

Seeds and Plants

The Banana Tree

715 Northampton Street

Easton, PA 18042

No catalog at present; offers seeds of predominantly tropical and subtropical plants, including pigeon peas and ginger, on Web site:

Bamboo Sourcery

666 Wagnon Road

Sebastopol, CA 95472

The nursery is not open to the public.

$2.00 for catalog; over 200 varieties of bamboo plants

Chiltern Seeds

Bortree Stile


Cumbria LA12 7PB England

Large variety of different types of seeds

Echo Seed Sales

17430 Durrance Road

North Fort Meyers, FL 33917

$1.00 for catalog

Specializes in tropical and subtropical vegetables and fruits.

Evergreen Y. H. Enterprises

P.O. Box 17538

Anaheim, CA 92817

$2.00 for catalog in USA, $2.50 in Canada; most extensive mail-order selection of Asian vegetables and herbs

Garden City Seeds

778 Highway 93 North

Hamilton, MT 59840

Carries varieties for short seasons and cold climates.

J. L. Hudson, Seedsman

Star Route 2, Box 337

La Honda, CA 94020

For catalog: P.O. Box 1058, Redwood City, CA 94064

$1.00 for catalog; wide selection of seeds, including many hard-to-find varieties

Johnny’s Selected Seeds

Foss Hill Road

Albion, ME 04910-9731

Superior varieties of vegetables, herbs, and flowers

Kitazawa Seed Company

1111 Chapman Street

San Jose, CA 95126

Specializes in Asian vegetables

Lilypons Water Gardens

6800 Lilypons Road

P.O. Box 10

Buckeystown, MD 21717

This company specializes in water plants, including water chestnuts

Nichols Garden Nursery

1190 North Pacific Highway NE

Albany, OR 97321-4580

Selected varieties of gourmet vegetables, herbs, and flowers, including several Asian varieties

Redwood City Seed Company

P.O. Box 361

Redwood City, CA 94064

$1.00 for catalog in USA, Canada, Mexico;

$2.00 to other countries; specializes in endangered cultivated plants, some Asian.

Richters Herbs

357 Highway 47

Goodwood, Ontario

Canada LOC 1A0

Extensive selection of herb seeds and plants including most of the unusual Southeast Asian ones

Pacific Tree Farms

4301 Lynwood Drive

Chula Vista, CA 91910

$2.00 for catalog; ships live trees and other plants, including Kaffir lime and beecheyana bamboo

Seeds of Change

P.O. Box 15700

Santa Fe, NM 87506-5700

Organically grown vegetable and herb seeds

Seeds Trust High Altitude Gardens

P.O. 1048

Hailey, ID 83333

Specializes in open-pollinated, short-season vegetables and native wildflowers

Shepherd’s Garden Seeds

30 Irene Street

Torrington, CT 06790

Excellent varieties of vegetables, herbs, and flowers

Stokes Seeds, Inc.

P.O. Box 548

Buffalo, NY 14240

Vegetable, herb, and flower seeds, including a very good offering of Asian vegetables

Territorial Seed Company

P.O. Box 157

Cottage Grove, OR 97424-0061

Good selection of open-pollinated varieties

Thompson & Morgan, Ltd.

Poplar Lane


Suffolk IPS 3BU


Wide variety of different types of seeds

Tomato Growers Supply Company

P.O. Box 2237

Fort Meyers, FL 33902

Extensive selection of tomatoes and peppers

Upper Bank Nurseries

P.O. Box 486

Media, PA 19063

Carries bamboo plants; send SASE for price list

Van Ness Water Garden

2460 North Euclid Avenue

Upland, CA 91874

Water gardening supplies; carries water chestnut plants; ships in spring and summer only

Vermont Bean Seed Company

Garden Lane

Fair Haven, VT 05743

Extensive selection of beans, including mung and adzuki

Willhite Seed Company Inc.

P.O. Box 23

Poolville, TX 76487

Specializes in warm weather crops, including East Indian vegetables

Gardening and Cooking Supplies

The best source of most Asian ingredients is your local Asian market. If you do not have one near you, Anzen Importers will most likely have what you need.

Anzen Importers

736 Martin Luther King Boulevard

Portland, OR 97232

Many Japanese, Chinese, and Thai dried and canned ingredients

Gardener’s Supply Company

128 Intervale Road

Burlington, VT 05401

Gardening tools and supplies

Nutrite, Inc.

P.O. Box 160

Elmira, Ontario

Canada N3B 2Z6

Good Canadian source of gardening supplies

Peaceful Valley Farm Supply

P.O. Box 2209

Grass Valley, CA 95945

Gardening supplies, organic fertilizers, seeds for cover crops

Penzey’s Ltd.

P.O. Box 933

Muskego, WI 53150

Large selection of all sorts of dried herbs and spices, including many Asian varieties

Sur la Table

Catalog Division

1765 Sixth Avenue South

Seattle, WA 98134

Cooking equipment

The Oriental Pantry

423 Great Road

Acton, MA 01720

Asian groceries and cooking supplies


Mail Order Department

P.O. Box 7456

San Francisco, CA 94120-7456

Cooking equipment