1. What do you call a baby possum?
a. A kitten
b. A cub
c. A joey
d. A puggle
2. What did Juliet find under her bed for the baby koala?
a. Her lunch from three weeks ago
b. A teddy bear
c. One of Max’s dinosaurs
d. Three sheep
3. Before you feed a baby possum you should :
a. Give it a big cuddle and a kiss
b. Put on its bib so it doesn’t dribble
c. Sing it a nursery rhyme
d. Wipe its bottom to make it go to the toilet
4. Blue-tongue lizards love to eat :
a. Snails
b. Ice-cream
c. Small children
d. Fish and chips
5. Why did the girls have to let their babies go?
a. They were wild animals and should not be kept as pets
b. They would get sick of looking after them
c. The possums would be scared of Max’s dinosaurs
d. All the kids at school would want one
6. It was strange to see Juliet’s dad holding a possum because :
a. He prefers snakes
b. Animals don’t usually like him
c. He doesn’t usually like animals
d. He’s not very strong
7. What did Juliet’s mum put on the wombat’s feet?
a. Slippers
b. Ice packs
c. Ice skates
d. Vegemite
8. What escaped in Max’s room?
a. Dinosaurs
b. Cockroaches
c. Crickets
d. A sugar glider
9. What does Max like to have for breakfast on Saturdays?
a. Cereal
b. Pancakes
c. Bacon and eggs
d. Porridge
10. All baby mammals drink :
a. Juice
b. Soft drink
c. Cordial
d. Milk
Answers : 1c, 2b, 3d, 4a, 5a, 6c, 7b, 8c, 9b, 10d. Well done!