

I spent the rest of the morning wondering what Matty’s next move was going to be.

By fifth period, I was so tired of watching out, I was ready for a nap.

Of course, that wasn’t going to happen. For one thing, I didn’t want to give Matty a chance to tattoo my face or roll me out the window.

And for another thing… just because my day wasn’t already complicated enough… we also had a crit that period.

This one was for a digital-art unit that Mr. Crawley had been teaching. The assignment was to take our own pictures and then cut them up on the computer and make a new image with them.

In fact, I actually liked my finished thing. I’d gotten Matty to take a picture of me (back before we hated each other). Then I put parts of myself into another picture, of a brick wall, so it looked like someone had built the wall right up around me, with my arms, face, and legs sticking out in different places. I also made up my own graffiti on the computer and put that all over the wall too.