

When we got out of the car, Ms. Donatello was waiting for us on the sidewalk. She had a big smile on her face and an even bigger black leather folder under her arm.

“I’ll bet you didn’t expect to see me again so soon, did you?” she said.

I didn’t expect to see her again at all, but I didn’t say that.

“Here.” She gave me the big folder. “I brought a portfolio of your artwork from last year. Now come on—we don’t want to be late!”

We followed Ms. D. through the front door and up to the main office, where the interview was supposed to happen.

On the outside, Cathedral was just some regular building, but it was pretty cool on the inside, with lots of big windows, and stairs going in all different directions. Ms. D. told us it used to be a brick factory about a hundred years ago, and Mom said things like oh my, and how wonderful.

Meanwhile, I was bringing up the rear and freaking out while nobody noticed. This was starting to look like a suicide mission. There were paintings and drawings all over the place, and as far as I could tell, every kid who went to this school was a way better artist than me.

“Maybe we shouldn’t have come,” I said.

Everyone looked at me. Even Georgia.

“Rafe, you’re going to do fine,” Ms. Donatello said.

I looked at the office door. “What’s going to happen in there?”

“First, they’ll take a look at your portfolio…”


“… and then ask a few questions about some of your drawings.”


“After that, you’ll be asked to leave the room, and they’ll take some time to consider your application.”


And before I even know it’s happened, I’m at the point of no return. The door to the office is already swinging open. They’re waiting for me inside.

“Anything else I should know?” I ask Ms. D.

Except, Ms. D. isn’t Ms. D. anymore. Her eyes have re-formed into yellow slits, and her breath has turned to smoke. She paws at the big black folder I’m holding. “Everything you need is right in there,” she says.

When I look, I see that she’s hidden my old sword inside the portfolio. Amazing! The Dragon Lady, once my enemy, is now my ally.

But she’s also taken me as far as she can go. Whatever’s waiting on the other side of that door, I’m going to have to face it alone. The only question now is whether I’ll be coming back alive…

… or not.