and documents, some of them passed on anonymously. The Phnom Penh Post was a particularly valuable source of information as was Searching for the Truth, the magazine of the Documentation Centre of Cambodia.
Ashe, Var Hong, From Phnom Penh to Paradise (Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1988)
Ayres, David M., Anatomy of a Crisis: Education Development and the State in Cambodia 1953–1998 (University of Hawaii Press, Hawaii, 2000)
Barron, John & Anthony Paul, Peace With Horror (Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1977)
Becker, Elizabeth, When the War Was Over (Simon and Schuster, New York, 1986)
Bizot, François, The Gate (Harvill Press, London, 2003)
Burchett, Wilfred, The China, Cambodia, Vietnam Triangle (Zed Press, London, 1981)
————, Mekong Upstream (Seven Seas Books, Berlin, 1959)
Chanda, Nayan, Brother Enemy: The War after the War (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, San Diego, New York London, 1986)
Chandler, David, Voices from S-21: Terror and History in Pol Pot’s Secret Prison (University of California Press, 1999)
————, A History of Cambodia (Silkworm Books, Chiang Mai, 1998)
————, Brother Number One: A Political Biography of Pol Pot (Westview Press, 1999)
————, Facing the Cambodian Past (Silkworm Books, Chiang Mai, 1996)
Chhoung, Tauch, Battambang during the Time of the Lord Governor (Phnom Penh, 1974)
Davies, Paul & Nic Dunlop War of the Mines (Pluto Press, London, 1994)
Doyle, Michael W., UN Peacekeeping in Cambodia: UNTAC’s Civil Mandate (Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, London, 1995)
Ea, Meng-Try & Sorya Sim, Victims and Perpetrators? Testimony of Young Khmer Rouge Comrades (Documentation Centre of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, 2001)
Ebihara, May M., Carol A. Mortland, Judy Ledgerwood, Cambodian Culture since 1975: Homeland and Exile (Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, 1994)
Etcheson, Craig, The Rise and Demise of Democratic Kampuchea (Westview Press, 1984)
Evans, Grant & Kelvin, Rowley, Red Brotherhood at War (Verso, London, 1984)
Fawcett, Brian, Cambodia: A Book for People Who Find Television Too Slow (Penguin Books, London, 1989)
Harrel-Bond, B.E., Imposing Aid: Emergency Assistance to Refugees (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1986)
Jackson, Karl (ed.), Cambodia 1975–1978: Rendezvous with Death (Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1989)
Jennar, Raoul, Les clès du Cambodge (Maisonneuve and Larose, Paris, 1995)
Kiernan, Ben and Chanthou Boua (eds.), Peasants and Politics in Kampuchea 1942–1981 (Zed Press, London, 1982)
Kiernan, Ben, The Pol Pot Regime: Race, Power, and Genocide in Cambodia Under the Khmer Rouge 1975–79 (Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 2002)
————, How Pol Pot Came to Power: A History of Communism in Kampuchea (Verso, London, 1985)
————, (ed.), ‘Genocide and Democracy in Cambodia’, Yale University Southeast Asia Studies, 1993.
LeShan, Lawrence, The Psychology of War: Comprehending its Mystique and its Madness (Helios Press, New York, 2002)
Lewis Herman, Judith, Trauma and Recovery: from Domestic Abuse to Political Terror (Pandora, London, 2001)
Mason, Linda and Roger Brown, Rice, Rivalry, and Politics: Managing Cambodian Relief (University of Notre Dame Press, 1983)
May, Someth, Cambodian Witness (Faber & Faber, London, 1986)
Monier-Williams, M., Buddhism in its Connexion with Brahminism and Hinduism and its Contrast with Christianity (Munshiram Manoharlal publishers, Delhi, 1995)
Mysliwiec, Eva, Punishing the Poor: The International Isolation of Kampuchea (Oxfam, Oxford, 1988)
Nee, Meas with Joan Healy, Towards Restoring Life: Cambodian Villages (JSRC, Phnom Penh, 1995)
Ngor, Haing S. and Roger Warner, Surviving the Killing Fields (Chatto and Windus, London, 1987)
Osborne, Milton, Sihanouk: Prince of Light, Prince of Darkness (Silkworm Books, Chiang Mai, 1994)
————, Before Kampuchea: Preludes to Tragedy (Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1979)
Paskin Carrison, Muriel & the Venerable Kong Chhean Cambodian Stories from the Gatiloke, (Tuttle Publishing, Boston, Rutland and Tokyo, 1987)
Philpotts, Robert, Reporting Angkor: Chou Ta-Kuan in Cambodia, 1296–97, (Blackwater Press)
Photo Archive Group, The, The Killing Fields (Twin Palms Press, Santa Fe, 1996)
Picq, Laurence, Beyond the Horizon: Five Years with the Khmer Rouge (St Martin’s Press, New York, 1989)
Pilger, John Anthony Barnett, Aftermath: The Struggle of Cambodia and Vietnam (New Statesman, London, 1982)
Pilger, John, Heroes (Pan Books, London, Sydney and Auckland, 1989)
————, Distant Voices, (Vintage, London, 1994)
Ponchaud, François, Cambodia: Year Zero (Penguin Books, London, 1978)
Reynell, Josephine, Political Pawns: Refugees on the Thai-Kampuchean border (Refugee Studies Programme, Oxford, 1989)
Robinson, Courtland W., Terms of Refuge: The Indochinese Exodus and the International Response (Zed Press, London and New York, 1998)
Shawcross, William, Sideshow: Kissinger, Nixon and the Destruction of Cambodia (Simon & Schuster, New York, 1979)
————, The Quality of Mercy: Cambodia, Holocaust and Modern Conscience (André Deutsch, London, 1984)
Sheehy, Gail, Spirit of Survival (Bantam Press, London, 1987)
Szymusiak, Moylda, The Stones Cry Out: A Cambodian Childhood 1975–1980 (Jonathan Cape, London, 1984)
Thion, Serge, Watching Cambodia (White Lotus Press, Bangkok, 1993)
Ung, Bunheang and Martin Stuart-Fox, The Murderous Revolution (Alternative Publishing Cooperative Limited, Australia, 1985)
Vannak, Huy, The Khmer Rouge Division 703: From Victory to Self-destruction (Documentation Centre of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, 2003)
Vickery, Michael, Cambodia 1975–82 (South End Press, Sydney, 1985)
Weschler, Lawrence, A Miracle, A Universe: Settling Accounts with Torturers (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1998)
Yathay, Pin, Stay Alive, My Son (Bloomsbury, London, 1987)
Amnesty International, Kampuchea: Political Imprisonment and Torture (London, June 1987)
Asia Watch, Cambodia: Human Rights Before and After the Elections (Human Rights Watch Vol. 5 No. 10 May 1993)
Human Rights Watch/Asia, Human Rights Watch Arms project, Cambodia at War (New York, 1995)
Asia Watch/Physicians for Human Rights, Landmines in Cambodia: The Cowards’ War (New York, 1991)
Bull, David, The Poverty of Diplomacy (Oxfam, Oxford, 1983)
Falconer, Bruce, Murder by the State (Atlantic Monthly, November 2003)
Hawk, David, Tuol Sleng Extermination Centre, Index on Censorship, (London, 1986)
Healy, Joan, Towards Understanding, unpublished essay (1992)
Heder, Stephen and Brian D. Tittemore, Seven Candidates for Prosecution: Accountability for the Crimes of the Khmer Rouge (War Crimes Research Office, American University, June 2001)
Heder, Stephen, Justice for Cambodia? Talk to the School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London, November 2002)
Hughes, Rachel, The Abject Artefacts of Memory: Photographs from Cambodia’s Genocide (Media, Culture & Society, Sage Publications, London and Delhi, 2003)
Jackson, Tony, Just Waiting to Die? Cambodian Refugees in Thailand (Report by Oxfam, 1987)
Maat, Bob, The Weight of These Sad Times, End of Mission Report on the Thai-Cambodian Border (UNBRO 1989)
————, The ‘Major Disruption’ at Samet, Christmas 1984 (Jesuit Refugee Service, Occasional Papers)
Niland, Norah, The Politics of Suffering: The Thai-Cambodian Border: A Case Study on the Use and Abuse of Humanitarian Assistance (University of Dublin, Centre for Peace Studies, Irish School of Ecumenics, November 1991)
Payne, Carole, Deathwork: Unbearable Witness (School for Studies in Art and Culture, Carelton University, Ottawa, October 2000)
Thye Trebay, Guy, Killing Fields of Vision (Village Voice, New York, May 1997)
United Nations, Kampuchean Humanitarian Assistance Programmes: The International Community’s Response (New York, 1986)
————, United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia, (UN report, December 1993)
UNBRO report, Displacement and Survival (Bangkok, December 1994)
UN Secretary-General report, Financing of the United Nations Advance Mission in Cambodia, Financing of United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (7 May 1992)